𝙊𝙡𝙙 𝙈𝙖𝙣

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[ "𝙃𝙤𝙬 𝙤𝙡𝙙 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 " ]

Walking with Jotaro is defiantly a bumpy ride. His large strides meant the small girl was being thrown around at every step he takes. Of course she complained and asked him to be more thoughtful about the strides but he just told her to shut up and deal with it. 

Looking to the side, Kat watched Kakyoin's cherry earrings bounce up and down. Jotaro came to a sudden halt, all she could do was assume that they'd reached their destination. The house was very traditional Japanese themed, was this Jotaro's house?

Jotaro gently placed Kat onto the ground leaving her astonished. That was the nicest, calmest, most gentle thing he had ever done to her! She decided that it'd be ok to warm up to him a bit, what harm would that cause?

"Jotaro! What about school? And who is that?" A lady with blond hair and teal eyes asked. Kat assumed that was probably a relative, but most likely Kujo's mother. "-And why are they covered in blood?! Jotaro... Did you-" Jotaro only scoffed.

"Stay out of this."

He started to walk away, soon stopping. "You look a little pale, are you okay?" He turned to the blonde. The lady only squealed in happiness,

"Yay! Yes! Thank you!"

Jotaro gave out a small hum before continuing down the house, leaving Kat alone with her. The ravenette cleared her throat, making the lady turn to her. "Oh! Hello dear! Are you Jotaro's friend? Or wait. ARE YOU HIS-"

"NoNoNoNo! You got it all wrong I'm just a... Friend? Also, Thank you for welcoming into your household Ms Kujo," Kat bowed respectfully.

"No need to call me that! I'm Holly, but you can call me Seiko!" Holly squealed.

Kat gave another respectful bow before you heard Jotaro's booming voice from a few doors down, "Oi Bitch! Hurry up!" 

Holly huffed with a small smile on her face as the timid girl scurried down the house to where Jotaro was. In the room sat an Egyptian man, an older looking man and Jotaro. They had their focus on Kakyoin laying on the floor, but as soon as she walked in, they turned to her.

The girl hid slightly behind the sturdy frame of the door, a bit shy. The older man only gave you a warm smile, "Don't be afraid, please, come in!"

Kat twiddled with her fingers before taking a seat next to Jotaro, really the only person that she knew and felt a tad bit comfortable with. Jotaro seemed surprised at this, all he's done so far is treated her horribly. 

"Kat Osaka was it?" The Egyptian man spoke up, "I am Muhammad Avdol, my fellow comrade here is Joseph Joestar, and I assume you've already met Jotaro here," The young girl nodded.

"I have been told that you posses a stand, is this true Osaka?" Avdol Asks. Kat twiddled with her fingers once more avoiding all eye contact with anyone. Avdol gave a light hearted chuckle, gaining her attention. "You sure are a shy girl for someone who knocked Kakyoin unconscious, may I add, the same Kakyoin who defeated Jotaro?" This only made Jotaro growl in annoyance, pulling his hat down to cover most of his face.

Kat got extremely embarrassed at this and looked up at everybody before quietly summoning Sapphire. Sapphire emerged behind her, sitting in the same position as her. Avdol and Joseph looked at Sapphire in awe, making the blue stand growl a bit. 

"T-this is my stand. S-sapphire..." Kat began, "All I know right now is that she as astonishing h-healing abilities. So powerful it can regenerate limbs." This sparked Josephs interest, "She also has this ability called Sapphire storm, its when she can make a large tornado full of small fragments of sapphire. At high speed, these can cut you up really bad."  

Joseph suddenly spoke up, "Regenerate limbs you say? Can you help me out here?" He wiggled his prosthetic hand around. Kat only gave a small smile, sweat dropping. 

"Unfortunately, the wound has to be freshly cut for me to do so." She said, making the old man sigh in defeat.

Meanwhile, Avdol was having a mental crisis, "I do not know anything about your stand, it is not on any of my fortune cards, nor have I ever heard of it. This must be a legendary stand." Kat blushed slightly because of this before directing her attention to Kakyoin, still unconscious on the ground.

Jotaro moved a few hairs from Kakyoin's hairline before revealing an ugly looking flesh bud on his head. It was pulsing and moving, also seeming to have small tentacle-like things sticking into Kakyoin's head. 

"A FLESH BUD? IT MUST BE ONE OF DIO'S PARASITES." Joseph yelled, "They are made with Dio's DNA cells! We must remove it immediately!"

Jotaro already was on it, using Star Platinum to slowly grip the flesh bud and remove it. The tentacles slowly popping out, one by one, but new ones were emerging and crawling up Jotaro's skin.  Kakyoin's weak body started to shift indicating that he was close to waking up. Kakyoin's eyes slowly opened those eyes . Kat quickly placed both of her hands on each side on the cherry-headed man, pulling him up onto her lap. She was using her healing to numb out the pain that he would've felt fully conscious. 

His once sleepy eyes turned into ones of fear as he watched Jotaro slowly pull out the parasite. Kat rubbed Kakyoin's head gently, causing him to relax and calm down a bit. As Jotaro continued to pull the bud out, the tentacles only traveled farther up his arm, reaching his neck then eventually his face. Finally, with one swift tug, he pulled the parasite out, throwing it into the air before removing the tentacle travelling up his body.

Joseph quickly destroyed the Parasite, leaving only the ugly memories of it behind. Kat shivered, gagging a little at the sight. She looked back down at the cherry-headed male who was enjoying the euphoric experience her healing was giving him. The ravenette meekly tapped Kakyoin's  shoulders, making him look straight up at her. 

"Is it alright is I heal you? It's a really embarrassing process," Kat whispered, face tinted pink pointing her forehead. This made Kakyoin a bit confused, but then realised he must've had an unsightly gape from where the parasite was. Giving the girl a tender smile, he nodded before, again, resting on her thighs.

Kat put her hand over the hole, Sapphires healing surging through her hand. Avdol, Joseph and Jotaro stared at the girl in awe. She was such a sweet and caring soul, to top it off she's extremely strong. Kakyoin was lucky he couldn't see the jealous stares he was getting.

Kat was feeling excited for once in what had seemed to be an eternity, a little disappointed it will all end soon. But little did she know, not only this would be the end of her calm and peaceful life. But the start of her Bizarre Adventure.

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