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Link managed to seek out Lupin just before Christmas break started. The man looked a little haggard and his robes more grey and frayed than the beginning of the term. Remus was surprised to see Link at his door early in the morning before breakfast and allowed the boy in after an exchange of "mornings", "How can I help you, Mr. Potter?"

Link went straight to the point, "I would like to ask for your help in learning that charm that chase away Dementors,"

Remus blinked, "I see...I don't see why not but having seen you turn two to ashes, I would wonder why you even bothered to learn," He was genuinely curious when he asked the question. He watched as Link tilted his head, his eyes that typical vacant look of someone thinking deeply. After a moment he nodded, "It's because it's unreliable. I don't even know or exactly recall what it was that I cast that day and the chances of it happening again is minimal."

Remus accepted his explanation, "Very well...come back here after today's class. There are some things that I need to prepare for the lesson," The boy politely thanked him and excused himself.

Remus honestly doesn't know what to make of Link. He was nothing like either of his parents in temperament. He's quiet but not like the way Lily was. It wasn't even because he's studious either. If anything Link's silence was simply because he has nothing to say.

He has a strict nature and every teacher can see the efforts he put in every works handed to them. He's not the best in terms of raw talent nor is he a genius but he's hard working. If he doesn't get something, he can be found head down and reading up the subject. And if he doesn't get it on his own, he will humbly seek out help from his better.

That was something that James does not have; a humble nature. Sometimes Remus wondered why the boy wasn't in Hufflepuff. He also noticed that Link liked wearing his odd forest green hat that he later learned out of curiosity as Phrygian Cap. But instead of pointing forward, it flopped to the back and Link's hat is much longer than the ones on the paintings.

He had asked about the hat to fellow teachers and they all shrugged, minus Snape, since it does not violate any school rules. As the reason it was green? Turned out it was Link's favored color. And since it grew colder, he somehow managed to wear Ravenclaws' scarf instead of the red and yellow of Gryffindor. Yet, despite his mismatched colors none of the teachers bothered to tell him off. Not even the foul tempered Snape.

Besides, it's still part of the school uniform and Headmaster Dumbledore think that it promotes school unity. That was the other thing that differentiates Link from James; he doesn't care about House loyalty. Remus even saw him helping a young Slytherin when some Gryffindor tried to harass the child. Even if the Slytherin doesn't like him, he brushes off any of their nastiness like water off duck's back. It was remarkable.

Really, why wasn't he in Hufflepuff?

Then Remus learned many teachers referred to him the Lion of Gryffindor and considering all Gryffindors were called lions, it showed that Link had managed to stand out even among his own. He also learned the reason why. And when he compared to the nonsense James and his friends are often up to, Link stood on the opposite side of the spectrum. In this way he is both like and unlike Lily.

Link didn't go out of his way to trouble himself with whatever events that went on in Hogwarts. Rather, he just stumble on it and gotten involved because people are in danger. One could call him nosy and meddling, but he had only ever shown that his only interest was the mystery until whatever it was invaded his peaceful life.

So Remus found that he was slightly excited at the idea of what the boy could show in their one-on-one class...

Link came right on the dot. He knocked exactly when the clock's hand reached the number and the bell chimed. Remus welcomed him and Link politely accepted the seat placed before his teacher. Remus went through the usual motion of lecturing before coming down onto the spell itself.

Link take notes through the lecture, eyes stern and focused, sharp like a blade. Lupin cleared his throat as he take out his wand, "So...the spell I am going to try and teach you is highly advanced magic, Link...well beyond Ordinary Wizarding Level. It is called the Patronus Charm,"

Link nodded, taking the gesture as sign to put away his note and take out his own wand, "How does it work, sir?"

Lupin sighed and explained the best he could, "Well, when it works correctly, it conjures up a Patronus, which is a kind of anti-Dementor - a guardian that acts as a shield between you and the Dementor. The Patronus is a kind of positive force, a projection of the very things that the Dementor feeds upon - hope, happiness, the desire to survive - but it cannot feel despair, as real humans can, so the Dementors can't hurt it. But I must warn you, that the charm might be too advanced for you. Many qualified wizards have difficulty with it,"

Link nodded and stood up, "Please, teach me,"

And so the lesson started. Remus quickly realized that Link's fear has proven to be interfering with thoughts of happiness in which the charm is powered by. In a twisted way, he accepted that the boy is broken. So far, he couldn't even produce a vapor.

Had Link's fear been in the form of the Dementor, than he could have used a boggart to try and motivate the boy's instinct. However taking out a boggart would be futile and not even Remus would want to see the carnage of innocence. So he began questioning Link about happy memories.

This time, he found that Link can be tight lipped upon the subject of his private life. Even for a lesson, it was like prying the fang of a dragon.

He quickly understood; Link does not trust him.

This revelation stung but there is nothing Remus can do. And so the lesson continues every evening until Christmas holidays rolled in, in which they stopped until the next term started. Remus's trouble took most of his energy out of him and he had to excuse himself from the rest of the lesson until his health return to normal.

Link accepted his excuse and left...

However, unbeknownst to Lupin, Link continued to try and produce a Patronus. He thought of many things, even things that he had never told to anyone, things that he tried not to dwell on. Dreams that plagued his sleep, a familiar yet unfamiliar lay of land, creatures that would send even Hagrid running in fear. Terror so deep and primal he often wakes up wondering how he still lives.

Again and again the adage of "courage is not the absence of fear but rather taking action despite of it" became his morning mantra as part of his routine. Link does not believe that he's fearless but he simply knew that there are things that strike fear more than Ron's fear of spiders asking him to tap-dance.

So Link meditates through the holiday, wondering how to find that exact state of mind needed to produce a perfect Patronus. But his fear has no form and his enemy hides beyond his reach. Until he strike either down then happiness would be beyond him.

He tried simple everyday pleasure; like flying on Buckbeak or fooling around with his friends. Nothing came out of it. He tried vaguer impression of happiness like good food or simply content for living another day. Still nothing come out.

Link looked up at his reflection on the morning of the second term and realized; he's void of happiness because She is still trapped and endangered. How could he be happy in the truest sense?

He failed them...

He failed Her...

How dare he be happy?

"Din's flame,"

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