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Link stretched his body as he waited for the last Trial to begin. Remus and Sirius sat with the Weasleys as they watched him. He had already received all the well wishing they could bless him with so now he stands beside the other Champions.

Since he had taken the first place in the Second Trial with Fleur, they stand side by side as they waited for the Minister for Magic end his speech and open the final day of the Tournament. The sky bloomed with fireworks as he set the start and Fleur smiled at Link, "See you on the other side?"

Link nodded amicably at her and the maze opened itself before them. Stepping through his opening, Link found silence as walls of greeneries surrounded him. They loomed over him and Link knew that he won't be able to even cut his way through the maze. As he walked around, holly wand in hand, he kept his senses open. Turning a corner, he found yellow mist covering the ground ahead.

Breathing deep, he braced himself as he walked through the yellow mist and suddenly found his world flipped over his head. Knowing better than to panic, he moved forward, body tense and ready to roll should he found nothing to step on. Fortunately he found himself back on the ground and the sky back over his head.

Shaking his head, he continues to make his way. He then found a full grown Blast-Ended Skrewt that had been the Creature class's nightmare standing in his way. Link had shown great distaste of the animal, calling it by a different name; Aracha.

Grimacing, he conjured a stick which he then transfigured into a sword. Stepping towards it, he caught its attention causing the Creature to instantly propel itself forward with a blast from its end directly towards Link. Link simply dropped to the ground and cut its underbelly as it passes over him. The beast screech as it crashed to the ground and flipped. Saying an apology to Hagrid, Link jumped over and gave it a fatal strike.

After cleaning himself as best as he could after being splattered with blood, Link moves forward. Using the "Point Me" charm, he followed the direction the wand showed him diligently when he heard Fleur's voice screaming. Unsure whether the voice meant that she's really in danger or part of the maze's gimmick, Link decided to play it safe.

He headed in the direction of her scream.

But no matter how far he walked, he could not find her. Soon, he noticed a flash of red in the sky that just as quickly disappeared. Knowing that there will be people in charge of security, Link continues to walk deeper into the maze.

He encountered several more gimmick in the maze, like the Devil's Snare that covered the ground of one path. Knowing that he can't walk through that direction, Link decided to find a different way. Turning around several more corners, he came across an unexpected guard; a Sphinx.

She looked at him and gasped, "Sky Child,"

Having not heard that reference since First Year, Link was tempted to ask but decided to stay silent instead. She studied him before smiling, "If you can answer my riddle, then the trophy is just beyond. I will let you pass if you stay silent although I will take your remaining time as payment. But if you answer my riddle wrong then understand that I have no choice but to harm you. The decision is yours,"

Link nodded and turned away from her. She didn't lie when she said that the trophy is behind her. He could see it. But there's a toll to pay. So he will try to find another path when he heard screaming. It sounded like someone familiar so he ran straight towards the origin of the sound.

He didn't stop to analyze as he saw Krum standing over Cedric, screaming in pain and writhing on the ground. So he barreled straight into the side of the Norwegian Champion, cutting the curse from continuing and relieving Cedric of his pain. Krum crumbled and his head hit the ground, rendering him unconscious.

Cedric gasped as he slowly comes out of his pained daze. Coughing, he groaned and strained to sit up, "What the bloody hell? He just come out of nowhere and attacked me!"

Link checked on Krum, opening his eyes and waved some diagnosing spell he learned from spending too much time with Madam Pomfrey. He frowned at the signs of Krum being cursed, "Someone tried to control him,"

Cedric sighed, "Well...that's weird. Why would anyone bother this late in the Tournament?"

Link has a bad feeling and so he turned to Cedric, "Cedric, I want you to stay here after you cast the red flare for help. Someone has rigged this Trial and I have a bad feeling,"

Cedric bitterly laughed, "You sure it's not about winning?"

Link frowned, "He's been Imperioused, Cedric,"

The older boy froze and looked at Krum before standing and casting his own diagnosing spell. He frowned at the result, "This is not good," He looked at Link, "And you? If I stay here and give up the Tournament, what are you going to do?"

Link stared at him, "I'll spring the trap, whatever it is,"

Cedric scowled in objection, "What?! No! That's dangerous, Link!"

Link sighed, "Look, I'm not even supposed to be a Champion!"


Link reasoned, "That means that whoever put my name in the Goblet want to me to win,"

Cedric blinked, "What?" He then recalled the things Link said at the beginning of the Tournament, about people wanting him dead. Paling, he shook his head, "No, Link, you're not going alone!"

Link stared at his senior and smiled, "If this Tournament has not been rigged, I'm sure you would have been the Champion of Hogwarts," With that he transformed into a wolf and bounded off before Cedric could stop him. He could hear the Hufflepuff Champion calling him, telling him to stop being a sacrificial idiot and wait for help, to figure this problem out.

But Link didn't stop. He's furious. It's time he face the manipulator behind the curtain of the Tournament.

Stopping in front of the Sphinx, he morphed back to boy and asked, "The Riddle, please,"

She smiled and asked;

"First think of the person who lives in disguise,

Who deals in secrets and tells naught but lies.

Next, tell me what's always the last thing to mend,

The middle of middle and end of the end?

And finally give me the sound often heard,

During the search for a hard-to-find word.

Now string them together and answer me this,

Which creature would you be unwilling to kiss?"

Link listened and pondered, mind racing as he realized that though it sounded like it has three answers, in the end it only has one. Combining the answers in his mind, he confidently said, "Spider,"

The Sphinx studied him and stepped aside, "The trophy is yours, Champion of the Sky,"

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