chapter six

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*slight smut in this chapter*

12:00 AM

You walk up to your room. Even after what happened tonight, you had a smile on your face. You thought about how quickly Eddie got here, just to make sure you were okay. I'm sure Dustin's yelling was involved, but it was still a kind gesture.

You open your bedroom door and look around. You can't wear your usual pajamas to this sleepover. That involves long tshirts and no pants. You take off your pants and throw them in the dirty clothes basket. You'd have to wash your own clothes so your mom didn't see them. You walk around trying to find shorts to wear. "I swear I'm going to have to hide all my fucking clothes from mom before she makes my closet look like an Amish closet." You say while looking through your drawers. You hear your door open and you jump trying to cover yourself.

"Oh shit! I'm sorry y/n! I thought you were done!" Eddie yelled. "It's okay hold on!" You say while trying to find something to cover yourself with. You just sit down on your bed with your knees to your chest and pull your shirt over your knees.

"Okay Eddie, I'm sorta decent." You say as he turns around. "We'll, I liked what I saw if you want me to be honest." He says while smirking. That damn smirk. "Yeah yeah okay Eddie. What's up?" You asked. He sat down beside you on your bed. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I know I didn't say anything down there while you were telling us everything. I just couldn't find the words to say." He tells you while looking you in your eyes. His eyes were a soft brown and you feel like you could get lost in his eyes. "Thank you Eddie. I appreciate it more than you know." You say while smiling softly.

You both sat there staring at each other. Before you could think anything Eddie leans over and kisses you. Holy Shit. That was amazing.

He pulled back "Oh fuck y/n I'm so sorry. I should've asked you before i did that!" You just sat there smiling. "Eddie. Eddie! Eddie!!" You say, trying to get his attention. He starts pacing around when his face in his hands. You stand up "Munson!" You scream. He looks at you. "It's okay Eddie. I promise. I'm okay." You said while stepping towards him, grabbing his hands. "I enjoyed it." You said looking at the ground.

He put a finger under my chin and made me look at him. "Can I do it again, Princess?" You shake your head yes. "Words. I need you to use words if I'm going to do this." Eddie said staring at your lips. "Yes Eddie, you can do it again. " I whisper to him. He smashed his lips onto mine and started kissing me again. I loved every second of his lips on mine.

The kiss got heavier and intense. I started backing up and ended up falling on my bed. Eddie followed me onto my bed and continued to kiss me. He took his lips off of mine and started kissing my neck. Oh god this felt so good, better than what Jason ever did. You let out a slight moan from the pleasure and heard Eddie chuckle. He continues nibbling on my neck. I knew I would have hickies, but who cares right now.

Some how my hands made it down to the hem of his shirt. He immediately took it off and threw it on the ground. He looked at you and stopped. "Is this okay, Princess?" He asked before coming back to kiss you. "Yes Eddie, this is perfect." He tugged at your shirt and slid it off of your body. "God, I see why everyone calls you "Little Miss Perfect" your body is gorgeous." He said while staring at my whole body. I tried to cover up and he stopped me. "No ma'am. That won't be happening."

You two were making out for 5 minutes and somehow your hands found his belt buckle. You could feel how hard his dick was and it made you want more of him. "Princess, not tonight." Eddie said while kissing your collarbone, leaving more marks. You continued to rub his dick through his pants, making him harder. "You don't take no as an answer do you?" You laughed and looked at Eddie and started laughing. "What is it? What's wrong?" He asked looking confused. "I would've never thought that I would be making out with you, in my bedroom of all places." You said. He let out a laugh too. "Yeah it's pretty crazy to think about. I'm surprised I'm even standing in your house, honestly," He said while looking around. "We'll we should get back to the boys. They're probably curious as to what's taking us so long."

He put his shirt back on and helped you put yours back on as well. "Wow. What a gentleman." You said as he helped you stand up. "We'll have to finish this another time, Munson." You said while smirking. "Oh yes ma'am. We absolutely will." He said while giving you a wink.

I finally put some shorts on and grabbed some blankets and walked down the stairs. Eddie went to the bathroom to probably deal with his "problem". You laughed at your thought.

"Jesus y/n. We thought you died!" Dustin yelled. "No. You know how my mom is, making sure my clothes are perfect." You say while sitting down on the couch. "Where's Eddie at?" Mike asks while smiling at you. "I have no idea. I went to my room to find clothes I didn't even know he wasn't down here," you smiled while blushing and looking at the ground "Why do you ask me?" "Oh no reason," Mike said. "Oh yeah, like the hickies on your neck don't tell us." He said while looking at Dustin and laughing.

"Fuck, you caught me," you said while rubbing your neck. "And no we didn't have sex so don't even go asking me this." You pointed at them both. They nodded their head and went back to watching the movie. They picked out Ghostbusters.

Eddie soon comes down the stairs smiling. "Hey kiddos. What are we watching?" He asked while plopping down beside you. "The boys picked Ghostbusters while I was upstairs getting uh changed." You says while blushing. "Ah a great movie guys." Eddie says, scooting closer to you. You smile at him and watch the movie.

You look over at the boys and they were fast asleep. Eddie also noticed this and scooted closer to me, putting his hand on my thigh. You look and him and laugh. "When i said we'd finish this, I didn't mean with children around." He laughs too. "I know I just want to be closer to you. You're so warmmmm." He says while nuzzling his head against your chest. You pat his head and start running your hand through his hair.

You loved the moment you were in right now. You could imagine doing this every night. You start to feel your eyes getting heavy and you slowly fall asleep.  The idea to piss off your parents by dating the freak might come true, because you, Little Miss Perfect, we're falling for Eddie Munson.

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