chapter fourteen

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*smut in this chapter*

6:30 AM

You batter your eyes open and look around. You turn and look at Eddie. God he looks so cute when he's asleep. He's turned facing you with one arm around your waist and the other arm smushing his face. You let out a chuckle and Eddie shifts. "What's so funny?" He says.

Got that morning voice could make me crumble. "Oh nothing." You say trying to wiggle out of bed. Eddie notices and pulls you back in the bed by your arm. "You're not going anywhere until I've had a kiss." Eddie says. "Mhm. What if I don't?" you say. Eddie opens his eyes and looks at you. "You're not going to like it." He says back. "And what if I do?" You say back.

You slip out of Eddie's grasp and run for the door. Eddie runs behind you and puts his hand on the door so you couldn't open it. "Not fair." You turn around to say to him. "You're just going to have to get over it." Eddie says.

He pushes you up against the door and grabs your throat. "You're going to hate your punishment."Eddie says. He starts to kiss on your neck and collarbone, making sure to mark you as his even more. "Ed's. That feels so good." You say. He just laughs and continues.

He taps the back of your thighs and says jump. You do as you're told and jumps. He catches you and places his hands on your ass. He carry's you to the bed and lays you down. "I know how loud you like to get," Eddie says while looking up at you "but if you make one noise, I'm stopping." You nod your head and Eddie continues.

He starts tracing his fingers from your neck all the way to your thighs. You squirm by the feeling of his cold rings hitting your skin. He makes your way up to your shirt and pulls it up, reveling your boobs. "You're so beautiful." Eddie says while looking at you in the eyes.

He starts kissing all over your boobs, leaving marks everywhere. You put your hand over your mouth just to make sure you don't make a noise. He looks up at you and laughs.

He starts kissing down your stomach until he finally gets to your underwear. "God. You're so wet already." Eddie says. He pushes your underwear to the side and licks your clit. He puts two finger close to your entrance. You can't help but let out a moan, hoping that he didn't noticed. He definitely did. "Tsk tsk tsk. Too bad you couldn't keep quiet y/n. I was enjoying where this was going." He said.

Eddie got up and walked to the bathroom. That son of a bitch. I can't believe he left me here like this. You huff and roll off the bed and walk to the kitchen. You look in the fridge and see eggs and decide to make some breakfast. You try and be as quiet as possible, you didn't want to wake up Uncle Wayne.

You stand over the stove and start cooking some breakfast. Before you know it, you feel hands around your waist. "Smells good baby," Eddie says while kissing your neck "You making enough for me too?" You laugh and throw your head back against his shoulder. "You wish. After that stunt you just pulled, no way." You said.

Eddie gasps and steps back. He stands beside the stove and puts his hands to his heart. "I'm hurt." He says. You laugh and turn around to the fridge. "Fine. I'll make you some. I'm also going to make Wayne some." You tell Eddie.

Your eggs finish and you give them to Eddie so he'd stop pestering you as you were cooking. You heard a door open and it was Wayne. "Good Morning kiddos," He says. Wayne looks and Eddie and laughs. "Eddie, did you make y/n cook breakfast for you?" "Uhh, she was already cooking and I just.. offered to eat some?" Eddie says while smiling. "It's alright Wayne, I've actually got some cooking for you too." You say while smiling at him. "Thank you y/n." He says.

You three finish eating your eggs and are sitting in the living room watching TV. You have to go use the restroom, so you get up and walk to the bathroom. While you're in there you here a knock on the front door. You figured it was just one of Wayne's friends. Then you hear yelling.

"Where the hell is my daughter? Where is y/n?! I know she is here!" I hear coming from the door. Oh god. Your father had found you and he was pissed. He didn't love you, so why was he here?

You walk out of the bathroom and see Wayne standing at the door, trying to make sure your father didn't come into the trailer. Eddie looks at you and runs to you, pushing you into his room. "Y/n stay here. I mean it. Do not come out of this room. Wayne and I have this under control." Eddie says placing you on his bed. "Eddie please be careful. Do not let him hurt you or Wayne." You say. He nods and runs out the door.

You hear yelling from all three of them and you couldn't take it anymore. You open the door and walk to the front door. Your father sees you and sighs in relief. "Oh thank his y/n. They didn't hurt you. I was so worried about you." You shake your head and laugh. "Nah. The only man who has hurt me here is you." You say while looking into his eyes.

He looks at you and there hate and disbelief in his eyes, just like how he looked the night you left. "They have done nothing but love me and invite me into their home after my own FAMILY kicked me out." You step towards him even more. "They're my family now and you can't take that away from me. They love me and actually show it. They don't pressure me to be perfect, like you and mom."

Your dad stand there shocked. You finally let all of your feelings out about him and it felt amazing. It felt good just to let everything go. You had more to say and figured now would be a good time. He was already pissed, why not make it worse. "Oh yeah by the way, Eddie is the one who gave me all of these, and in my bedroom too." You say pulling your shirt collar down to show off all of the love bites and hickies he had left the last couple of days.

Your dad looks at you and then looks at Eddie. "You slept with him?" He points at Eddie. "Yeah dad i sure did. And I enjoyed every single second of moaning his name." You said. You dad looked kind of sad about the words that came out of his mouth.

He deserved every bit of it. He ruined your trust by cheating on your mom. You could never forgive him for that. He deserved nothing but sadness. You weren't his perfect little girl anymore and it drove him mad.

"I think it's best for you to leave," You say to your father. "I will be by later to say goodbye to mom and get the rest of my shit and then I won't ever see you again."
He nods and walks to his car and drives off.

Wayne shuts the door. You feel weak, like you could fall to the floor. That's just what happened. Eddie and Wayne helped you to the couch and sat beside you. You were crying and you tried to stop, but the tears kept on coming. Wayne got up to grab you some water and Eddie sat there hugging you.

After 10 minutes of them trying to comfort you, you stopped crying. "Thank you guys," You say holding Wayne and Eddie's hands. "I don't know what I could do for you guys to repay you." Wayne squeezed you hand. "Oh y/n, like your said, you're family. Family helps each other." He says. You look and him and smile.

You look and Eddie and he's tearing up. "Thank you for everything Ed's." You say. You kiss his cheek and he smiles. Wayne gets up off the couch and you grab his hand, "Uncle Wayne. I'm sorry about what I said about me and Eddie having sex. I just needed to say that to my father." Wayne looks at you and laughs.

"You two kids don't think I know what you're doing? I was a teenage boy once." He said laughing. Me and Eddie look at each other and start laughing. "Just use protection, okay?" He says. You and Eddie look at Eddie with the 'oh shit' face. "Yes sir. Always." Eddie says with a smile. "Alright kids, I'm going to town and grab some food for the house. Y'all be careful if you go any where." Wayne says.

Wayne walks out the front door and you look at Eddie. "Are you okay Ed's?" You ask him. "Y/n I'm okay. Are you okay?" He says. "Yeah Ed's I'm perfect. I have a family who finally loves me for me." You say smiling. "We'll you're right about two things. You are prefect, and we do love you. I love you." You smile at Eddie. You lean in and give him a kiss on his lips. You pull away and smile. "I love you too, Eddie."

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