𝙋𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙚 𝙍𝙞𝙙𝙚

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WAaaaa 90+ Reads!

Thank you all! I didn't think my book would get more than 10 :,D

Also sorry for the delay! Christmas and New Years gave me a bit of a set-back. <3

EDIT: 14/1/21 - Grammar 😩

Let's just say, flying in a plane whilst squished between two tall men wasn't Kats preferred way to die, but alas she had to submit to this evil. Both Jotaro's and Mr Joestar's Shoulders were sandwiching the poor girl in the middle seat, who was regretting not taking the isle one. Jotaro was calm and stoic as usual, and surprisingly so was Joseph currently.

Everyone sat in silence, there was few people on this plane so there was nothing to bother the five. Or so they thought. It had been happening for hours now. A consistent buzzing sound was annoying the small girl to insanity, and she also assumed it was the same for everyone else. The girl let out an annoyed sigh, 

"D-does anyone else not hear that b-buzzing?" she whispered, mindful of the other passengers on the plane.

Kakyoin peeked out from behind his chair, seated directly in front of Kat, "I hear it too, I thought I was going insane for a second there." The two of you exchanged a giggle or two, not long before Jotaro sent them a deadly stare, making the small girl whimper. The tall man was about to further scold her when he suddenly heard that annoying buzzing sound. Turning his attention to the direction of the noise, he spotted a weird looking bug at flying around on the opposite side of the cabin.

Jotaro stood up abruptly, shaking the girl in her own seat, "A rhino beetle?" Jotaro questioned but under further observation he grunted, "No, a stag beetle." 

Joseph leaned forward clutching onto the back of Avdol's seat, "Is it a stand Avdol? Did DIO already send one of his men?" Joseph asked, clear sweat trickling down his face.

Avdol faced towards the insect, "It's possible..." Avdol started, "A stand that takes form of an insect." Kat audibly gagged at that, she was dead afraid of bugs, finding them disgustingly scary.

The five continued to watch the bug as it inched closer when suddenly, it ducked behind one of the seats. 

"It hid in the shadows of the seats..." Mr Joestar said, searching for the bug.

 "Where did it go?" Jotaro questioned, walking down the plane's runway slowly, looking at the seats. They looked for the bug, some from where they seated like Kat. Joseph squeezed past the girl to get to the isle, leaving her alone in the middle seat. Kakyoin turned around to face her, his eyes struck with shock as soon as he saw her.

"Osaka! It's right by your head!"

Kat shot around, summoning Sapphire, snapped her head towards the bug and slapped it across the cabin, sending it flying but not dealing much damage. The ravenette girl scrambled of her seat to stand on the isle with everyone else, running behind Kakyoin to clutch onto his clothes shivering slightly.

The cherry-loving man turned around to look at the small, frail girl, "Not a fan of bugs I assume?" He chuckled, making the girl nod her head in agreement.

"T-that bug is s-so big! It has to b-be a stand!" Kat stuttered looking at the flying creature with distaste. The bugs mouth was surrounded with questionable liquids, with even more gurgling inside it's mouth with what looked to be a metal tongue.

"Disgusting..." Jotaro huffed, "But I'll take care of it."

"B-be careful. I've been told there is an Insectile Stand that likes to rip out the tongues of it's victims," Avdol warned.

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