chapter ten

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You stay in the shower a little bit longer than normal. The image of you and Eddie fucking, it was something you'd only thought of. You ran your hand down your body, tracing all of the hickies he's left on you. You can't help but smile.

You finish your shower and dry off. You look around and soon realize, you forgot your clothes in Eddie's room. "Eddie! Eddie! Pst!" You try to scream/yell. You didn't want his uncle to know you were naked in the bathroom with no clothes. You tried to get Eddie's attention for 5 minutes.

You finally stuck your head out to make sure no one was around and you ran to Eddie's room. You close the door and put your back against it and sigh. "Everything alright, Princess?" Eddie says getting off of him bed. "Are you fucking deaf? I've been trying to get you to come to the bathroom for five minutes!" You say, not being able to hold back laughter. "Oh shit. My bad," He says while laughing as well. "At least I got to see your perfect body again." He says. He pulls you in by your waist and starts kissing your neck. You lean your head back to give him more access. "My my my. I thought i just rocked your world, and you're already ready for round two?" He says while smirking. "No Eddie no. I have to get clothes on and meet your uncle." You say while pulling him out of your neck. "Ugh!" he groans and throws a tantrum.

You stand there and watch Eddie groan in his pillow. You can't help but laugh, a 19 year old, throwing a tantrum. You sit down beside him and rub his head. "I promise, after I meet your uncle and get something to eat, we can finish." You say while kissing his cheek. "You're amazing sweetheart." Eddie says while raising up to kiss you.

You look through your bags and try to find an outfit. You pick black skinny jeans and a colorful T-shirt. Eddie just sits on his bed watching you get dressed. "What? Like what you see?" You turn around to him and wink. "Oh very much so darlin'. I love it." He says while standing up to wrap himself around you. "Y/n, if my uncle asks about why you stayed the night, just let me handle it, okay? You don't have to go into detail about it" Eddie says while looking at you in the eyes. "Thank you Ed's. I appreciate it." You say while rubbing your head against his chest.

Eddie gets dressed and walks to his door. "Wait here y/n. I'll tell Wayne you're here first." You nod your head yes and watch him walk out the door. What would his uncle think of you? I mean you're just a random girl that spent the night in his trailer. He doesn't know you, you don't know him. Eddie pokes his head back in his room. "You can come out darlin," he says while opening the door all the way. You stand up and check out yourself in the mirror one last time and walk out.

You see his uncle sitting on the couch, sipping his coffee and watching TV. "Uncle Wayne, this is y/n. Y/n this is Uncle Wayne." Eddie says while sitting on the couch. You sit beside Eddie. "Hello!" You say, smiling. His uncle looks tired. I wonder if I woke him up by banging on the door. "Hello, y/n. It's nice to meet you." His uncle says.

You three sit there and talk for the majority of the morning. Wayne seems like a very kind man. You look down at your watch, 11:30 AM. You didn't even realize what time it was, you just got so engulfed in the conversation. Wayne looks back at the stove and looks at the time. "We'll kiddos, i better get to bed. Last night was a very long night." Wayne says standing up. You and Eddie stand up and well. "I'll see you tonight before I go to work kiddo," Wayne says to Eddie while giving him a hug. "And i I hope to see you again y/n" Wayne says while giving you a hug as well.

"Hey y/n you can go on and go get your stuff together for the day. I've got to talk to Wayne for a minute. It's uh.. guy stuff." Eddie says. "Yeah no problem." I say walking towards Eddie's room. You get to Eddie's room and sit on his bed. You can hear Eddie talking to his uncle and can faintly hear him. "Look Wayne, is it okay if y/n stays here for a little while? Her dad kicked her out after they got into a fight and I don't think he'll take her back anytime soon." Eddie says. "Yes son, that's fine with me. I can tell she's something special already."

You blush at hearing what Wayne said about you. You haven't even thought about staying here for longer than today. You didn't know where you would go, but asking Eddie to stay at his house was way to much to ask. If they let me stay here, I had no way to repay them.

Eddie walks back into the room and smiles at you. "We'll did it go as well as you think it would?" He sits beside you on the bed. "Your uncle is a very sweet man Ed's." You say putting your head on his chest. "We'll I know you're hungry, so let's go get breakfast and have a good day today." Eddie says standing up and helping you off the bed. "Sounds great to me Ed's. Thank you..for everything." You say. Eddie puts his hand on your cheek and rubs it with his thumb. "Anything for you y/n." You says. He places a soft kiss on your cheek. You smile at each other.

Eddie drives you to the diner that's right outside of Hawkins. "I've never been here before? Is it any good?" You ask Eddie. "What?? You've never been here!! You're about to get your world rocked today, well at least for a second time." Eddie says while winking at you. You laugh and go to open your door, but Eddie pulls it back. "Nah uh. Give me one minute." Eddie jumps out of the van and runs to your side. He opens your door and helps you out. "Thank you Ed's. You're so sweet." You say. You kiss him on the cheek.

You two walk in the diner and sit in the booth in the back. "Okay y/n. They have amazing burgers and fries. Their breakfast is top notch as well." Eddie says. "I may just have to take you up on the breakfast Ed's." You look over the menu and decide the breakfast looked the best.

The waiter came over and took our orders and we started talking. "Soooo y/n. What are our plans for Winter Break?" Eddie says. Our plans? I didn't even know what I was going to do, much less both of us. "Uhh whatever you wanna do Ed's. Anything is fine with me." You say smiling at him. "We'll I'm sure you've heard from Mike and Dustin that i have a few campaigns planned over Winter Break, I'd love for you to come to them." He says smirking at you. "Eddie, I would love to." You smile back.

The waiter comes back with your food and you and Eddie start eating. He devours the food just like he did at your house. "Eddie, you can slow down, it's not going anywhere." You say, trying to hold back a laugh. "I'm sorry y/n. It's just so good." He says while slowing down.

You enjoyed having breakfast with Eddie. It was calm and relaxing. You laughed more in the past two days than you have in two years. You've also cried more, but that was beside the fact. You were happy. Eddie told you a stupid joke and you start laughing. You look down at the table and then look back up and your face drops. Just the one person you never wanted to see again walked through the door.


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