chapter eleven

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*smut in this chapter*

You saw Jason walk through the doors with all of his friends. You instantly froze. You couldn't believe that out of all the places he could be, he would show up here.

Eddie noticed something was wrong and looked back the door. He saw Jason and his friends sit down as well. They didn't notice you two yet. "Y/n if you wanna go, we can. I know you don't want to be around him." Eddie says.  "No Ed's it's fine. I know I'm safe with you. Let's finish eating breakfast." You say giving him a reassuring smile. "Are you sure love?" You nod your head and finish eating your breakfast. Our waiter comes back over and hands us the bill. Eddie try's to pay, but you pull out your dad's card first. "Nah uh Ed's. You've given me a place to stay while I figure my life out, the least I could do is pay for our meal." You say. You hand the waiter your card and wait for him to bring it back. "Thank you y/n. Next time, I'm paying though. No way in hell I'm going to let you pay twice for our food." Eddie says.

You two finish eating and get up to leave. You hope that Jason doesn't notice you, but he sadly does. "Y/n? Y/n what are you doing with this freak?" Jason says, pointing to Eddie. You try to ignore him and just walk past him. Eddie grabs your wrist and starts to pull you out, but Jason grabs the other to pull you back in. "I asked you a question." Jason says. "It's none of your business what I'm doing here with Eddie. Now let go of me." You say back at him. Anger was rising through your body and you could almost feel yourself loose control. "Y/n, please babe. You need to come back to me, forget about him. You belong with me." Jason says, trying to pull you to his chest. You finally jerk away from Jason as Eddie is turning to face him. "She's good asshole. She doesn't need you and you don't deserve her." Eddie says. You stepped in between the boys to try and stop whatever was about to start. "Come on Ed's, let's go. You're better than this." You say to Eddie, pushing him out the door. "Yeah she doesn't deserve me? Then why did she run to the freak to make herself feel better?" Jason yells at you.

You lost control. "You wanna know what Jason?" You say. Before he can even get a letter out of his mouth you punch him in the face. Jason falls to the ground and you stand over his body. "Eddie deserves more than what you give him credit for. In the short time we've been together, I've been happier with him than the two years with you. We're OVER Jason. Leave us alone." You say.

Eddie grabs your hands and you two run out the door. You jump in his van and he starts the van and drives away. "Y/n. Are you okay?" Eddie asks. You didn't even notice, but you were crying. "Yes Ed's. I'm okay. I promise." You say. He grabs your thigh and looks at you. "You didn't have to do that. I had it handled" Eddie says. "Nah it's okay. I've been wanting to do that for a longgg time Ed's." You say. You two both laugh.

Eddie pulls into Family Video. "How about we get a movie and stay in the bed for the rest of the day?" Eddie asks. "That sounds perfect to me Ed's."

Eddie runs over to open your door for you and you two walk inside. "Y/n!!!! What are you doing here?!" Robin yells. "Hey Robin!!" You say giving her a hug. "I don't know, I figured I'd go scuba diving here?" you say sarcastically. "Haha. Real funny." Robin says. You and Eddie start looking around at the movie options. "How you feel about horror?" Eddie says while grabbing "Nightmare On Elm Street". "I mean if you're okay with me being curled up in your lap the whole time." You say while laughing. "Oh sweetheart, I would love that." He says.

Eddie grabs you by the waist and pulls you in for a kiss. "Y/n? Is that you?" I hear from behind us. I turn around and see Steve. "Steveeeee!" You yell and run to him. He grabs you by your waist and picks you up, spinning you around. "What have you been up to?" He asks while putting you down. You look over at Eddie and he's furious. "We'll me and Eddie are getting a movie to watch today." You say grabbing Eddie's hand. He looks at you with a smile. "We'll you've came to the right place. Nightmare on Elm Street? Great choice," Steve says. "If y'all are done, I can check y'all out."

You and Eddie make your way to the register, grabbing candy and snacks to go with the movie. "Anything else for you two day?" Steve asks. "No. Just the movie and snacks." Eddie snaps back. You look at him and he looks like he wants to snap Steve's neck. Steve hands the movie back to you and Eddie grabs the bag of snacks. "Thanks Steve. I'll see you later." You say.

You and Eddie get to the van and he slams his door. "Ed's. Are you alright?" You ask. You out your hand on his thigh and rub it. He grips the steering wheel so hard you can see the white in his knuckles. "So. Steve huh?" Eddie says to you, not taking his eyes off the steering wheel. "Yeah Steve's one of my friends. Nothing more." You say.

It clicks in your head. Eddie is jealous. "Ed's I don't like Steve like that. I wouldn't do the things I do with him that I do with you." You say smirking at him. He looks at you and smiled. "Oh yeah, what kind of things is that?" "We'll if I wasn't promised a day in bed watching movies," you say to Eddie, slowly leaning towards him,"I would get in the back of this van and ride the fuck out of you." You say whispering in his ear. He looks at you in disbelief. You look down and see his dick is hard. Wow just a little dirty talk and he's ready to fuck? I love that.

"Princess, don't start something you can't finish." Eddie says. He grabs you by the chin and looks in your eyes. "I'm just stating the obvious." You say. You lean back in your seat and look at Eddie's face. He looks frozen. "We'll alright then. Let's get home." He says.

Eddie pulls out of Family Video and starts driving home. You wonder what's going through his mind. Dirty thoughts I imagined since he was still hard. You laughed and he noticed what you were looking at. "This is your fault." Eddie says. We both laugh.

You can't keep the images of Eddie out of your mind. You wanted him, more than anything. "Hey Ed's?" You say. You start rubbing his thigh. He looks at you. "I'm going to do something right now, and all I need you to do is get us home. Okay?" You say. "Okay princess. Do whatever you want."

You slide in the floor between the seats. You start to unbuckle his pants and zip them down. "Woah. I didn't think you were going to give me head right now." He says looking down at you. "We'll i made the problem, I need to fix it." You say staring back up at him.

Eddie shifts in his seat to make it more comfortable. You slide his pants to his thighs. How could it be possible he looks bigger right now? You start rubbing his dick through his underwear. "Fuck y/n. The things you make me want to do to you." Eddie says breathing hard. "We'll Eddie, maybe you can show them to me one day."

You pull his boxers down enough for his dick to flip up, touching his stomach. You take him into your hands and start jerking him off. You could hear him moaning and sucking his teeth. You put all of him into your mouth and start sucking him off. "Oh baby don't stop." Eddie says. You keep on going up and down until you hear him morning more and more. "Mhmm. Darlin, I'm about to cum. Don't stop don't stop." Eddie says, barely getting it out. You keep on going until you feel his cum in the back of your throat. You lick him clean and get back in your seat. "Oh y/n. The things I'm going to do to you when we get home." Eddie says smirking.

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