chapter five

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11:00 PM

I thought about it all the way to Mike's house. We all hopped out. "Hey Mike, I need to use your phone to call my mom and let her know that I'm on my way home," you said. "Yeah no problem y/n," he said while running in the house. You decided to try her cell just in case they weren't home yet. I punch in her number and listen to it ring. It rang around 6 times and then she picked up and I knew something was wrong.

Mom sounded like she had been crying. "Mom is everything okay? Is dad alright?" You asked, very concerned. "Oh yes, I'm okay honey, don't worry." You mom said sniffling. "Mom what is wrong? What happened?" You we're very serious now. You've only seen your mom cry twice, both times were when your sisters moved out. "Honey, don't worry about us, we're stopped at a hotel for the night. Me and your father are very tired from the drive." She said. "Mom why the fuck we're you crying?" This time you were begging her to tell you. "Honey we will explain everything to you when we get home, we will be home around 8 in the morning." She tried to sound strong, but it wasn't working for me. "Okay mom, but if anything happens call me immediately. I hung out with Nance and Robin today and I'm headed home now." You said. "Okay honey that's fine. Be careful, I will see you in the morning. I love you sweetheart." "Goodnight mom. I love you. Tell dad I love him too." You said as you hung the phone up on the wall.

You had a bad feeling about the whole situation. Mom never cries and there she was. Crying in a hotel room. It made no since to you. You decided it was just best to go home and forget about everything.

You head out the door and hop in your car. Your mind was racing about what could be wrong. Did Dad lose his job? Is that why he had to come home early? Is he sick and needed mom? "What the fuck is happening?" Is the only thing your mind could comprehend what was happening.

And as of your night couldn't get worse, I pull into my drive way and there sits Jason. "God damn. What does he want?" You ask yourself stepping out of the car. "Thank God babe. You're okay! I was so worried that-" he says and stops. "What the fuck are you wearing?" Oh shit. You remember you still had on the Hellfire T-shirt. "Jason! It's nothing I had to drive Mike and Dustin to their campaign tonight, I spilled something on my shirt and they had an extra one." You explained, hoping he would believe me. "Why did you HAVE to drive those freaks tonight? They hangout with Eddie Munson. He would've gladly given them a ride." He says screaming walking closer to you. Did he just called Mike and Dustin freaks? Not a fucking chance. "I know you didn't just call them freaks! They're kids playing a fucking game, just like what you do!" You say screaming back at him. The horror in his face. I have never screamed at Jason in the 2 years we have dated. "They're good people, just like Eddie. They don't have a perfect image like you and they're considered freaks because of that?" Now you were crying. Mike and Dustin were like younger brothers to you. You had to stand up for them.

"Are you fucking kidding me y/n. They're in that CULT that Munson runs. They're working for the devil! That's what happens at those stupid games." He said. By now we were face to face, yelling. "Actually for your information, it's campaigns and all they do is have fun without assholes like you there!" You scream back. "An asshole? That's what you think I am?" He looks like he could punch a hole in a brick wall. "Yeah Jason, that's exactly what I think of you."

He just looks at you in disbelief. You start to walk away and he grabs your wrist trying to pull you back. "Y/n. Please. I'm sorry. I never meant any of it. I know how you feel about them. I'm sorry for calling them freaks. Please forgive me." Jason says, trying to pull you back. You yank your hand back and say "you've done too much shit for me to forgive you. Goodbye Jason. We're done!" He just stares at you with no emotion. "Y/n. You're my whole world you can't leave me." You shake your head crying. You start to laugh. "Oh yeah. I'm your whole world? Why don't I go ask the whore I saw you fucking 6 months ago?" You spat back. He mumbled, trying to think of what to say. "Haha. You can't even say anything. We're done Jason. Have a horrible life." You say while turning away from him and walking in your front door.

It felt good to let all of that out. You slide down the door and start bawling. I can't believe he called them freaks. They haven't done anything to him and still he said those horrible things about them.

I went to my phone and called The Wheeler's.

After listening to it ring 8 times I hear Dustin's voice. "The Wheeler residence, this is Dustin." You heard him saying in his goofy voice. "Oh Dusty, I was hoping you were still awake." You say laughing while still holding back tears. "Y/n? Are you alright? What's wrong?" He asks. "Is there anyway you could come over here, I need a shoulder to lean on right about now?" You asked. You knew he'd have to bike 15 minutes, but you didn't know who else to call. "I know it's late and you'd have to bike-" He cuts you off. "Don't worry about that y/n. Eddie is here and can drive us. We left our binders at the campaign and he brought them over. We'll be there in 5 minutes with Eddie's driving." He says laughing. You laugh at the thought of Eddie running 90 to nothing while Dustin and Mike are getting slung in the back. "Thank you Dusty. Be careful. I love you." You say while sighing. "We will. We love you too y/n."  I hung up the phone and slid down the wall again.

Great Eddie was coming over here with me looking like this. No one except Steve, Robin, Mike, and Dustin have seen you like this. Yes, you thought Eddie was cute, but you couldn't imagine a life with him. Why did all of this happen when you had such a great night with the boys?You start crying again.

You hear a car tire screech and a door slam shut. Eddie runs in first followed behind Mike and Dustin.

"Y/n are you okay? What's wrong? What happened?" Dustin yells/asks you. Eddie runs to you and gives you a hug. Damn he gives the best hugs. And he smells good. Surprisingly, he smells like the woods with a hint of tobacco. You hug him back and sit there for a minute just enjoying the hug. That is until Mike starts snapping in front of your face.

"Oh shit. My bad Eddie, I didn't mean to cling to you like a newborn child." You said while pulling back and starting to stand up. "It's okay Princess." He said while smiling and helping you up. "What the hell happened y/n?" Mike asks.

You explained the whole situation with your mom and Jason and everything to the boys. Dustin looks like he wanted to give you the biggest hug in the world. He wanted to help the pain go away. That's why I loved him so much.

"I'll be okay guys, I promise. Mom and Dad will be here in the morning and I'm not longer dating the biggest asshole in Hawkins." You say while laughing at the last part.

They all gave you a hug and you loved each ones. You held onto Eddie's hug just a little bit longer than the boys. "Oh yeah y/n, remember what i said in the car?" Mike asked, smirking. You knew exactly what he was referencing to. You pulled away from Eddie's hug and started laughing.

"What's so funny?" Eddie says. He looked completely clueless. Like a little lost puppy. He looked adorable like that.
Holy Shit, was I falling for Eddie? No there's no way. You look back at him and he was already looking at you. "Oh nothing Munson, just the boys talking shit." You say while laughing.

He shakes his head and laughs too. "We'll it's late, I don't want any of y'all out that late, so why don't y'all spend the night? If that's okay with everyone?" You offer. "I really don't want to be alone right now." Everyone shakes their heads yes. "Okay guys, y'all go in the living room and pick a movie, I'm going to change and get blankets and stuff." You say heading up the stairs. At least you won't be home alone with your thoughts.

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