chapter seventeen

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8:30 AM

You wake up hearing music. Eddie must have put in a tape in his stereo to help fall asleep. you rub your eyes and roll over. Eddie wasn't there. you see him in the floor playing his guitar. you crawl towards the bottom of the bed, trying not to disturb him. you lay down on your stomach and listen to him play. it sounded beautiful. he looked so peaceful sitting there.

he seemed like he kept on getting frustrated at a certain part in the song, he couldn't get it 100% and it made him mad. he groaned and started over. you stayed there, watching him play for a little while. you looked down at your watch and it was 9:15. you were starving so you decided to finally talk to Eddie.

"Good Morning Ed's." you say quietly. he jumps a little bit and turns around to look at you. "holy shit sweetheart. how long have you been watching me play?" he asked standing up. he was just in sweats and he was so beautiful. "oh for about 45 minutes." you say. "you should've told me you were awake for that long." Eddie says.

He places the guitar back on its stand and walks over to you. he places one hand on your cheek and rubs his thumb back and forth. "God y/n. you're so beautiful." Eddie says. you start blushing and you kiss his hand. "thank you ed's." you say back. you roll over onto your back and stretch. Eddie is still standing over you. he looks down and smiles. "ya know sweetheart, i bet you would look so hot with my dick down your throat right now." eddie says. he smirks and you start to blush. "as much as i would loveeee that," you say rolling back over to your stomach, "i'm hungry eddie." you say.

he smiles and grabs your hand, helping you off the bed. "Wayne isn't home yet, so you don't have to worry about not having anything on." eddie says. you two walk to the door and he opens it, motioning you walk thru first. you two smile at each other and you walk through. as soon as you get in front of eddie, he smacks your ass.

"uh OW!" you yell at him. he laughs and smiles at you. "sorry sweetheart, i just had to do it." he says. you shake your head and continue walking to the kitchen. you fix two bowls of cereal. you and eddie stand in the kitchen eating. "so sweetheart, what do we have planned for today?" eddie asks. "uhh i have no idea. i haven't really thought about it. This Winter Break was been a little different than normal." you said. he giggles and looks back up to you. "wellllll, you could help me get my next campaign ready?" he asks.

he looks like a kid in a candy store whenever he talks about d&d. it's kinda cute. it reveals a side to him that only a few people have ever seen. you loved this side of him. "i would absolutely love that babe." you say back to him. he sits the cereal down and starts running around the trailer. like i said, kid in a candy store. you would've just thought eddie was told he was going to be performing with Metallica or something.

"okay ed's calm down. i don't know much about d&d so i don't know how much help i will be." you say. he laughs and runs back to you. he picks you up and sits you on the counter standing in between your legs. "then this will be a great leaning opportunity for you." he says. he kisses your check and you hop down.

{time skip}

you have been trying to help Eddie plan his campaign, but you have mostly just been watching. he would occasionally ask you for your opinion and you'd try to help him out. "we'll what if i throw in some sort of surprise? like bring back someone they thought was dead, but the actual aren't?" eddie asks me. "that sounds great babe. i'm sure it would throw the kids off BIG time." you say. he gives you a kiss on the cheek and goes back to planning his campaign.

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