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Sirius looked around him, trying to figure out the carefully drawn map that was included in the letter that Harry "Link" Potter, his godson, had given him. Upon his absolution of crimes, which was really wasn't even his own crime; Sirius had asked Albus Dumbledore to allow him his full custody of his godson Link as written in his family's will.

However due to certain events, Link had to stay with his detestable Muggle relatives. When asked, Albus told him about Lily's sacrifice and the ritual that she had used to bind a powerful protection to her bloodline. Link had to remain with his Aunt until he reached his majority at age 17. Link will have to remain close to his mother's blood to 'recharge' the protection for all parties involved so that Voldemort could not place a finger on him, as proven during First Year.

But Sirius was allowed visitations and the man vowed to visit as often as possible which might as well be every day. After all, despite detesting his own blood, the Blacks are one of old money and that meant Sirius is very, very rich. Since all but him alone remain in his family, his family's fortune became his. Sure there is still Narcissa Malfoy nee Black but she's married to the Malfoy line and thus unqualified for her natal family's fortune other than through her son. And since Draco Malfoy is still a minor, he can't take on the family's fortune until he reaches his majority.

The rest of the Black is either incarcerated in Azkaban, exiled, missing, insane or dead...

It speaks much about his family's mental health. The only decent one has been exiled for marrying a Muggleborn wizard. This leaves Sirius, the only living Black of the direct line alive, eligible for all their fortune.

Sirius has immediately used most of the money to try and buy a Muggle home in a Muggle populated district closes to Link. He wanted to be available to Link in any way possible. One of his greatest regret when stuck in Azkaban was that he chose to chase after Pettigrew. Had he kept a tighter hold on his emotion, then Link won't have to live a miserable life with his relatives.

Sirius had studied the Dursley when he first escaped. He had seen Link by accident when the boy was given the chore to buy some grocery at a nearby market from an alley and had followed the boy discreetly. Link may not even remember it but he had noticed Sirius, an emaciated dog and had taken a whole packet of hotdogs for him.

He had received a smack on the hand for 'forgetting' an item on his grocery list...

Sirius then studied the family Link lived with. He wasn't always there but from what he had seen, it left his blood boiling. But the worst part was the self-hatred. He was a fool to hope that Link have decent relatives. It wasn't as bad as his own, but Sirius remembered too late about the one time he met Lily's sister and brother-in-law.

They had left a bad taste in his mouth then, and that taste had only grown stronger now.

Sirius looked at the paper again, sure that he's in the right place of the small wooded area near Little Whinging. Suddenly he heard a familiar voice, "Sirius?"

Sirius's face brightened as he caught sight of Link who seemingly appeared out of thin air, "Link!"

The two shared an awkward hug as Link is not used to physical affection and it has been too long for Sirius since he last shared a brotherly hug with James. Sirius pulled back before Link could grow even more uncomfortable and asked, "So? Where's this famous tree house?"

Link smiled that small smile of his before pulling on Sirius's sleeve, taking him past this seriously complicated barriers and revealing the clearing that has completely been transformed by his hands. Sirius gaped at his surrounding, "Holy"

The tree had grown bigger, sturdier and healthier since last year. There're signs of Bowtruckles living on the tree itself and from the hole by the root, some gnomes have made a home amongst its roots. Link even had managed to make a small garden patch full of useful plants that can be used in food or potions. There're herbs and vegetables, even some fruits trees.

Moss grow at the base and Link had strung up some modified fairy lights that he had bought from Diagon Alley which leave the whole place looking like it came right out of a fantasy book. A House Elf came into sight, happily watering the plan.

Sirius smiled, "Is that Dobby?"

Link looked at his roommate, or tree-mate (?), and nodded, "He has been adding more and more protection around this place,"

Sirius barked out some laughter, "It's not a wonder why I can't find your tree then!"

Link smiled and invited the man towards the rope ladder, "Come on in,"

As Sirius climbed up, he noticed several more magical creatures hanging around the area. This place must be submersed with magic to attract this much creatures. As he pulled himself into the hollowed out hole of the tree, he looked around.

As Link had grown, so does his furniture. Dobby helped a lot in making the place more homely. He has a proper bed instead of a cot made out of leaves and thrown out potato sacks. Along one side of the 'wall' are shelves filled with books charmed with protection against humidity and any hazards to books. Dobby also filled the middle row with things that he no longer use but presentable as collectibles or ornaments like his brass telescope and older instruments used in Potion Class.

There's mosquito veil hanging over the entrance and over and around the bend like the four poster bed in Hogwarts. Throw pillows with neutral, tan and forest green of numerous shades littered the floor and around a low table, arranged over a neutral round carpet made out of fibers.

On the low table is a modified oil lamp that uses magic to light up the room. Sirius noticed several more similar lighting tools around the room that help keep the room bright. He sat on one of the large and cushy throw pillow, "This is have a making to design rooms, Link," He gestured around, "It's all so airy and bright...considering you have no windows to speak of,"

A deep hoot declared itself as Gaepora entered the hole and took its place on a giant round cushion made entirely out of fibers, so obviously his that Sirius would be a fool to sit in it. It snapped up the rat in its mouth and swallowed it whole. Sirius feels a wicked satisfaction at the sight.

Link thanked Sirius for his compliment, "It's all Dobby, really. He's very good with his work now that he's no longer labored under the Malfoy," He then sighed, "Although Dobby still refused to stay in here with me despite the fact that he lives here more than I am,"

Sirius accepted his tea, "So where does he sleeps?"

Link glanced down, "He room in with the gnomes. Apparently they made a deal; Dobby can room in with them and they will receive some of Dobby's crops," He chuckled, "The gnomes also like the tree. They keep the pest away as they often eat them,"

The two shared some stories as they while away the day when Sirius finally bring up the main reason he came visiting, "Anyway, this year the Quidditch World Cup will take place in Britain!"

Link looked up from where he has been trying to knit, something he felt might be a good skill to learn for some reason, and asked, "When?"

Sirius smiled smugly, bringing out three tickets, "Next week will be the finals and I finally have my hands on these beauties!" He wiggled his brows, "So how about it, Link? You, me and good ol' Moony?"

Before Link could give his answer, Sirius added, "Oh, I have also invited the Weasleys and your Witch friend Hermione Granger,"

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