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Hello everyone! Although it looks as if Healer was published only a short while ago, this fanfic has not been updated (As in a new chapter) since August of 2022. Sometime in February of 2023 i had taken this fanfic down, as I was unsatisfied with how I had characterised Kat, and constructed this narrative. Only until July 2024 had I decided to republish each chapter.

This chapter had been in the making since 2022, but it is significantly shorter than the previous chapters. I am unsure if I will continue this fanfic, but I think I'd rather rewrite the narrative as I desire in another book.


"ᴅᴀʀᴋ, ᴅᴀʀᴋᴇʀ, ᴀɴᴅ ᴅᴀʀᴋᴇʀ"

It was cramped, dark, and extremely humid. So much for being a spacious vehicle. 

For some outrageous reason, instead of hiding the girl in the back seat until they've arrived in India, Phillip and his close associates stuffed her into the small confinement of a car-boot. She had to slip off her shoes halfway through the trip, as the hard bottoms of her loafers dug uncomfortably into her (Having being curled up into preposterous positions to fit in the first place).  

Even in such an uncomfortable environment, all she could think about what she was going to say when she did finally arrive.

Would they even want her back? No, that was established when they left her in that hotel at Singapore. She was too weak in their eyes, and she would do nothing but hinder their progress. It was selfish of her to want to. They have a purpose - a divine calling. She didn't.

She rest her head on her shoulder as she pondered. Why is she doing this? Other than not wanting to bring harm to the Non-Stand users of the Speedwagon Foundation, why was she so adamant on joining them? Sure, she was close to them and wanted to provide her talents to aid their cause, but was there something else?

Dio. That name that seems so foreign tugged at her heart in a bothersome way. She has long known that she's different, that somethings wrong with her. No convincing by Phillip or the Speedwagon Foundation could persuade her otherwise. She had only known snippets of her life, not in full. When she thought about it, she barely had any memories from before she was 15 - other than the select traumatic few. Was there something more significant to these recollections? Does that witch of a woman who she would never dare to call her mother have something to do with this? Is she affiliated with Dio?

She felt her blood boil with utter resentment, though, she was quick to calm herself down. No, that was absurd, Dio had only been 'awake' per say for a handful of years now, and she was a toddler during the abuse. The numbers just didn't add up, and there was no point in blaming him for the sake of it.

She felt her body jolt harshly as Phillip ran over a particularly deep pothole, yelping as she hit her head against the roof of the trunk.

"Watch it!" She whined, tracing her hand over her forehead to quickly heal the newly formed bump. She heard a faint wince and a distant 'sorry' from Phillip before slowly fading back into her pondering moment.

Phillip explained the crusaders were headed for Pakistan next, and needed a hefty 4WD (Four wheel drive) to traverse the rocky and irregular terrain. The environment - although she couldn;t see it - was rough, and the heat was quick to seep into the trunk and simulate the boiling force of an oven. If it weren't for Sapphire's quick conjuring of a small, stable and controlled tornado acting as a fan - Kat would've turned into a Sunday roast by the time she arrived.

A bead of sweat dropped down the side of her face as she recalled whos idea this was in the first place. She worries if Phillip has any biological children in the future, because he did not foresee the risk of putting a teenager in the boot of a car in extremely hot weather.

If she wanted to prove that she had the potential, that she had the will to continue fighting alongside her friends, she has to become stronger. Both mentally and physically. This whole strong but weak, shy yet outspoken persona of hers wasn't cute anymore, it was old and she needed to mature.

No, she may not have any direct conflict with Dio - but her conviction is built upon the care and bonds she has created with the crusaders. She will not turn a blind eye as they risk their lives if she can help it, she will not remain a pristine tool within a locked shed - untouched and unused. If she was born with the power to help others, she is by such inclined to use them for good. 

Her eyes closed as she reminisced the times shared with each of the crusaders. Though these connections were short, she felt as if there was a genuine and strong bond between each member. The times the laughed, the times they fought, the times they had come together. She felt as if meeting more stand users was the missing piece of the puzzle to her soul. Knowing that there were others out there that shared her unique powers was heartwarming, and granted her a place in a community she thought she'd never find. No longer did she feel like a file in the Speedwagon association's 'Paranormal' sector, but she felt like a person who could be welcomed and loved.

She felt the car slowed down momentarily, before it steadily turned into a significantly smoother road. Her heart skipped a beat as she heard the loud and muffled voice of Mr Joestar, sending orders to Phillip who carefully parked. She felt her eye's embarrassingly well with tears as she struggled to come up with what to say when she exits the confinements of the boot. She feared of being turned away again, a final hammering of the nail that pierced her heart torturingly over the past few days.

The car shook slightly as she felt Phillip exiting the vehicle to (What she assumes) talk to Mr Joestar. Their conversation was unrecognisable and muffled, so she struggled to listen in to the topic. She heard their voices gradually get louder and more distinct as they seemingly approached the car once more. 

She was practically trembling from nervousness, but also excitement to see her friends once more. There was a click of the car keys as she once more heard Phillip's voice clearly, cracks of sunlight seeping into the car as the boot door was lifted open.

"I got something that I think might help you." 

The sun practically assaulted Kat's eyes as she was revealed to the outside world once more, her hands rushing up instinctively to defend herself from the attack - preventing her from seeing the extremely shocked faces of the stardust crusaders as the keys in Mr Joestar's hands dropped with his jaw.



Hi everyone! Thank you for reading this chapter of Healer. For the readers that have been reading since 2020, I apologise for disappearing so suddenly 2 years ago - and I hope you can take the reupload and new chapter as an apology.

If that wasn't enough, heres some art I did of Kat. 

Super melancholy and a little disturbing - but there are many symbols in it that compliment and describe her character

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Super melancholy and a little disturbing - but there are many symbols in it that compliment and describe her character. The traits that will be revealed in due time ;)

Thank you!

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