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Link was grateful that none of his friends mentioned anything about his body, but even more elated that they decided to stick by him after what they had seen. They treated him as they always did, although Hermione stopped being as bossy and Neville showed more fighting spirit than he did before. Ron also seemed to have taken more interest in learning. However Ron's new attitude towards learning worry his brothers who were more used to their lazy Ron than this new studious Ron.

During Quidditch week, Ron confessed to a quiet Link. It was the first time any one of his friends mentioned anything regarding that night with the troll. They were looking for a reference for their latest homework and Ron quietly started, "I felt stupid,"

Link stopped fussing with books on the shelves before him, his long ears twitched to listen to his friend's quiet voice as he continued, "When the troll were there, standing over us, I felt really stupid. Granted, I'm just a kid and I shouldn't be facing things like trolls...in a school of all places!" He sniffled and looked at Link's neutral face, "I was scared because I was stupid. All that runs in my head was...if only I know more. If I had known more, maybe I could do more and you won't have gotten hurt. I mean," He gasped as tears fell down his cheeks, "I know the magical world, more than you or Hermione and Hermione knows everything. But I was not prepared, I know the danger in this magic world but I wasn't prepared to face it,"

He sighed, "I can't sleep lately because I kept remembering that troll," Link had noticed this, because Ron was usually the second hardest person to wake up beside Link, "So I decided to know more, to learn more. So what if my brothers have all done it before me? I'm the one living as me, not them," He then looked at Link, eyes hard and determined, "I promise you this, Link. I will never leave your back open,"

Though Ron grinned after that, claiming that it was a load off his back, Link felt an uncomfortable sensation of self-hate. He failed to protect their innocence. Now Ron had to grow up a little faster. His mind flashed with burning homes and screaming children and Link had to excuse himself to visit the loo so he could throw up in private. He then recalled the reason why Petunia always excuse him and deal with pork meat herself; somehow Link knew what burnt human flesh smelled like.

Once he was done heaving over the toilet bowl, he opened the stall door to see Neville leaning outside, waiting. Neville's eyes caught his and he gave Link a shy smile as well as a tissue, "Feeling better?"

Link nodded, unsure on how to react around Neville. The boy have been showing more confidence as of late, asserting his presence more. He's still timid and shy, but he no longer take bullying lying down. Just the other day he threw the first punch and bring down Draco's goons down a few pegs alone when they tried to corner him near the Great Hall. He also showed more confidence in class, especially Herbology. Though he still fumble around nervously in Potion due to Snape.

Neville asked, "It has been a week since you started throwing up. Are you sure you don't want to see Madam Pomfrey?"

Link gave him a short shake of his head, refusing to go to her any more than necessary. He knew that his throwing up came more from guilt than nausea. However, he's losing weight much too quickly due his constant throwing up, his body barely managed to digest the food he ate before he threw them out against his will. He didn't want the nurse to think that he's developing bulimia.

So Neville stayed silent.

One evening, being too stressed that he began to develop a mild case of insomnia, Link stayed awaked through Christmas Eve's night with Gaepora for company. He stared at the falling snow and wondered why he always cry when he saw snow falling from the sky. Gaepora crooned against him, fluffing his feathers as he pressed tighter against Link as if to remind him that he's not alone. Soon, he dozed off and in the darkness of his mind he can hear an unfamiliar tune that sang to him in nostalgic rhythm. When he felt Ron poking his side, he blearily opened his eyes to his friend vibrating with excitement before blowing up, "MERRY CHRISTMAS, LINK!!"

Link absentmindedly replied as he yawned sleepily, "Nayru's Blessing to you too, Ron,"

Ron paused before shrugging it away as he walked to the pile of presents under the modest Christmas tree near the fire place of the Common Room. He and the others, who had returned home for the holiday, had noticed that Link has the oddest way of approaching things and say the strangest things even by wizarding standard. But his actions and words, little as they were, have never been malicious so none of them care for the oddities that came from Link. So Ron simply continue making his way to the pile of presents.

After Link finally joined him, Gaepora somehow balancing on his shoulder and head like a giant fluffy hat; Ron discovered a parcel with Link's name on it. He pushed the parcel into the hand of the bleary eyed boy, "Look! It's yours!"

Link paused, his sleepy brain quickly waking up from the shock that washed over him tinged with disbelief. No one had ever given him a present on holidays. Gaepora was his first present, ever. He stared at the name written in cursive; Harry 'Link' Potter. A bit confused, and slightly wary of possible prank, he studied the parcel; checking the wrapping and weighing it in his hands. Finally, he pulled on the simple twine holding the parcel close.

Folds of silvery fabric spilled out like silky waterfall and Link stared at it in confusion. Ron, face covered with crumbs of muffins, picked up the fallen note, "Here,"

Link took it and unfold the parchment, similar cursive forming under his eyes. The writer and gift giver does not sign their name under the rather short letter. But knowing that the fabric once belonged to his late father made the present all the more remarkable in Link's eyes. His mind recalled receiving a present of green tunic from several different people.

Ron, having taken out all the presents addressed to him and surprisingly, Link, pushed all the presents that belonged to his friends into his laps. Link opened each one carefully, still in disbelief that he received something on Nayru's Day. It seemed that the Weasley brothers had written home about him enough that the matriarch decided to knit him a sweater. Somehow Ron managed to tell her his favor of the color green and blue since she knit him a beautiful blue sweater the color of the sky and the teal green letter 'L' on the front.

Flustered, Link told Ron that he had not thought of buying them presents. Ron rolled his eyes and said that it was alright. Even dull as he was, Ron kept a close eye on the strong boy before him. He recalled the scars covering his friend's young body. Ron and the others had figured that Link does not have a happy or caring home. The sight of his friend being in a state of disbelief when he pushed the first present into his arms said much about his childhood. So Ron had not expected for Link to prepare them presents.

Link opened the rest of his presents; Hermione had gifted each of them a book binder with a strong reminder to organize their notes, and Neville had gifted them gift cards for Honeydukes. Ron had to explain what Honeydukes were to Link to which the boy's blue eyes widened with excitement. Later, Link put on his sweater happily and then looked at the fabric that had belonged to his father. Unfolding it proper, he discovered a cloak.

He put it on and Ron gawked, "That's an invisibility cloak!"

Link looked down and saw that though he can feel his body and limbs, he cannot see them. Excited, he landed the cloak for Ron to experience after the boy mentioned it being rare and expensive. Ron enjoyed pranking his siblings who joined them soon after, even the usually uptight Percy let loose a few chuckle despite being manhandled by the twins to join them early on.

Later, they were called to join in on the Christmas Feast at the Great Hall. Link went and placed his presents in his luggage, making sure to place the invisibility cloak in the 'key item' compartment...

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