chapter nine

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*smut in this chapter*

You pull up in Eddie's driveway and run to the door. You knock on the door and wait for someone to open up, hoping it was going to be Eddie. You knock again & you hear someone yell. "I'M COMING! JESUS CHRIST!"

Eddie opens the door and looks at you. "Y/n? What happened? Why are you crying?" He asks. "Can I come in, please?" Eddie grabs your hands and pulls you into a hug, just want you needed. You and Eddie stand in the living room for 10 minutes just hugging. You didn't want to let go and you could tell, he didn't want to either. I finally pull away and look at him while I wipe my tears.

"I needed a you hug after this morning with my parents. I'm sorry for just showing up here randomly." You say. "It's okay y/n. I promise. I told you I would be here for you if you needed me." Eddie says grabbing your hands. "I never thought what just happened would ever happen Eddie, like never in a million years would I think this shit just went down." You say while looking at him. "Come on Princess, let's go talk in my room." Eddie grabs your hand leading you to his room.

When you walk in, it's everything you've pictured. Metal band posters on the wall, dirty clothes everywhere, and his beautiful guitar hanging up. "It's not much, and sorry it's dirty. I haven't cleaned in aboutttt.." he says as he holds up his fingers starting to count "yeah, no. I don't remember the last time I cleaned." You both laugh and sit on his bed. "Y/n, I'm here to talk about it if you'd like." Eddie says putting his hand on your knee. "Please Ed's, I need to talk to it with someone." You say looking at him. "Go ahead darlin'. I'm all ears" he says leaning back on his bed.

You tell him everything about what your parents said. When it got to the part of you telling Eddie your parents kicked you out, you started crying. "I'm sorry Eddie. I thought I could say it without crying again, but I guess not." You say while looking at the floor. "Princess, it's not a problem. I told you I'm here and I'm all ears, and I meant every word of it." He says while lifting a finger under your chin. You raised your face up and looked into his eyes. You've come to realize you were safe when you looked in his eyes. "Y/n. I promise you are safe here with me. I won't let anyone touch you like you dad did again." Eddie says, giving you a smile. "Eddie, thank you for everything. I can't think you enough." You say smiling back.

"Can i kiss you princess?" Eddie asks. You look at him staring at your lips and then back up to your eyes. "I would enjoy that a lot, Ed's." You say. He leans in and kisses your lips. You enjoy kissing him, it's relaxing. The kiss gets heavier and Eddie leans you back on the bed. "Is this okay y/n?" Eddie asks looking you in the eyes. "I told you we would finish what we started, didn't I?" You say with a smirk. "Yeah, I remember." Eddie says while going back down to kiss you.

Eddie starts sliding his hands along your thighs and up to your rib cage. You could feel his rings on his hands with every trace he did. He raised up and took his shirt off and threw it in the floor. He kissed you on the lips one time before tugging at your shirt. "Can I take this off?" He looks at your shirt. "Please do." You say while laying your head back. Eddie takes your shirt off and starts kissing all over your torso. He starts at your lips and ends up at your stomach, leaving hickies only we would see. Every time you moan, Eddie laughs and continues his kissing. He looks up at me and says "God y/n. You're so beautiful." Before going down to my boobs. He takes my straps off of my shoulders and pulls my bra down, exposing my boobs. He starts kissing on one and grabbing the other one. "Mhmm Eddie.." you say. "Shh sweetheart, we don't want my uncle to hear, do we?" He says while winking at you. At this point in time, I didn't care if anyone and everyone heard me. I was deeply enjoying this.

