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Link has always worn glasses. It was probably yet another thing he has in similarity to his late father. It's also an item that no one has taken any interest in regard to him. So it was a little disorienting to see the Headmaster studying his glasses with peculiar interest the moment he woke up from being rushed by the wraith that was Voldemort. When he noticed the sharp blue eyes watching him as he lay on the infirmary's bed, Albus greeted him, "Interesting. You don't seem like you need it yet I have never seen you without it,"

Link blinked before trying to answer only to croak like a dying toad. Blushing, he clamped him mouth shut as the Headmaster chuckled good naturedly as he summoned a glass of warm water. Link absentmindedly signaled thanks as he accepted the water. The warmth of the liquid soothed his parched throat. Albus studied the boy, his mind taking note of the sign language the boy just gestured. He can see that Link can see well without his glasses.

The reason he took interest in his glasses was because of the fact the lenses lack prescription. But that does not mean it was cosmetic. Albus can sense an odd magic saturating the lenses, one that's not placed there professionally. So he decided to break the ice by gesturing at the glasses, "I can tell that your glasses have a purpose, just not one that's similar to mine,"

Link paused, blinking before shrugging and said, "Aunt Petunia gave it to me because the teacher told her my eyes make it hard for me to read," It was the truth. His teacher once told Petunia to take him to an optometrist but instead of taking him to the doctor for an eye checkup she bought the ugliest pair of second hand glasses on the way home. Link was forced to wear the glasses despite suffering from eye strain and headaches. However, one day it stopped and he can read like any normal kids. So he held onto the glasses in naïve hope that it will fix him like it fix his eyes.

But Albus have no idea about all that so he asked, "Why do you need glasses in the first hand?"

Link looked at the glasses that were returned to him, "I can't read without it," Noticing the confusion on the Headmaster's face, Link elaborated, "It's not blurry. The letters just start wriggling around and float off the pages...I don't make much sense, do I?" He sheepishly ended.

Albus smiled, "I see. You suffered from dyslexia. That does make reading extremely hard," He looked at the glasses, "So the glasses help with that?"

Link nodded, "Sort of. Words just start making sense one day and as long as I wear them, I can both read and write,"

Albus nodded in understanding, "I see..." It seemed to him that Link had unconsciously conjured a complex magical instrument through pure accidental magic. Albus said so to him and the boy blinked and smiled, "That...made sense..."

His eyes then widened and his smile slipped off, unhindered by his glasses he looked peculiarly feminine, "Professor, what about the Stone?!"

Albus sighed, "After much discussion with Nicolas, he has decided to take the path he had long ignored," He smiled at Link, "For someone who had lived as long as he, it seemed it was a decision long in the making that simply need a little more nudge to take and this incident was it. He only wanted me to hide the Stone while he arranges his after death matters. It just recently concluded on last evening when the...unfortunate event took place,"

Link looked at his glasses that he still held, "Do you...know what happened...between me and Prof Quirrell?"

Albus' twinkling eyes dimmed, "I'm afraid I have no answer,"

Link tried a different question, "Why...can't he touch me?"

Albus smiled at the innocent question, "Love, Link," That caused the boy to look at him in the eyes and Albus continued, "Voldemort isn't the only one that leaves a mark on you. That night so long ago, when he came after you and your mother gave her life for yours, it left a lasting mark that refuses him and protects you long after her fire was extinguished. But unlike that scar, her mark lives inside you," His eyes misted as he continued, "Love is a kind of magic of its own, one that Voldemort never understood and thus can never overcome,"

Pomfrey then chased away the Headmaster, leaving Link with his thought. He didn't doubt the man's words, but surely others have died for their loved ones the way that his mother had done? So why was it that none of those children survived and the Dark Lord vanquished? What was different?

Then again, what was not different when it comes to Link?

Also...that was hauntingly familiar. It filled him with warmth like a warm embrace and also brings regret with it. The light gave him hope and regret, just like Her...

In the end, Link decided that the Headmaster does not have all the facts and yet hit the nail right on the head. It was love that protected him but it was not just the love of a mother. It was Her, Link knew it like he knew that the sun rises from the east or like the brightest star guides him north. Her heart, he can feel it beating all around him as Her light suffused him. He recalled how it gave him strength when his mind knew he has none left to spare. Yet for Her, he will stand for as long as She breathes.

Link was finally let go on the End of Year Feast, just in time to see the ending of his First Year at Hogwarts. Albus found the boy sitting with his friends, the children flanking his left and right as they fussed over him. Ms. Granger in particular stared at his surprisingly forest green and floppy pointy hat as opposed to their stiff pointy black hat that the others sport. It reminded of Albus a certain history lesson he had once had with Nicolas during a holiday visit to the alchemist's humble abode. It was only later that night that he remembered what the floppy hat represents; liberty. A Phrygian Hat to be exact, only Link's were longer.

Albus waited for the hall to settle before nodding at Minerva to tap on a crystal goblet to garner their attention. Once they quieted down, he began the usual end of year speech. The Slytherin were preening as their banner swayed above the masses high over their head in royal greens and silvers.

"However," Albus raised his hand before the Slytherin could cheer any louder, "There are several things that need addressing before we celebrate the winner of the House Cup," Severus's face were as dark as his robe, making him a solid black silhouette that would have disappeared in the dark of the night as Albus bestowed points to four unexpected students; Ron for his skills in both flight and chess, Hermione for her cool logic in the face of fire and Neville for his knowledge in Herbology. He then turns his twinkling gaze on the final student who peered at him with confused yet piercing gaze, "As for our Mr. Potter...for standing up for what's right despite all odds and for pressing on with fierce courage against numbing terror, I award you 60 points,"

The way the Great Hall exploded with cheers and almost missing the Headmaster changing the décor of the hall would make one think that the sky had fallen. After almost a decade, another House claimed the House Cup that the Slytherin have been hoarding. No other House by Slytherin would scorn the Gryffindor for winning it.

As Link smiled shyly at all the shoulder and back pats he's been receiving, and some question about his green hat, but when he raised his eyes it wasn't the banner of the lion that he sees. Gold trimmings, deep royal blue borders and deep red with golden silhouette of divine wings bearing golden triangle pieces over its head. Tears welled in his eyes and unknown to him, his friends noticed the single bead of tears trailing down his cheek.

Hermione mentally sighed as she shared at look with the other two boys. It wasn't the first time they saw Link looking at something yet at the same time not. It's like his eyes were seeing something beyond what they see and whatever it was that's reflected in Link's eyes cause him so much pain and longing it hurt them just seeing the expression he made.

But they all agreed that when Link return to their side, when his mind released him from whatever it was that haunted him, they will be there to ground him...

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