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Link stared at George and Fred Weasley as well as Ron Weasley who were floating in a car outside his window. Yawning, he pointed to the ground, "Please park your car on the shoulder of the road," The siblings complied before looking up at him.

Opening his window wider, he looked around before whistling. Ron was about to ask when Gaepora appeared and Link held onto the bird's claws as they drifted to the ground safely. The twins grinned at the sight, ""Cool,""

Link stared at the car, a Ford Angela if his memory from the auto-mobile magazine that his uncle preferred was correct. He yawned again, "What are you doing here, Ron?"

Ron huffed, "I was worried!" At Link's confused gaze, he grumbled, "Neville wrote something about your letter being intercepted by a house elf and that's why you never write back! What if it works with You-Know-Who?" He shivered at the idea.

Link sighed, "He was trying to stop me from going back to Hogwarts," He then looked inside the car, "Do you mind taking me somewhere?"

Fred, or George, grinned, "Sure! Hop in!"

The car finally stopped in front of a large tree that Gaepora swooped into. The siblings stared as Link climbed up, "Wait, I'll go get the ladder," Soon a wooden ladder rung made of ropes and branches came down from a hole in the tree. Interest piqued, the siblings climbed up and into a hollowed out hole that was enlightened by crumpled papers set on fire in a glass jar in the middle of the space on a wood stump serving as a table.

George grinned at the sight, "Awesome tree house, mate,"

Fred knocked on the wall, "Sturdy,"

Ron looked around; Link's familiar luggage placed neatly against a wall with a cot of beddings rolled up beside it, there were shelves of fraying books hanging on the wall designed like the ladder they just climbed on. Some ceramic tiles lined the wooden ground under a small metal bin with pieces of woods inside with a perforated sheet of metal over it, a flint and steel placed nearby. A round green rug were placed in the middle to soften the ground, obviously recycled from the frayed edges and patched up holes. In fact, many things in the room were recycled. Fruit crates lined with old clothes sown into large sheets of fabric kept things organized around the corners. A large and little banged up water dispenser sat on a short wooden stump with chipped cups in a small fruit crates together with meal essentials like plates, spoons and forks.

Link placed a small dented kettle on his home-made stove, the fire growing inside quickly boiling the water enough to make tea for his guests. Link never had guests, but he always thought some extra cups would do great in the future and he was right, "Tea?"

Ron accepted his cup, watching Link snuff out the fire in the metal bin so the room won't get stuffy. After a moment, Ron asked, "Want to come to my house? I'm sure we can make a space for you in my room,"

Link looked at him, "Won't your parents be troubled?"

Fred and George cheered, "Troubled?"

"Mom will be glad to have you!"

"Mind you, our Dad will ask all kind of questions..."

"...on how Muggle things works!"

"But they'll be thrilled...!"

" have you over!"

"Especially our little sister...!"

"...Ginny, she have a thing for marrying you!"

The two then glared at him, ""So don't think about playing around with her,"" They ended in unison darkly. Link stared at the two, took a sip of his tea before shrugging, "I don't plan on going out with anyone any time soon,"

Ron rolled his eyes at them, "So, are you coming?"

Link looked around before smiling, "Let me pack my things and leave a note for the Dursley," He chuckled, "Not that they care's the principle of things," The boys chuckled as they helped Link pack his things, although Link refused to let them mess with his spacing system in the luggage. Ron has to say he's impressed and a little disturbed by Link's organizing skills and obsession. Once everything fit in the luggage, the twins lugged it out...or was about to when they realized that they were at least three floors up and throwing the luggage down won't end well. So Fred stepped down and gestured for George to toss it to him. Ron turned to Link, "How did you even get it up here in the first place?"

Link pointed a thumb at Gaepora, "It has lightening rune stitched in the lining so it's light enough for Gaepora to carry it up,"

Ron blinked before shrugging, " can pick you," He then grumbled quietly to himself but Link's pointed ears caught it, "I'm bloody weaker than a bloody bird,"

Link grinned sheepishly, knowing that Ron and the rest of his roommates at Hogwarts still feel the sting of defeat after Link started waking up earlier than all of them after the incident with the troll, thus rendering their levitating skill useless for the reason they master it at the beginning.

After sliding his short note about leaving to Dursley and thanks for letting him live with them for the summer, not that they care, the group leave for the Weasley's home; The Burrow. Link watched in amazement as the car flew and with another press of their finger on the numerous buttons on the dashboard of the car, turn invisible. He had to give it to them, "Mr. Weasley a genius..."

The Weasley brothers preened at the compliment towards their patriarch. Outside, Gaepora flew alongside the car. Ron gaped once more dumbstruck by Gaepora's size. Once they flew over the city that slowly thinned out to residential area to farming lands and slowly to woodlands and prairie. Ron then pointed out his home to Link, "We are here,"

After the twins landed the car and drove it into the nearby garage, which Link can clearly tell was Mr. Weasley's sanctuary; the group proceeded to sneaking in. However, as the twins opened the back door leading into the kitchen, a stern voice greeted them, "And where did you lot take the car?"

Before they could defend themselves, the motherly woman whom Link recognized as their mother from last year at King's Cross, began to scold them, "What if someone saw you!? Did you ever think how it will impact your father?!"

She went on and on with her lecture to their reckless 'rescue' of Link, who she then finally noticed and she cooed at him, "Why hello, Link, it is good to see you again. Come in, come in! No need to stand at the door, dear! My look at you, you're skin and bones! I know just how to fix that!"

Saved from their mother's further scolding, Ron and his brothers escaped to their room taking Link's luggage with them. Soon, more of the Weasley came down to see a blond boy sitting at the table helping their mother prepare for breakfast. In fact, Link noticed the peculiar clock that showed the whereabouts of the Weasley broods all pointing to home just as their father appeared from the oddly large fireplace.

Link of HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now