Eddie moves down to my pants and looks up at me "May i, Princess?" She asks. "Yes you can, Ed's." He laughs at the nickname you gave him. Eddie pulls down your pants and starts kissing your things. You wiggle at the feeling of having someone so close to your clit. You just can't take it. You move your hand down to start rubbing your clit and Eddie notices. He smacks your hand away. "Nah uh. That's for me to do and you to enjoy." He says while jumping up. He grabs his handcuffs that are hanging on the wall. "Give me your hands. Now!"  "Yes sir" you say putting your hands in front of you. He puts the handcuffs on and tightens them around his bed frame. "Just like how I need you." He says going back to your thighs. Slowly kissing them, teasing you with every kiss. "Ed..Eddie..please" you beg him. You are begging for him to touch you. "I love hearing you beg." He says.

He slips off your underwear and looks up at you. He starts kissing your clit, making you moan in pleasure. "God Ed's. That feels amazing." You say, barely being able to say anything. "Oh I know Princess, I'm enjoying this a lot. You don't know how long I've waited to do this." He says.

He starts sucking on your clit as your moans grow louder. You couldn't contain them anymore as the pleasure just felt so good. Eddie noticed this and puts a finger up to your entrance. He slides in his finger and you let out a moan. "Eddie.." you start to say, "please don't stop." He lets out a laugh. He starts to pump his fingers in and out of you, all while you're trying to break free of the handcuffs. He slips in another finger and you start to feel the knot in your stomach growing and growing. "Ed.. Ed's I'm ab.. I'm about to cum." You say as your start to arch your back. "Cum for me, Princess." He says. You cum and it feels amazing.

Eddie comes up from in between your things and licks his fingers. "Mhm.. Darlin' you taste amazing." He says like licking my cum off of his fingers. "God Eddie, that was amazing." You say. He undos the handcuffs and crawls on top of you. You start to make out again. You flip Eddie over to where he was on bottom. "My turn to make you cum." You say. "Oh yes ma'am." Eddie says.

You slide off of the bed and get on your knees while Eddie slides to the edge of the bed with his legs around your body. You slowly start to loosen his belt while keeping eye contact. You unzip his zipper and pull down his pants. You start palming his dick above his boxers. You see him tilt his head back. "Fuck y/n. That feels so good." He moans. You pull down your boxers and watch his dick spring up. "God damn." That's the only thought that came through your head. You hear Eddie laugh. "Shit. Did I say that out loud?" You asked. "It's alright Darlin'."

You take his dick and start jerking him off. You look at him in the eyes while you take his tip and start licking it. He takes his hand and starts rubbing your cheek. "You look extremely beautiful night now, y/n." Eddie says. You start blushing.

You take his dick and put it in your mouth and start sucking him off. "God y/n." He said while grabbing your hair. He gently pushed your head down as far as you could go. He starts thrusting into your mouth and you hear him moan and groan. "Fuck princess, I'm close. Don't stop" he barely gets out. You take the rest of his length into your hands and you start jerking him off. "Fuccc.. fuck fuck fuck. Y/n I'm.. I'm about to come." Eddie says while still thrusting into your mouth. You feel him getting sloppier and slower. You feel him groan one more time before he cums in your mouth. You suck all of him into your mouth and clean him up. "God Eddie. You felt amazing." You say, wiping the corners of your mouth. "No baby girl, you felt amazing. You didn't have to do that." Eddie says, helping you back on the bed. You looked at him and smiled "Oh I enjoy doing it, a lot." You say while winking at him.

"I really hope Uncle Wayne didn't hear us, you were pretty loud." He said while smirking. "Eddie. Your uncle is home?" I asked standing up. "What if i woke him up? Oh my god, he's going to hate me." You start pacing across the floor. "Y/n. I promise he won't hate you. Hell he's probably going to love you. You can meet him if you'd like." Eddie says as his grabs you behind the waist and pulls you closer to him. "Can i take a shower before i meet him? I smell like sex." You turn around to say to Eddie. He chuckled "Of course you can babe." 

You walk out of Eddie's room and into the bathroom. You turn on the hot water and wait for it to heat up. You look in the mirror at the work Eddie has done. "God damn. This boy is going to be the death of me." You say as you get in the shower.

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