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No one asked Link about his stay in the infirmary during the first week back to Hogwarts. Frankly, there's nothing much to say. He was asleep most of the time. His sleeps were plagued by strange dreams and there's no explanation for it that can be gleaned.

Hermione was most helpful with Ancient Rune since he missed the introductory week. Ron and Neville had joined Muggle Studies as opposed to their initial plan of Divination. When Link learned about the class, he had told them that it would be a waste of time since they do not have the innate talent to 'see' the way that Seer sees things. Divining through objects alone might be doable for the common magical mass, but that also could be utterly useless. The most they could divine would be what's for dinner that day and most of the time it will be incorrect.

But Link also noticed that amongst the subjects of study in Divination is the Art of Divining Dreams. But a curious skim through the texts at the library showed that there really isn't much he could learn to understand his dreams.

The second elective that he took up along with his friends are Care of Magical Creatures. He had chosen the subject after the matter with Norberta. Even as a dragon, she's much too...beastly, for lack of better term. Dragons in Link's mind should be more...divine and spiritual. Even dragons like Volvagia have better mental acuity than the dragon he came across.

So now that he had acknowledged that there's some disparity between reality and what he expect, and one that he could actually do something about, Link has decided to study the fauna of his world.

But he most certainly didn't expect for his first class with Hagrid will be with 'XXX' level Beast...

So in his disbelief at Hagrid's move to impress his students, he didn't notice his peers stepping back and hiding when Hagrid asked for "volunteers" and thus inadvertently offering himself to the ferocious Hippogriff. Hagrid cheered happily, "Link! As expected of you, the bravest of Lions!"

Well, at least his first friend is happy...

Standing before a Hippogriff, one long ear listening to Hagrid's instruction on how to approach one, Link suddenly see a bright crimson bird as large as the Hippogriff. The Hippogriff are not crimson, but rather more of the silvery side. The peregrine falcon head turned to him, interest in its intelligent amber eyes as Link stepped forward.

"Keep your eyes open, Link! Maintain eye contact!"

Suddenly, the proud beast bowed towards him. Hagrid's flustered order to return its bow reached him and Link does the same. Once the two straighten as equal, Hagrid cheered and suddenly picked the boy up, "Now you can ride him!"

What? "H-Hagrid?"

The next thing he knew, he was straddling the Hippogriff and Hagrid thumping its back causing it to take flight. Instinct took over and Link properly strengthens his thighs, posture following the gait of the Hippogriff.

Its familiar, so familiar...

Link found himself laughing wildly, arms reaching for the sky and the Hippogriff, one whose name he vaguely recalled Hagrid introduced as Buckbeak, followed his lead. They flew higher and higher and suddenly, they broke through the clouds. Buckbeak hovered and Link whooped in delight, feeling the golden ray from the sun gracing his cheeks.

So painfully familiar...

The two spent the whole class flying, both somehow refusing to rejoin the class until the castle bells rang signaling the end of the class. Link sadly stood down from Buckbeak and thanked his newfound friend. His legs shook but it was a familiar fatigue. Hagrid later told him that he had never seen anyone ride a Hippogriff like he was born straddling it.

Link couldn't tell him that it was one of the things that he just knew but didn't know how...

Since that class, Link could be seen flying with Buckbeak every weekend. Ron stared at the figure flying over Black Lake, "For a bloke who couldn't fly a broom properly, he sure knows how to fly a Hippogriff,"

It was true; Link has never been able to fly the broom properly. In fact, he never actually lifted off the ground and his stance on the broom has been oddly wide. Watching Link trying to fly on a broom is just painful to watch. Madam Hooch had given up on him ever lifting off before First Year even ended.

Neville chuckled, "Well now we know why he's not made for Quidditch,"

Ron pouted, "But he catches the Snitch faster than anyone, even our official Seeker!"

The one time Link followed Ron to his Quidditch practice, Wood had tried to recruit him. Apparently James Potter was a famous and celebrated Chaser for Gryffindor House team. He even has a trophy with his name on it in the Trophy Room. So it only makes sense to scout out his son.

Well, Link caught the Snitch alright. In fact, he's a rare all-rounder! Not only does he has sharp eyes and sharper reflexes, he also has a strong swing when he whacked the Bludger so hard it flew over the Forbidden Forest and took a while to come back. However, the very core of Quidditch was beyond him; Link simply couldn't fly.

Ron mulled, "Think they'll allow him on the team with a Hippogriff?"

"Don't be stupid, Ron! Buckbeak will tear through the team, both the opponent and ours!"

The boys jumped in shock, Ron speaking out his mind, "Bloody hell, Hermione! When did you come here?!"

She scowled, "What do you mean, I have always been here?"

Neville gawked at her, "I'm pretty sure you left us for an extra class..."

She scoffed, "Don't be silly! I can't be at two places at the same time!"

The boys took in her appearance. Ever since she made up her mind to take on all the electives, she has been Even Link had quietly and cautiously skirted around her. She often made her presence known suddenly, more often scaring the boys than not. Oddly, Link takes her sudden appearance and disappearance with more grace than normal.

He even saved her some food at meal time before she even 'arrives'.

It's disturbing how understanding he was of the whole thing...

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