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Link dropped his Egg with pained grimace, his ears bleeding and his friends had to drag him to Pomfrey since his balance was off due to the damage done to his ear drums. Neville helpfully put the Egg on his bed before helping Ron bear his weight on his other side.

Ron winced as Pomfrey forced Link to sleep in the infirmary for the night before shooing them out, "Bloody hell, what was that?"

Neville shrugged, "Forget that nightmare. What I want to know is how come only Link's eardrum's burst? I mean, I get the ringing in our ears. I swear I saw stars for a moment, it was that horrible. But Link's ears just right off popped!"

Hermione, who had rushed after when she saw them, contemplated, "Maybe because his ears being long isn't just something superficial? I mean, I once read that pointed or enlarged ears tended to be more sensitive to sounds,"

Ron looked at her, "Wait, are you telling me that Link have very sensitive hearing? How sensitive?"

She scowled at him, "How would I know, Ron? It's his ears,"

"Well, you always have answer for everything,"

Neville ignored their routine quarrelling and said, "But Ron, does it really sound like your brother Percy's shower singing?"

A few days after the First Trial, Link discovered that the next hurdle has nothing to do with the Egg which hold the clue to the Second Trial. Rather, the Yule Ball is coming. Ron's panicking about his still horrendous dress robes and Neville practiced his waltz in their dorm in front of a mirror. Hermione seemed to be avoiding someone and Link doesn't know who to ask to the Ball.

It was when he brought up this question during breakfast that his friends looked terrified by the sudden realization. Ron gulped his egg after showing it off to the unfortunate soul sitting in front of him, "Bloody hell, if we're not quick we won't have anyone to ask!"

Neville groaned, "I don't even know who to ask,"

Hermione sniffed at them, "You should just hurry it up with that sewing project of yours, Ron, or you won't have anyone to show it off to,"

Ron grumbled before looking at Link, "Forget about me! Link need a partner! He's a Champion!"

Link sighed, "Give me Volvagia any day over this,"

Ignoring the odd name Link called the dragoness, Ron patted his back, "I'm sure girls are just waiting for you to extend your hand to them,"

Ron wasn't wrong, Link has a lot of attention from the witches. Especially after he swept the floor with McGonagall with his waltzing skill during a dance lesson. This garnered him even more attention as girls wanted to live the dream of being a princess since Link looked so much like a Prince Charming when he skillfully lead the dance with McGonagall who was pleasantly surprised by his expert moves. It helps that he has a very pleasant appearance and his blond hair blue eyes combo just upped his value in their eyes.

Many boys grumbled that Link just made the hurdle for them harder but it also fired them up when they saw the usually timid member of Link's friends, Neville, picking up lessons with Link who helped with his posture. Soon, Link grew busy with helping the boys with their postures and steps.

On the other side, the Twins has yet to let it down that Ron had to dance with their Head of House on the first class. It was a disaster...

One day, Ginny who came across Link in the Library found the courage to ask him, "How did you learn how to dance?"

His friends, who had gotten so used to Link just knowing things that it never dawned on them to ask him, looked up from their respective work and stared at him. Link's face blanked and he seemed lost for a moment. Ginny was about to apologize if it was a painful subject since he looked so sad when suddenly he smiled as says, "I simply do,"

Ron swatted at him pointlessly, "If you don't want to tell us then don't,"

Link awkwardly laughed it off though he didn't have the heart to tell them that he really simply do know for no reason. It wasn't that he didn't want to tell but rather he didn't know how to tell. He couldn't say that the moment McGonagall called on him to teach him the waltz, his body simply moved.

Or that during the dance, he had a sudden moment where he didn't see himself dancing with his teacher or that it was an empty classroom that he's dancing in. But rather it was an empty ballroom and the one he's dancing with have golden hair and glittering green eyes. A beautiful crown glinted gold on her head as she tilted her neck just so.

She still didn't like him then...

But they have no choice but to open the dance floor since he's Her-

Link winced in pain and felt something dripped down from his nose. Ginny gasped at the sight, "Link! Are you alright?"

Link felt faint as he feel his friends pulled on him. His head's pounding and he couldn't remember well. This was the reason why he didn't want to think too deeply. His nose will bleed and he will lose all sense of self for a whole day. Next thing he knew, he blacked out...

As Link stared at the ceiling of the Hospital Wing, once again stuck with Madam Pomfrey, he wondered. He knew he failed someone and that someone is always referred to as Her in his mind. But who is She? He could taste her name on his tongue but it always slip away before he could say it.

Every time he almost recall, he will black out. All Link is certain is that the emotions he hold for Her is complicated and deep. So deep he couldn't see the bottom. His emotions will always run away from him, raging so furiously that he lost all sense of reason when it comes to Her.

Third Year was the most he ever learned about Her.

The Dementor brought out things that he couldn't recall on his own, voice that he yearned to hear once more. He knew the where or how he learned all his skills were beyond his recollection because it has become muscle memories to him, so he never question them because instinctually he trusted them.

But whenever it has something to do with Her, he has this deep yearning that won't go away even as his head pounded like it was being hit with the fist of a Stone Talus. He know Her face, as it was revealed to him in the Mirror. But he don't know who She is, especially in regards to him. Every single time he almost recall, it felt like he's being torn from the inside out.

Sighing, he decided to stop lest he ended up extending his stay in the infirmary. After all, there is so much he needed to do that being considered unwell will just get in the way.

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