chapter three

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3:00 PM

You started shoving all of your books into your locker. You didn't need them since no teacher was going to give us homework for Winter Break. You were the only one in the hall and you let out a huge sigh. You've been holding that one back since Eddie spoke to you earlier. As you put your bag on your back and start walking to the door, you heard people running down the hall. You looked back and it was Mike and Dustin. "Y/N!! Y/N!! Wait Up!" Dustin yelled. "We need to ask you something," Mike said. They stopped running when the reached me and started trying to catch their break. They looked like they've been running around for hours.

"Hey dudes, are y'all okay? Why does it look like you've ran 5 miles?" I asked patting Mikes back. "Oh yeah we're great y/n," he says putting his hands on the back of his head. After they catch their breath Dustin looks at me and asks "What are you doing today? Like around 7 PM?" I looked at him weird "Dustin, I'm not going on a date with you, sorry sweetheart," you said kissing his cheek. "Damn dude, you just got rejected by y/n," Mike says while laughing. "As much as I would love that y/n that's not what I'm asking," Dustin looks at you with a smile. "Would you be interested in joining us tonight at D&D? Lucas is busy with "family problems." He says as he groans out the last part. "What? Me? Oh no way. You know my mom would freak out if she found out I was hanging out with y'all playing D&D," you say looking sad. "Oh PLEASE Y/N! We have literally asked EVERYONE!" Dustin yells. "We've got to have a sub for just tonight pleaseeee!" Mike says while giving you puppy dog eyes. "Guys.. I" I started my sentence, and it came to me. This is the first part to break away from my controlling mom. Would I tell her the truth about where I'm going to be? Hell to the no. But I could lie about where I'm going to be and who I'm going to be with. Hell yeah I could. "Okay fine. I'll come and help y'all play your silly little game, but not another word of this. If mom finds out, I'm dead meat," you say.

You watch their faces light up with joy as they hug you. "Thank you so much y/n! This means the world to us!" Mike says. "Yeah! Thank you y/n! Plus, you now can get one of these extra T-shirt's we have!" Dustin says while pointing to his Hellfire T-shirt. "We'll where is this going down at?" You asked while y'all made your way outside. "Oh, it's going down here, in the basement!" Dustin said. "Okay, I'll pick y'all up at Mike's house around 6:30 ish and I'll drive y'all here and home," you say as you reach your car. "That sounds great y/n. Thank you!" Dustin says. They go to their bikes and start peddling away to Mike's house to get ready for their game. You get into your car and crank it up. You sit there thinking about what you were going to tell your mom. You could just say you were going over to Nancy's house to hangout. It was Winter Break after all, so I wouldn't have a certain time to get home.

You start to pull out of the parking lot and see Eddie. He had to stay behind today to talk to our English teacher. He sees me drive away. He smirks and waves to me as I drive off. You start blushing again. Eddie seemed like a good guy. I never really understood why people hated him just because he was considered the "bad boy" of Hawkins. Then the thought came across your mind. "Oh FUCK," you yelled in your car. Eddie wore the same T-shirt as Dustin and Mike. That meant he was in the club. He would be there tonight.

You get home to your mom no where to be found. You sit you bag down and hang up your keys. You walk to the fridge to get something to drink and see the note your mom left you on the fridge. "Hey sweetie! I had to go pick up you father from the airport. We won't be home until late tonight. If you go somewhere write a note and let us know. Love you! -Mom"
Great. This will be easier than I thought. Dad wasn't suppose to be home from his trip for another couple of days though. Maybe he finished all of his work.

I walk up to my room and start cleaning it. If it wasn't perfect, my mom would pitch a fit. I saw a family photo sitting on my dresser. It was a Christmas photo of my whole family, mom, dad, my two older sisters, and me. We all looked so happy. My sisters always hated how my mom acted. She has to control over our lives in everything. She wanted us to all be in a relationship with the popular guys at school. She never wanted us to be in the outcast group. My sisters always tried to push mom. Some days they wouldn't wear what she picked out, but she would just make them stay home or ground them. Some days they'd skip school, then my dad would have a talk with them, it usually ended in a lot of tears. Mom has this image in her head of our family. There can't be a hair placed wrong on our head, we weren't perfect then.

You decided now would be a good time to play your favorite music, rock and metal. I had to keep it hidden from my mom, I knew she would throw it all away if she ever found it. I played "I Was Made for Lovin' You" by Kiss. I started dancing around and singing my heart out. This is one of the ways I let out my rage and stress.

I sat on my bed while my music played and let the music flow through me. It felt good to let go. I was still stressed out about the whole thing tonight. What would happen if mom or dad found out? God. What would happen if Jason found out? That wouldn't be good at all. You wanted to be there for Mike and Dustin, so you finally put all of the thoughts out of your head and started cleaning again.

You finished cleaning your room and looked at your watch. 5:00 PM. You decided to go get a shower since you wanted to look nice for tonight. You picked out a grey T-shirt and black skinny jeans with rips and holes in them. Just like how your mom hated. You decided to pack an extra pair of jeans in a bag to take with you just in case your parents got home before you. You get done with your shower and start getting ready.

After you get done getting ready and packing your extra clothes, you looked at your watch, 6:15 PM. I wrote a note for my parents "Hey Mom, I'm going to go over to Nancy's house for us to have a girls night! I will call you from there to let you know when I'm headed home. Love you! - Y/n. I grabbed my keys and my bag and headed out the door. "Alright, let's see what trouble we can get into tonight," you said as you started your car and drove to Mike's house.

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