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Petunia's not happy that Link brought back a luggage full of things that by right should be banned from the Dursley household. But she feared the reappearance of the 'freaks' more than Link's new things. So Vernon decided to lock both boy and luggage in his new abode; Dudley's second room that's practically used for hoarding things that he either broke or bored of using. It took Link a while to really get the room set for proper usage. They especially dislike his 'pet'; Gaepora.

He spent the rest of the week before September 1st cleaning up his new room. Link has always been a minimalist, so he only needs a place to sleep and a place to keep his things in order. The rest of Dudley's hoard were set aside as neatly as he can in the mostly working closet, out of sight and de-cluttered. What items he can salvage and repair, like a broken alarm clock, he will find use for. Well, normal kids are not supposed to know how to fix things with a simple elbow grease nor would they be happy to learn how without gratifying reward. But luckily, Link has long accepted that he's not a normal kid. A part of him wondered if he will be just as strange in the magical society or will he finally be just another kid?

With his cursed luck, Link doubted it. In the meantime he decided to spend his remaining days in with the Dursley locked in his room like a hapless princess (at least he's not forced into a coma inside a crystal prison) reading his texts. Link enjoyed reading, because it means that he can learn instead of just knowing without really knowing when or where he learned. He's intrigued by both Herbology and Potion. Herbology because he just knows the importance of recognizing the difference between edible and poison in the wilderness can be the difference between life and death. As to why a kid like him have their survival instinct so attuned to the importance that differentiate between surviving and dying, Link have no idea nor did he dwell on it too much.

Also, who knows that perhaps knowing the difference between a magical plant and the common herbs can also do the same?

As for Potion, Link finds it familiar in a strange way. He somehow just knows that potion can come in handy during the oddest and most awkward of situation, but he can recognize neither the potions described in the book or any of the methods shown. Intrigued by the strange sense of knowing yet really not, he devoured the content of the book like duck to water. That being said, on the morning of September 1st, Link woke up long before the sun rise in the east and starts his day as he waited for the Dursley to let him out to use to the bathroom. He quickly packs his things and mentally made a checklist of things that he required to have.

The potion sets that had sat outside the luggage for Link to familiarize with were carefully placed in their section of the internally enlarged luggage. So far he had instinctually place them under 'clothing' (which he almost labeled as 'armor'), 'materials' which also have been broken down into several different sections such as 'edibles', 'herbs, 'minerals', 'monster parts' or 'potion ingredients', and 'inedible' which his school books and school things like the cauldron and telescope fall under.

There's also 'foods' and finally 'key items' which remained empty as his main 'key items' will be carried on his person at all times; his wands and the all-important ticket. That done, Link began to do his usual routine of stretching and light exercise...if one calls a stand-up as light. Once his usual core strengthening exercise finished, the Dursley finally wake up and start their morning routine. The locks outside his door unlatched one by one and Link already stood waiting with his towel and cleaning basket carried in his hand. A good shower and a quick scrub later, Link's ready for his trip to King's Cross.

Vernon grumbled as he took Link down to the train station, leaving the boy as soon as he stepped down with his deceptively light luggage and Gaepora's cage. The two alone took up the whole trolley that Link pushed into the station. Many onlookers staggered when they saw Gaepora, Hagrid's birthday present to Link. To be honest, Link doesn't blame them. It's not common to see owl in London, at least not to his knowledge but he could be wrong, but even more so when the owl mentioned can be mistaken for a man in a costume.

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