chapter eighteen

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you stayed farther back from eddie so that way he wouldn't realize you were following him. he stopped at a gas station on the way to grab snacks for the boys and you went towards Family Video to tell Robin you'd be a little late. you pull into the parking lot of the video store and hop out. as soon as you walk in, you hear Robin yell. "y/n!! i'm so glad you're here! i don't get off for another two hours though." she says while running around the counter to give you a hug.

"robs!! i know i'm early but i need to do something real quick and i didn't want you worried incase i was late picking you up!" you say back hugging her. "does this have something to do with... EDDIE!" she says pulling you away from the hug and smirking at you. you blush and laugh at her words. "maybe it does. maybe it doesn't." you say to her. "well you've gotta tell me why the hell you called me from eddie's house and how the hell that happened." she says back. "i will robs i promise. i gotta go. i'll see you in two hours!" you yell back to her. "see ya y/n!" she says back.

you walk through the doors and hop into you car. you finish your drive to the school and figure out somewhere to park so that eddie doesn't notice your car. you figured parking as far away from the door as possible would be best, i mean he wouldn't think anything about it. you have a fairly normal car.

you start your walk into the school, and surprisingly, the door is already unlocked. i guess someone unlocked it since they knew the club would be coming here. you walked towards the D&D room and you could hear music. fuck. someone was already here and your plan would fail miserably. you peep into the room and notice Eddie setting everything up.

you knocked on the door hoping he could hear you over his loud music and he does. you hear footsteps coming closer to the door. eddie opens the door just enough for you to push it open on your own, he didn't even see who it was. "gareth, do you have the snacks you were suppose to bring?" eddie says while walking to the back of the room, not paying attention to you. "gareth, man. did you not hear me? do you have..." eddie says as he turns around to see you. "sweetheart, what are you doing here? i thought you were going to have a girls day with robin?" he says, questionably.

you smile at him and say "i am. i just wanted to come see you first. if that's okay?" you say back to him. he walks closer to you and pulls you in for a hug. "of course darlin' anything for you." he says back. you stand on your tippy toes and wrap your hands around his neck while he wraps his hands around your waist.

you two let go of each other and eddie says "alright doll i'm almost ready getting the campaign ready. just sit somewhere and give me 5 minutes and i can give you my undivided attention." he says back. you nod your head and look around at the room, thinking of where to sit.

i mean his face would be a nice place.

you decide to sit in his chair, his throne. you watch him scramble around trying to get everything perfect for the campaign. you could tell that this meant a lot to him. only if he knew the thoughts that were going through your head.

eddie finished setting up the campaign fairly quickly knowing you were waiting for him. he walked back over to you and gave you a peck on the cheek. "alright sweetheart i'm all yours." he said. "finally i've been waiting for.." you said as you look at your watch. "at least 4 hours." you say laughing. it was more like 4 minutes, but you've always been a tad dramatic.

"so, you mind telling me why you drove out here to see me?" he says. you hop up from his seat. "sit down and i'll show you." you say back. eddie literally jumps from the side of the chair to sit into it, apparently very excited for what was about to happen. "okay babes. i'm here." he said.

without another word you drop to your knees in front of him. you start to undo his belt. "i'm going to be honest with you babe, this has been a dream of mine." he says, looking down at you. you look up at him and smile. "we'll you've made a lot of my dreams come true, i'm just trying to help you with yours."

you unbutton his pants and pull them down to his thighs. eddie is already very hard and you haven't even hardly touched him yet. "all this. for me?" you look up at him through your eyelashes. "i'm such a lucky girl." eddie groans at the words leaving your mouth.

you pull down his boxers and watch his cock spring free, hitting his stomach. you start by licking up his cock and feeling it twitch in your hand. eddie's grip on his throne has his knuckles going white.

you put his cock in your mouth, well as much as you could fit, and start bobbing your head up and down. eddie's moans fill the tiny room and make your stomach flutter. "just like that pretty girl. you're doing so good for me." he says. your could cum right on the spot with him talking to you like that.

eddie puts one of his hands on the back of your head and pushes you down, farther onto his cock. "you're taking me so well sweet thing. god i would love to fuck your mouth. can i?" he asks. you come up from his cock and look at him while still moving your hand up and down on him. "i would love it ed's." you say back.

he grabs both sides of your head with his hands and pushes you down on his cock. you don't realize it, but you've managed to fit all of him inside you. your nose was brushing up against his pubic hair. he starts thrusting in and out of your mouth.

you didn't think eddie could moan any louder than what he was earlier, but boy oh boy were you wrong. you were pretty sure if anyone walked past the room, they would know exactly what was going on.

"fuck darlin, just like that. i'm about to cum all in your pretty mouth and you're going to swallow it all." he says. god you loved when he went demanding and rough with you. he pulled you off of his cock so you could catch your breath and answer him.

"yes sir." you say looking up at him. he growls and pushed your head back on his cock. you moan just feeling how he feels in your mouth. "fuck babe. i'm about to cum." eddie says. before a thought can cross your mind, you feel eddie's cut shoot down your throat. god you loved the feeling and the taste.

he lets go of your head and you start moving your head up, still sucking him off to make sure you got everything. whenever you come up and look at eddie he grabs your cheeks and says "open up. let me see if you swallowed it all." you open your mouth instantly and stick your tongue out showing him you had. "oh that's a good girl." he says back.

you get up off your knees as eddie stands up to pull up his pants. "baby, i would loveee to make you cum everywhere, but gareth will be here any minute, and i'd prefer if he didn't see your ass all on display." eddie says. you two both laugh. "it's alright sweetheart. i know you'll make up for it whenever you get home." you say back. he pulls you in for a kiss and then you hear the door open.

"eddie! i got the sna-" you hear gareth's voice. "y/n. nice to see you again. didn't think you'd be joining us today." you turn around and put your back on Eddie's chest. "i'm not staying don't worry. eddie left his dice at home and i know y'all want to have a "boys day"." you say back to him. eddie leans down and whispers in your ear "yeah good one babe."

you could hear the rest of Hellfire coming down the hall, so you decided that it was time to head out. "we'll gareth it's been fun. but i'll see you later." you say to him. he just smiles and nods. you turn around to eddie "and i will see you at home." you get on your tippy toes and give him on a kiss on the cheek. "be careful babe." he says back. you start walking to the door as soon as Mike, Dustin, and Lucas come in.

"Y/N!!! what are you doing here?" dustin yells. all three of the boys come and give you a hug. "are you coming to help us beat another game?" mike asks. you look at all the boys and smile. "sorry boys, you'll have to figure this one out on your own. eddie didn't give me any secrets." you say. they all laugh and you turn around to the rest of the boys and Eddie.  "babe. don't go too hard on them." you say to eddie. he just smirks and says "no can do sweetheart. they know what they signed up for."

everyone's faces looked shocked. "bye boys. have fun." you say as you walk out the door and shut it. you hear all of them asking eddie questions. "babe? sweetheart? i'll see you at home?" you hear gareth question eddie. "eddie. how did you manage to get her? she's literally one of the prettiest girls at hawkins high?" you hear jeff say.

you hear eddie's laugh and he stops for a second. "a lots changed in the past couple of days boys." he says.

you smile and start walking to your car. you had about 45 minutes until Robin got off, but you headed that way.

you knew she was going to ask you one million questions, but you didn't care. you truly fell for Eddie, which was not apart of your little plan, but hey, plans change sometimes.

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