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[ "𝘾𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙈𝙖𝙣" ]

The nurse turned around to face Kat and Jotaro again, "Jojo, you aren't going to tell me that this is a pen as well, right!?" She lunged towards Jotaro attempting to stab the pen into Jotaros cheek. Kat stumbled back as Jotaro pushed her away, he kept a tight grasp on the nurses hand, struggling against her push.

"This upper body strength. She's no ordinary nurse!" He said, adding another hand as the pushing pen drew blood from his cheek. The nurse looked rabid, froth pouring from her mouth as her eyes crossed in an unnatural way. 

"I saw something crawl on the floor, was that a stand?" He thought. 

"Noriaki Kakyoin, Did he cut my leg on the stairs too?" Jotaro grumbled.

Kat, oblivious to half of this situation ran up from the side of Jotaro and tried to help pull him back. Though, her weak arms didn't prove to do much help.

"Noriaki Kakyoin..?" Kat questioned, looking back up at Jotaro.

"Bingo," A new voice said.

Jotaro and Kat turned their attention to the window of the office, there sat a light-red-headed male dressed in the schools uniform. He seemed quite comfortable in the window sill. 

"I've attached my stand to the doctor, she's under my control now" He explained, holding up a little puppet, jiggling it around. "Attack my stand and you'll injure her," He directed his gaze to Kat, transitioning to Jojo.

"You bastard. Who the hell are you?!" Jotaro growled.

"I told you. I'm Noriaki Kakyoin." The cherry-head explained, "My Stand's name is Hierophant Green.." He fiddled with the puppet a bit more. "And while I am human, I pledged my loyalty to him... Which is why." He made the puppet point to the Kujo, "I have to kill you!"

The nurse jerked, pushing the brittle girl over to gain more power on Jotaro. The doctor was screeching, her mouth wide open and her tongue hanging.  Kat stared into the nurses mouth, spotting two glowing eyes at the back of her throat. 

"Jotaro! There's a stand-thing in her mouth!" Kat shouted.

Jotaro nodded as a response and pulled the pen out of his cheek, sending small splatters of blood out with it. He grabbed the back of the nurses head pushing it into his and. Kats eyes widened. 


Kat stared at the scene at horror, Kakyoin doing the same. The same purple stand from before summoned next to him, pulling out a green stand from the nurses mouth with it's teeth. Kat sat there absolutely star struck.

"I'm not letting you harm her," Jotaro says with a small smirk. Pulling the green stand further out, Jotaro inspected it. "Now I've dragged it out I see, It's nothing more than a pathetic parasite." The purple stand bit onto Hierophant green harder, making Kakyoin wince. The nurse fell to the floor unconscious. Kat ran over to her to assist the body.

The stand held onto Hierophant Green's head tight, Jotaro chuckled "Kinda reminds me of a fat, shiny, green melon." Kakyoin gasped for breath, Kat watched from afar, now understanding that if you damage the stand, it'll damage the user. 

"You're going to regret dragging that out of her, Jojo." Kakyoin grumbled, suddenly cut off my a choke. A thumb dent was pressed into his forehead, much the same the purple stand was doing to the 'melon stand'.

 "Cut the bravo. From the looks of your forehead, I'm about to smash two melons at once." Kugo spat on the ground. "For now I'm gonna keep a grip on you for a bit. I'll take you to the old man. I'm sure he'll be pleased to meet you. Besides, I'd like to know more about DIO myself."

"Dio? Who's that?"  Kat wondered keeping the nurse from falling onto the cold floor.

A bright green liquid dripped from Hierophant's hands, landing in large puddles below. "You'll regret this." Kakyoin chuckled "EMERALD SPLASH!"

A ridiculous amount of the green liquid erupted from out of Hierophant Green's hands, sending a large wave of it and many razor sharp emeralds splashing out. The emeralds cut through Jotaro and Star Platinum, sending them flying and crashing through a wall. Jotaro crashed, coughing up blood.

Kat screamed as the nurse's body exploded with blood, making her drop to the floor. Kakyoin turned at the sound and stared down at the raven haired girl, Hierophant Green by his side. He knelt down and held Kat's chin, forcing her to look up. "-And who may you be?"

Kat slapped his hand away, scrambling to her feet to engage in a fighting stance. Kakyoin only laughed slapping his knee. 

"You've witnessed my mysterious power and you still want to fight me? You're just a normal girl!"

Kat growled under her breath then took a deep breath before shouting, "SAPPHIRE!"

Her stand, Sapphire, emerged from behind. The height difference between the two was staggering. Sapphire let out a small, "Rih." Before strutting in front of Kat, engaging in the same fighting stance as her user.

Kakyoin's aura suddenly got serious, he charged towards you, Hierophant Green getting reading to throw punches. Sapphire quickly dodged him, her speed was unmatchable, and kicked his head to the side, sending him flying into the medicine cabinets. Kakyoin coughed up blood and hunched over on the floor.

Sapphire sprinted to Hierophant Green and threw him to the floor, sending a spiral of punches to his face, "Rih Rih Rih Rih Rih Rih Rih Rih Rih Rih Rih RIH RIH RIH!"  Sapphire sent a large finishing punch to Hierophant before successfully knocking him out. Kat huffed, this was her first time using her stand to fight and it was utterly exhausting. She turned to where Jotaro crashed, there he was with Star Platinum out staring at you with shock? Admiration? Fear? She couldn't tell.

Jotaro strutted up to her, suddenly remembering the conversation they were just having before. Kat hid behind Sapphire, but because it's her soul, it just cowered away back into her body. Jotaro stepped up to her, he was very close to her. Literally. Kat's nose was practically touching his chest. All of a sudden, he lifted her up and slung her over his shoulder.

"H-HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Kat shouted banging her fists against Jotaro's back glad her flustered face wasn't visible to him. She felt his large hand rest on her lower back, making her even more embarrassed. 

"Shut up bitch, I'm taking you to see gramps."

Jotaro crouched down to pick up Kakyoin, chuckling a bit at how much damage a small brittle girl like Kat Osaka could do. Kat let out a heavy sigh as she accepted her fate.

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