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It was the day after the Quidditch match that Link heard how Colin Creevey, a Muggleborn wizard, was found petrified on the evening after the match ended with Slytherin's victory. The whole team had been outfitted with the new and improved Nimbus 2001. Ron did his best as a Keeper but it was all for naught when Draco Malfoy grabbed the Snitch.

Hermione sniffed her nose at that, "At least everyone on the Gryffindor's Team was selected through pure talents and skills,"

She almost had the whole team in love with her for her defense of them.

Back to Colin, however, he was reported to be missing from his bed and McGonagall found him with his Muggle camera up and poised for capture just shy from the loos near the path that will take him to the Quidditch Stands. They had hoped that Colin's camera would solve the mysterious attacker but alas, his camera roll was destroyed. Since then, students have been informed to never walk alone. Luckily for Colin, the anti-petrification potion that was used of Mrs. Norris has enough left over for him.

But when asked by the teachers, he could only recall something big with yellow eyes through his lenses but then everything went black...

So the friends found themselves looking over Link's note. It was one thing when it was just pets, even as unsavory as that was, but it was another when humans become involved. Link had a premonition that if another student or staff member becomes petrified, the school will have to close until the culprit is caught.

None of them wanted that, thus the current review on Link's note. So far, Link had written down that whatever it was has something to do with reflective surfaces, corners and spiders. He added the new descriptions; big with yellow eyes.

Hermione huffed, "It sounded like a creature,"

Neville slumped, "That doesn't narrow it down,"

Ron frowned, "But why does Colin's camera roll became dust?"

Link looked over his list, "Maybe his camera saved him?" When they looked at him, he expanded his theory, "Well...there was the puddle on the floor with Mrs. Norris and she has been wary of reflective surfaces since. That meant whatever it was that petrified her was seen through the puddle. If Colin's camera roll was any indication, it was meant to do greater damage than petrification," He also added, "From what Colin told me when I asked him, the floor wasn't wet and the area they founded him has nothing reflective. So that leaves his camera,"

He wrote down; indirect contact?

A few days later, Lockhart strikes again...this time in the form of a Dueling Club. Link thought that there was already a formal Dueling Club but maybe he simply assumed and the club didn't actually exist. When he mentioned this to his friends, he was informed that there wasn't a Dueling Club in Hogwarts. There used to be but then it was deemed "too dangerous" and "unnecessary". The only remnant of said disbanded club would be the Head of Ravenclaw; Prof Fillius Flitwick.

Link sighed as he signed his name up for the re-established club, "That's a shame,"

Hermione shrugged, "From what I have gathered, there have been attempts to bring back the club but that was like fifty years ago,"

Ron frowned, "When was the last time the club active?"

"Around a hundred years ago...then it slowly died out..."

Ron blinked at the information before Neville piped up, " old exactly is Prof Flitwick?"

Hermione opened her mouth as if to answer but then fell silent. She closed her mouth and opened it several times before frowning, "I....I don't know,"

Ron snorted, "That's a first,"

He received an annoyed whack on the shoulder with her very heavy book bag in return.

When the day of the Dueling Club arrived, Link found that he and his friends were not the only ones curious. Lockhart had claimed to be a master duelist and a seasoned adventurer in his many, many books. But Link has grown more and more certain that the man was nothing more than a glory hog but perhaps with this 'club' he will redeem himself and show actual skills. The Defense Class has started to appear more and more like a theater meet-up than an actual class. Each week began a new part presenting Lockhart as the main hero of the act.

Link has grown tired of being used as theater prop. If anything, he's certain that the professor held some sort of vendetta over Link. Was it because Link's test often came back with abysmal mark? He was certain Lockhart's favorite color was fuchsia.

That aside, Lockhart came in with as much noise as possible. He was as immaculately dressed as usual, his famous Witch Weekly smile plastered across his face and his blue eyes practically glowed from all the attention he's receiving. Link's hope of an actual lesson in defense grew dimmer and dimmer as Lockhart flourished his wand and swished it around needlessly.

Link's friend could hear him whisper, "Oh's hopeless..."

None of them know who Din is, but they know that Link has lost any and all interest the longer Lockhart stands on the stage. Then something unexpected happen as Lockhart presented his 'assistant', "Now, Prof Snape has been so kind as to help me with a live demonstration,"

He then went through the proper steps of a professional duelist, "And you so...a show of respect to their final moment on the stage!" He laughed at his own pompous joke while Snape's glowered. Link then saw the dark eyes of the Potion Master darken with schemes.

He bit back his laugh.

True enough, while Lockhart was busy with his theatrics, Snape simply threw out the first practical spell, "Expelliarmus!"

In a blink, Lockhart's wand flew uselessly out of his hand. He tried to bravo his way back into his remaining fan's heart, "It was pretty obvious..."

After the third time Snape threw him off stage, a glint of sadistic thrill glimmered in his dark gaze, Lockhart decided to throw the towel and attention to two chosen students to show their skills in dueling. He smugly smirked as he chose 'Harry Potter' and Link bit back a sigh. Just what was his deal with Link?

There was no redeeming the glory hog.

Snape chose his favorite; Draco Malfoy.

Malfoy sneered at him as he gave a shallow bow, "Scared, Potter?"

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