chapter four

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6:30 PM

You pulled up to Mike's house and got out. You started walking to the door and knocked. Mrs. Wheeler answered the door. "Oh y/n! It's so good to see you! How have you been?" She asks while you step through the door. "It's good to see you too Mrs. Wheeler. I've been good!" You said while leaning against the island. "We'll Nance is upstairs if you'd like to go speak with her," she said. "Oh no ma'am. I'm here for Mike and Dustin. They told me about their D&D game tonight and I didn't want them to have to bike home so late, so I offered them a ride," you said. "Oh that's so thoughtful of you," she said.

She walked to the basement door and yelled for the boys. You could hear them scramble trying to get their stuff ready and run up the stairs. "Hey y/n. Thank you for giving us a ride to our campaign tonight," Dustin said while slipping on his backpack. "Anything for you guys," you walked and opened the door and the boys ran out "Have a good night Mrs. Wheeler, I'll have the boys home soon." You said while walking out the door. "Thank you y/n. Be careful!" She said while walking away from the door.

You watched the boys as they fought over who was going to sit in the front. They ended up doing Rock Paper Scissors. Dustin won. He looked up and the sky and yelled "BADA BADA BOOM. IN YOUR FACE MIKE!" "Okay boys that's enough come on, we're going to be late," you say as you crank the car. The boys get in and you start driving to the school. "You're going to have a great time tonight y/n. Eddie plans the most sadistic campaigns I've ever seen." Mike says. "Yeah, we've never been able to beat one, maybe you'll be our good luck charm." Dustin says smiling at you. Wait. Did they just say Eddie plans all of this out? Ah fuck.

"You mean to tell me that Eddie Munson plans out all of your games?" I asked. "Campaigns, and yeah he does. He's what we call a Dungeon Master." Mike says. "You don't have a problem with that do you y/n? I mean I saw Eddie talking to you earlier at school." Dustin says while looking back and forth at me and Mike. "Nah. I don't have a problem with it. Let's just hope the people who do have a problem with it don't find out," you say groaning at the end. "Your secret is safe with us, we promise" Mike says.

We pull into the school parking lot. I see a van and two more cars. I'm guessing those are the other players in this game. "Oh yeah, before I forget y/n. Here's your Hellfire shirt I promised you," Dustin says while handing you a shirt. "Thanks Dusty. Y'all get out and I'll change." You said. They boys hopped out and you changed. You knew you'd have to change before you go home so you threw your old shirt in the bag with you mom approved jeans.

You got out of your car and started walking with the boys. You reached the basement and Dustin looked back at you and said "Maybe you should wait out here for just a minute, let us tell Eddie who we brought." I nod my head and the boys. I hear them tell the older boys who they brought and screaming. All I could make out from it was "No girls are allowed to join." "We can't let her play. No way."

You walked into the door and Dustin and Mike look back like they're terrified of what Eddie is going to say. You see he's sitting in a chair that looks like a throne. "Ahh I see, you're scared you're going to lose to a girl and boys that are 4 years younger than you," you said with a hint of sass. "Well well well. Look at her, little miss perfect," Eddie says while standing up making his way to you and the boys. "Not a chance she's joining us tonight," he looks at the boys. "I would rather postpone," he says. All of the boys look at him confused and terrified. What kind of hold did this "Dungeon Master" have over these guys?

"Okay okay. I see what's going on here, Munson," you say laughing. By now he was in touching distance from you. You step forward and look him in his eyes " You scared that Little Miss Perfect is going to beat you in your silly little game, so you decide to run away?" You say. Full on with attitude now. You hear laughter coming from the boys. Eddie shoots a look at them and they shut up. "I've never ran away in D&D, so I'm not going to start now," he says while sticking out his hand. "Welcome to Hellfire, Princess," he says. "You're on Mr. Dungeon Master," you say as you shake his hand. You turn around to Mike and Dustin and their jaws are on the ground.

"What?" You asked. "No one has ever stood up to Eddie like that y/n," Dustin says while getting to his seat. I ended up having to sit directly in front of Eddie.

Throughout the game I could tell someone was staring at me, and I was correct. Every time I looked up, Eddie was staring at me. I started blushing after I saw him staring the 3rd time.  I watched Eddie a majority of the game too. He looked truly happy playing. It made me smile seeing him like this. All of the bad and horrible thoughts left my head.

The end of the game came down to me and Dustin. We both decided we would roll the D20 to destroy Vecna. Dustin rolled first, and rolled an 11. Eddie stood up and started shaking his head "THATS A MISSSS," he yelled while clapping and sitting down. He threw me the dice. "Here ya go miss perfect. Show me what you got," he said while winking at you. You could hear the boys yelling and cheering you on behind you. You shook the dice and let it go. You closed your eyes as the dice rolled down the table. You couldn't look. I look up and see I rolled a 20. We won!

We all started jumping up and down and celebrating. I gave Dustin and Mike a hug. "Thank y'all for all of the fun tonight," you said while hugging them. "You can come play with us whenever you want," Mike said while letting go of me.

"I agree with Mike, you can come and play with us anytime, y/n," Eddie said while smirking. He always has that damn smirk on his face, honestly it's kinda cute. Hold up. Did I just think Eddie's smirk was cute? I mean he is kinda cute. "Thank you for the offer, but this was a one time thing," you say while picking up your trash. "Oh come on princess, you did amazing. Mike and Dustin need your help more often," Eddie said while throwing his trash away. "I'll think about it, Munson." You say while walking out of the door.

"I had a lot of fun tonight. I'm glad I got to be the sub." You said as y'all walked to your car. "Y/N! Wait up!" I head from behind me. I looked and it was Eddie. "Hey look, I understand you can't come to every campaign I plan, but I know you can come hangout with me every once in a while," Eddie said. By now the boys were at your car. You and Eddie were just steps away. That was it. If I hung out with Eddie Munson, the town freak, my mom would blow a gasket. It would piss my parents off more than anything my sisters ever did. "I might just have to take you up on that offer, Thank you Munson." You say smiling. You look in his eyes and they're beautiful. I never realized that, I mean I haven't ever been this close to Eddie until tonight. "We'll m'lady, don't let the children be out too late, I'll hear from you later," Eddie says while kissing my hand. "By the way, you can call me Eddie. It won't kill ya." He said smirking again. That damn smirk, it was to die for.

As Eddie walked to his van and I walked to my car I started thinking about what he said. I had to hangout with him again, but first I had to get rid of Jason. "Y/n.. you good?" Dustin asks   "What was all that with Eddie about?" You look at him and smile "Oh nothing. He was just telling me that without me, y'all would've lost tonight." "Mhm, I think someone's got a crush!!" Mike yells from the back. "Oh hush. I love Jason remember." I said while looking in the rear view mirror.

I started driving back to Mike's house thinking about what I said. Did I honestly love Jason? Or was it just a cover for my mom to think I was perfect? What would happen if I broke up with Jason and started hanging out with Eddie? My parents would definitely disown me.

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