chapter seven

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5:30 AM

You wake up thinking that last night was just a dream. Your mom wasn't crying in a motel room. You did have a fight with a Jason and broke up. You didn't make out with Eddie and then have him fall asleep on your chest. But all of those things happened.

You open your eyes to see Eddie. He had his head in your lap and was curled up into a ball on the rest of the couch. You look around and Mike and Dustin were also still asleep. You knew they needed to be gone before your parents got home. You already had to tell them that you and Jason broke up, let's not push it by telling them Eddie, Mike, and Dustin spent the night as well. You gently woke Eddie up, or you tried to.

You started shaking him to wake him up and he spasms and falls off the couch. You let out a laugh. "Not cool y/n. I was very comfy and sleeping good. Now that I think about it, that what's probably the best sleep I've had in years." Eddie says. He stands up off the floor and stretches his arms above his head. His shirt rides up and you see his stomach. This made you smile and blush just thinking about last night.

"You look what you see? You could take a picture, it'll last longer than staring at me." Eddie says, while of course smirking. You didn't even realize you were staring, but you snapped back as soon as he said those words. "Oh, sorry Eddie. I didn't even notice that I was staring." You say trying to get your attention back from the thoughts of last night. "I enjoyed last night. It was a lot of fun," Eddie says while giving you a kiss on the cheek. "I can't wait to finish what we started." He winks as he walks away into the kitchen.

"We've got to wake the boys up. I would love for y'all to stay, but my parents would flip their shit if they found out y'all spend the night." You said while sitting on the island in front of Eddie. "Don't worry darlin' I have the perfect alarm to wake up teenage boys." He laughed as he went searching through your cabinets. "Ah ha. Just what I need." He turns around with a pot in one hand and a spoon in the other. "This worked wonders on me, I'm sure it'll do the same for them."

We walked into the living room. We started laughing as Eddie started banging the spoon against the pot. Mike and Dustin jumped up, looking terrified. "Good Morning Children! It is time to wake up and seize the day!" Eddie says while putting the pot down. "What the hell Eddie. You almost gave me a HEART ATTACK!" Dustin yells while sitting back down. You and Eddie looked at each other and started laughing. "Sorry guys, it was all your Dungeon Masters idea, not mine." You say shrugging your shoulders. "Yeah that sounds like something he'd do." Mike says while standing up to stretch.

"What time are your parents going to be home, y/n?" Dustin asks, finally standing up. "They said they're going to be home around 8 ish so I figured I'd better wake y'all up, cook breakfast, and kick y'all out of my house before they get here," you say folding your arms over your chest. "We'll that's very sweet of you y/n," Eddie says. He walks over and whispers in your ear "Before you kick me out, you might want helping covering your neck." He laughs and you blush. "Yeah you did such a great job on those that even the boys noticed." You say pointing to Mike and Dustin.

"Oh yeah we saw those last night. We won't say anything, so don't freak out Eddie." Dustin says while laughing. "Just an fyi y/n, just because our D&D leader likes you or whatever, doesn't mean you get to boss us around." Mike says. Eddie punches him in the shoulder, staring at him. "I would never dream of it Mike." You look at Eddie and he's blushing. HARD. Okay he's adorable when he blushes, no one can tell me different.

"So what do you shitheads what to eat?" You asked while walking to the fridge. "Waffles sounds great." Dustin said giving you a smile. "Sounds perfect Princess." Eddie says while wrapping his arms around you, giving you a hug.

You start to cooking the boys waffles while they are watch TV. You could hear Eddie tell Mike he was an idiot for telling me he liked him. You giggled to yourself and went back to making the waffles.

"Okay Children, time for breakfast!" You yell while sitting their waffles down at the table. The all run to get breakfast like they haven't ate in 10 years, of course as Dustin always saying "We're growing boys, we eat a lot." Before you could turn around to get the boys napkins, they were almost done eating. "Guys, slow down. I haven't even started yet." You said sitting down. "Oh, sorry y/n. We're just hungry!" Mike says while shoving waffles into his mouth. "We'll while I finish eating, y'all are in charge of cleaning up and making it look like no one was yesterday!" You tell the boys. "Yes ma'am. We're on it!" Eddie says as he hops up and salutes you.

The boys get hop up from the table. Mike and Dustin run to the living room while Eddie picks up from breakfast. You sit there trying to eat, but all you attention goes to Eddie. He looks good right now. Like attractive, good. Eddie looks at you and laughs. You smile as you realize you'd been caught staring again. Eddie comes over and grabs your plate whenever you got done eating. "Your cooking is amazing sweetheart, even if it was only waffles. Thank you for feeding us." Eddie says while putting his hands on the the table looking down at you. "We'll, I'm pretty sure you would've ransacked my house sooner or later if I didn't give you food," you say as you laugh. "But thank you Eddie."

You two look at Mike and Dustin In the living room. They'd were fighting over which way a blanket should be folded. Jeez, is there anything they don't fight over?

You and Eddie look back at each other. Eddie just stares at your eyes and then your lips. "May i?" He asks as he leans in closer. "Yes, yes you may." You say while smirking. Eddie leans down to kiss you. You kiss him back and enjoy it more and more. You pull away and smile at Eddie. "We don't have time to start something else when we haven't even finished the first time." You say while winking at him.

The boys finally figured out how to properly fold a blanket and finish cleaning the living room. They walk back into the kitchen smiling at each other. "Okay y/n. It looks like no one was here yesterday. I think you'll be good." Mike says. "Thank you guys. I appreciate it a lot." You say giving the boys a hug. You look down at your watch, 7:00 AM. "Alright boys, time to head out. I don't want my parents getting here while y'all are pulling out." You say to the boys and they all look at each other. "Y/n, seriously what about your neck?" Eddie says looking worried. "Oh please you act like I'm innocent and I've never had a hickey" you say. You wink at Eddie. He just looks at you surprised. "Okay first off, EW! Second off, EWWW!" Dustin screams. You all laugh.

"Call us if you need us y/n. We will be over here as fast as we can if you need anything," Mike says giving you a hug. "Yeah absolutely anything y/n. I'm stay at Mike's today, so I'll be there." Dustin says. He comes and gives you a hug after Mike. "Y/n please let me know what happens when your parents get home. I'll be over here to pick you up and take you far away." Eddie says giving you a soft smile. "Thank y'all, I love y'all so much." You say. You kiss Eddie on the cheek as they walk out the door. You could here Mike and Dustin groan as you did it. "Bye Eddie." You say. "Bye y/n" Eddie says. You watch them get into the van and drive away. "Wow. What a fucking night. Let's hope today is better." You say walking up the stairs.

You took a shower before your parents got home. You were worried about what happened and what your parents were going to say. There's no point in worrying if you don't know what's wrong. You finished your shower and put your clothes on. You decided it would be best to wear some clothes you know your mom would approve of. So it was a pair of your sweats and a T-shirt. She couldn't get mad at me for this. You went to your makeup bag and went to work on your neck. After about 10 minutes, everything was covered and looked good.

You walk back downstairs to watch TV until they got home. You've checked your watch at least 20 times in the past 5 minutes. You finally heard a car door shut. You look at the door and in walks your mom followed by your dad. Well whatever is happening, you're about to find out.

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