chapter eight

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7:50 AM

You watched you mom walk in and sit some of her things on  the island. Your dad walks in shortly behind her carrying his suitcase. Your mom look at you sitting on the couch and comes and joins you. Her eyes were bloodshot and puffy, like she'd been crying all night and all morning.

"Oh good morning sweetheart. Did you have a good night last night?" She asks giving you a hug. "Good morning mom, and yes I had a great night last night." You say letting go of the hug. You walk over to your dad and give him a hug. "I missed you dad." You say. "Hey kiddo, I missed you even more." He holds on to you like he's never going to see you again. He eventually lets go and kisses you on the cheek. "Come on sweetheart. Let's go sit on the couch with your mom and have a talk." You nod your head okay and walk over to your mom on the couch.

"First thing, I want you to know that you're my whole world. You two mean more to me than anything," my dad starts out. "I have made some mistakes within the past year and I'm ready to come clean about those mistakes." You look at your mom and she's crying. "What mistakes dad?" You look at him confused. "For the past year, I haven't had to go to business meetings. My company has never had an out of town meeting in 30 years." He says. Your mom can't even look at him while he's saying this. You stand up "I want to know what the hell is going on, right now. First, I call mom and hear her crying in a fucking hotel room when she never cries, and now you're telling me you've never had to go out of town for a business meeting?" Your father walks over to you and looks at you in the eyes. "Y/n you need to calm down before I tell you this," he says while putting a hand on his shoulder. You sit down beside your mom and hold her hand. "I have been having an affair on your mother for the past ten months."

What? No. There's absolutely no way. They love each other. They were high school sweethearts. They were destined to be with each other. "What?" You look up at him with your eyes starting to water. "I met a woman and we started talking. I started visiting her and telling y'all it was business trips." Tears we're now forming in his eyes as well, "I regret everything that I have done. If I could take it back, I would. I know now I never want anything else besides you two in my life."

You can't even fathom the idea of your dad cheating on your mom. "Dad this can't be true. I don't believe it," You say standing up from your mom. "You're the perfect fit for mom. Y'all were destined to be each other. And now you've fucked it up by going and fucking some whore?" You were furious. All your mom did for your dad, and he just threw it away like it was nothing. "Language y/n." Your dad says sternly. "I'm going to go visit Father Richards at the church and I'm going to get back on track. I'm going to become faithful to you and your mother again." He says while looking at your mother. "And we're going to be there right behind him supporting him through it all." You mom says getting off of the couch. You can't believe what you just heard. There's no way."No fuck that! Fuck my language! Fuck this stupid ass perfect life you two make me live. I hate having to Be dressed by mother every time I leave the house. I am 17 years old and I can't make my own choices. Meanwhile, you're gone on "business" screwing someone else without even thinking about us!" You yell at your father.

"Y/N Y/L/N! I will not have that kind of language in my house!" Your father yells at you. "Oh yeah? What the hell are you going to do about it? Call Father Richards and make me confess my sins and turn me perfect again?" You scream back at him. Your father doesn't say anything. Your rage just took over you and you didn't know what was going to come out of your mouth next.

"Oh wait, I'm not perfect, sorry. I'll never be my older sisters and that drives you two fucking crazy!" You scream while pointing to your parents. "Y/n stop. You're acting out." You mom says trying to get you to calm down. "Yeah and with good reason, Mom. Dad decided he didn't want you anymore, and that pisses me off!" You yell at her. "Y/n. He made a mistake and I have forgiven him. I expected you to as well" your mom says. "No, sorry mom. I don't forgive cheaters." You say looking back at your dad.

The only thing that popped into your head was the imagine of Jason's face after you broke up with him last night. Jason did the same thing your father did, but your mother was standing right behind him, still supporting him. Why would she do that?

"Y/n, we never compare you to your older sisters. You're perfect just the way you are." Your dad says trying to come closer. You were pissed off. You decided to do something you knew you couldn't be able to come back from. "Oh yeah, I'm perfect I guess. Let me just take off my makeup." You say. You run to the kitchen sink and grab a towel. You wet it and wipe all of your makeup off your neck, exposing what Eddie did to you last night. "There. Now i feel perfect."

Your mom and dad look at you with disbelief. Your are their pride and joy, and here you are standing in the kitchen with hickies all over your neck and collarbone. "Y/n, did Jason do this to you?" Your dad asks. Oh he was livid, but I didn't care. He deserved every bit of it. "Oh no, y'all don't have to worry about him anymore. We're over" you say. "Y/n! Why are you two broken up? You two were perfect together!" You mom yells at you. "Sorry mom, I don't like being cheated on and I won't stand up for it," you say as you turn to your dad "and I won't be standing behind them cheering them on either."

The look on your dads face was mixed with rage and sadness. He couldn't believe what you had said. He walks over to you and looks at you for a second. "So that's who you wanna be then, huh?" He asks. "You wanna be the town whore and go around sleeping with everyone?" You just laugh. "Oh that's definitely very hypocritical of you." You say. Before you even knew it, you felt a slap on your face and stinging in your cheek. Your dad had just slapped you.

You held onto your cheek as you heard your mom gasp. You look up at him and all you see is pure rage. "So not only do you have affairs, but you think it's alright to slap me?" You said while holding back your tears. "Y/n, I think it's best for you to leave." You dad says. "Y/d/n (your dads name) please don't do this. She's our daughter." Your mom says. Practically begging dad to let me stay. "No it's okay mom, this house isn't big enough for two whores. I'm leaving." You say.

You turn around and run to your room. You grab all of the clothes in your closet you never get to wear and threw them in a suitcase. You grabbed all your underwear and bras and threw them in as well. You stop and look back at the picture of your "perfect" family and laugh. You throw it on the ground and the frame shatters. You grab your music and throw it in your bag and zip it up.

You walk down stairs to see your mom and dad crying in each other's arms. "Y/n." Your mom says to you. "Mom I'm leaving and that's final. I can't live here anymore." You say headed for the door. "Let me help you then." She says leaving your father.

You two walk out the door and head for your car. She pops the trunk and you throw your back in the back slamming the trunk. "Y/n, I know you don't support my decision to stand behind your father, but I've got to do it." You look at her. " you don't have to mom, you're choosing to." You say walking to your door. "Here take this, I know you don't have a job or any money." She says, handing you dads credit card. "I still love you y/n, I will always love you." "I love you too mom." You say at your get in your car and start it up. You start pulling out of your driveway and see your mom standing in the doorway, with dad behind her. "What a piece of shit." You say. You start to drive off and you can't help but start crying.

You had no where to go. You just kept on driving until you get to the Wheelers. Mike and Dustin are outside saying goodbye to each other. You pull up and they run to you. They give you hugs after seeing you'd been crying. "Hey guys, is Eddie still here?" You ask them. "No he's not here. What happened y/n?" Dustin says looking concerned. "I will explain it all to you later, I just need to talk to Eddie right now. Where does he live?" You ask. "You know that trailer park off of Curley?" I nod. "He lives there with his uncle." Mike says while rubbing your back.

You say your goodbyes to the boys and get back into your car. You start driving to Eddie's. You had no idea what you were going to say or what you were going to do. You just needed an Eddie hug right now.

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