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Neville sprained his wrist after the fiasco with the broom during their first flying class. Link frowned as he recalled the argument between Ron and Draco Malfoy from Slytherin. Link does not like Draco at all, not after how he sneered about his choice in company. He even sent Hermione crying with one insult toward her lack of magical heritage. But Link had smacked him down when he said that there's more honor in being the first in her family than continuing an already existing lineage. Draco and the rest of the Slytherin took insult from his words and had tried a lot of thing to put him down.

They tried it during Potion, a class which their Head of House, Snape taught. Snape glared at Link a lot and had made it his mission to insult Link's intelligence. Luckily Link managed to operate as usual, letting his insults and sarcasm to wash over him like water over rock. He just knows that he had been treated worse and had heard worse than all the insults that Snape could spit at him. Because of this, he managed to stop many of the mistakes that a very nervous Neville almost made.

Back to the current situation, Link watched as Ron took to the sky to wrestle Neville's Rememberall from Draco. The boy managed to save the delicate item but then McGonagall had called him inside. Draco looked smug for getting away with his mischief while getting Ron in trouble, "Bet he'll have to pack by dinner,"

Link glared at him and the other blond froze in his track, shivers crawled down his spine from the fierce blue eyes staring at him. Link then turned away, Hermione chasing after him as he swore to not let Draco's menace get away. But when he finally caught up with Ron, the boy looked oddly happy. He whispered to his friends, "Turn out she have never seen anyone fly like me! I'll be entered into the Quidditch team next year!" He then sheepishly added, "That is...if I continue to hone my skill as Keeper,"

Before Hermione could berate him, Link asked, "Did you tell McGonagall about Malfoy?"

Ron stopped and groaned, "Agh! I forgot, it completely slip off my mind!"

The solution for the trouble with Link came up during the next Charm class. Flitwick has decided that they have understood enough about the theories surrounding Charm to attempt the first practical magic of the class; a levitation charm. Needless to say the boys of Gryffindor took to the class with burning ambition to cast successfully.

"After all," as Ron bluntly put, "it's for the sake of our back!"

Link fumbled for a bit in choosing his wand, wondering which wand he would use first for the class. In the end he decided to train himself with using the holly and phoenix wand. He will train using aspen and unicorn hair later in private.

In the middle of class, Seamus managed to catch his feather on fire, causing the dwarf professor to tumble down his stacked tomes. Hermione later managed to levitate her feather after she tried to correct an incensed Ron and stop him from taking Neville's eyes out with his frantic wand waving.

Link frowned as Ron grumbled beside him, "No wonder she have no friends!" Unfortunately Hermione was right behind them and was about to join in on their conversation when she overheard Ron's grumbled. Neville gulped after she bumped harshly against Ron, "I think she heard you,"

Ron floundered with the guilt blooming inside him before crushing it stubbornly, "So?! You've seen it for yourself! No one wants to be friend with her because of her attitude! I'd never asked for her help, she just had to go and be bossy!"

Link stopped and glared at him, causing Ron to stumble into a stop and Neville to freeze beside him. Link's silent personality have always been calming to the group, his trouble with waking up aside, but they never wanted to be on the bad end of his glare like Malfoy often find himself under. It sent shiver down their young spine, like a foal facing a hungry apex predator. Link's disappointed tone as he spoke stabbed deeper into their conscience than one would think, "I think she helps because she think of you as her friend,"

Neville shivered as he watched their blond friend power walked after Hermione. He looked at a pale Ron, "He's right you know. I really think you should apologize to Hermione..." He then added to himself, "I should too..." 'For not standing up for her,'

Late that evening as they enjoyed the start of the Halloween Feast, Ron finally calmed down from both his irritation towards Hermione and the scare Link gave him from his own show of temper, despite it being rather mild compared to Ron's, to really think about his words towards the Muggleborn witch. Now he feel irritated toward his own attitude that he lost all enjoyment toward the feast laid out before him. Link finally sat down with them, Neville asking about Hermione's condition to which he replied, "Unfortunately she have decided to hide away in a girl's loo, so I can't really talk to her. From what the girls that came out of the loos said, she was crying," He glared at Ron as he said the last sentence.

Flushing a shameful red, Ron ducked his head and mumbled, "I get it. I'm apologizing when I see her next," Honestly, Link has such a fierce glare Ron's sure that if he really was angry; his glare alone can stop Ron's heart!

As the group decided to simply enjoy the rest of the feast, the Great Hall's doors burst open and the hall fell silent as all turn to look at their stuttering professor of Defense. The man looked like he has seen something so terrible he's half a step from dying, but that's a common look for the cowardly professor. Yet it's not normal even for the terrified professor to interrupt a meal, let alone a feast like the Halloween Feast. So Link half expected the words that spilled out of the man's lip and yet at the same time not, "TROLL!!!! TROLL IN THE DUNGEON!!!"

A moment of breathing later and he added before dropping unconscious, "Thought you should know-,"

Immediately pandemonium exploded with the panicking students but before anyone unfortunate can be trampled on, an explosion from the staff's table culled the panic. A strong voice commanded their attention, "SILENT!"

Albus Dumbledore, their illustrious Headmaster, stood up and in a grave voice ordered for the Prefects to herd their respective Houses to their dorm. The Slytherin hesitated but several staff that's not part of the hunting group decided to help them to get to their dorm safely. As all these happened, Link break away from the group. It was only because Neville was about to ask something of him that he noticed. Pulling at Ron, the two decided to follow after the blond.

Ron called, "Link! What are you doing?!"

Link looked behind him and answered, "Hermione! She doesn't know!"

Neville hesitated and proposed, "We should get one of the professors. It's better than just going on our own,"

Ron nodded in agreement, "Besides, the troll's in the dungeon. Fat chance of it coming this way-," Soon as he said it, the boys gagged at the invading scent that grew stronger as they stood talking. Neville gulped back bile, "What's that smell?"

Link automatically reply, "Hinox," He pulled the confused boys along into a shadowy niche as something large lumbered back. Ron paled, "Troll..."

Neville shivered, "We-we really sh-sh-should g-get a t-t-t-t-t-t-tea-ch-cher..."

Just as Link was about to agree with his proposal, a familiar voice greeted them in an unfamiliar scream. The three boys paled and Ron screamed, "Hermione!" Immediately all thoughts of getting the adults disappeared as they dashed towards her voice. The boys turned the corner just in time to see the troll's club being swung once more...

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