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No. 12, Grimmauld Place was as cheerful as graveyard full Stal monsters. Link grimaced at all the grime covering the building's inside. Sirius snorted in sarcasm, "Kreacher really polish up this place,"

Link sighed, "I'm sensing a cleaning quest coming up,"

Molly appeared and squeezed the life out of Link who simple patted her arm in greeting. She then fretted over him, "You're thinner than last year! I should fix you something filling, dear. Now go to your room. Ron!! Hermione!! Link's here!"

There was the sound of a stampede running from above and soon a gaggle of Weasley broods appeared. Hermione pushed through, the only brown in the Red Sea, and pulled him into a tight hug, "Link! Glad to have you joins us!"

Link smiled, "Glad to be here, Hermione,"

The Twins grabbed his luggage, "Alright, come here,"

"We'll show you,"

"Your humble abode,"


Link looked at Ron and Ginny, "How are you two?"

Ron snorted, "I could do with less cleaning. Neville stuck behind his own home's barrier. His Gran just increased their potency," He grinned at Link, "Hey, since we are here together much longer than last years, why don't you teach me some moves Link?

Link smirked, "I can teach you some non-magical moves,"

Ginny rolled her eyes, "The Minister's an idiot,"

Link shrugged, "Fear can make a scholar into fools," He frowned, "Power without Wisdom is tyranny, Wisdom without Power is useless, Power without Courage is cowardice, Courage without Wisdom is recklessness, Wisdom without Courage is helplessness and Courage without Power is pointless. Fudge has the Power but lacks both the Wisdom and the Courage to use it wisely. He has none of the quality of a true leader,"

Hermione stared at him, "That's...real smart thing to think about,"

Ron blinked, "Wow mate. You're probably the only one out of all of us to make Hermione stop and think like that,"

They reached their shared room and Link looked at the empty portrait. He read the name written underneath the frame, "Phineas Nigellus Black?" He read more, "Headmaster of Hogwarts, Slytherin Alumni, year 1847 to 1925,"

Ron shrugged, "He's never in the frame,"

Link nodded, "I see," He could already guess why the portrait's in his room. He's not going to complain though, what's privacy when compared to being safe? He was guilty of similar duty when he had to follow Her around Hyrule. But where was Hyrule?

"And stop following me around!"

No matter which history book he read, which map no matter the year it was drawn he studied, Link could not find Hyrule. But oddly enough, he could draw it down with clear details. He can't remember the names of places, but he knew the name of regions. He took out his giant map of this Hyrule, one of many. He has many of them. Whenever he compared them, it looked like the country expanded and sometimes places shifted. He didn't recall the name but he knew certain things like the place with the trees had moved. There was something in the forest, something sacred and precious to Link.

A girl with emerald hair danced under the sunlight spotting the forest floor in his memories.

"But that's okay. Because...we'll be friends forever won't we?"

Melancholy filled him even as he joined Ron in the kitchen helping Molly prepare for dinner. As he worked, he started to hum a song that came from the depth of his soul. The somber mood of the house lifted as Sirius came dancing, joining in on the tune. Remus looked less tired and soon more of the residents in the house joined them. Even the unhappy House Elf stared at Link with wide eyes, mumbling "Sky Child," as his mind started to think deeper on the problem that near drove him mad. Something inside believed that this boy, the Sky Child of Legends, can help him.

Later Link found out about the Order of the Phoenix lead by Headmaster Dumbledore. He wanted to sit in but knew that his age will be taken into account. Molly was already against it. Link listened to her argument before finally sighing, "Mrs. Weasley!"

She looked at him, "No! Not a word, I'm not going to let you walk straight to danger! You shouldn't even be listening-!"

Link frowned, the voice of a man who once commanded an army during war came out unconsciously out of him, "Mrs. Weasley!" She mummed, too shock by his tone and Link didn't notice the way the rest of the Order looked at him as he lay out his argument, "I know I am young but war does not discriminate whether they be old or young. The least you should give your children is knowledge on what to avoid. Leaving them blind in hope of sparing them their childhood innocence will only lead them to their death. Innocents do not survive war,"

His blue eyes grew weary, tired and ancient as he added, "War is blind, Mrs. Weasley. It has no heart to care, no compassion to give, no eyes to judge who deserves to live and who deserves to die. Be they veterans, soldiers ready to serve, or innocent school children who only dreamt of their future. None will be spared. Your kindness is cruel, Mrs. Weasley. You should prepare them, prepare for the worst that could happen so they can survive when the worse do arrive," He looked at each faces around the table, "I feel it...the calm that came before the storm. This peace is false. A lull to catch us unaware,"

His face looked as tired as his ancient eyes, "It is always the same. The quiet is a lie. This calm should unsettle us, not ease us. We should prepare. If not for the frontline then for the worse outcome. It is always better to be aware and prepared than taken with our pants down," He then smiled at his young friends, "But never forget to live, never forget to have fun. Live when you are given reprieve from the fight or you will be too broken when the war ends. But never mistake your inclusion as a chance for glory,"

He watched them, face stern and austere, "War is not for glory. It is survival of the fittest and in a fight to prove whose right and whose wrong, the winner takes all. Their truth will be the only truth worth listening to and those fallen by their hands will be the villain of their story. History only record the victor, it didn't care for failures. So never ever chase for glory. It will come on its own and it is only worth it when you live to see it,"

He continued, "War has no glory, no honor, and no true winner. We will only lose, more and more until we have nothing more to give. So win, fight to win. Do not hesitate to be ruthless because your enemy will never show mercy. The first one to kill will be the one to end the fight," He looked at the silent Order, "Ruthlessness and death may not be our way but in a war there is often no other choice. Good if you can bring them to justice but not if they survive. Already we are at a disadvantage. They know our strength and our weaknesses. They will use it against us. An enemy that survive will always come back stronger," He fell silent, knew from their expression that he has given them the message they needed to hear.

Moody nodded, "The boy knew his stuff well,"

Molly fretted, "But...but he shouldn't be talking about taking lives-!"

Link smiled, but his smile was hollow, "Mrs. Weasley. I have never been a child. Voldemort took that from me the moment he stepped into my home and took the lives of my family," He looked at Albus, "Headmaster, I will listen to your orders as closely as I can. Knowing my luck, chances of me keeping to it will be on the low,"

The night was somber. The Order decided to share the bare minimum with the juniors, taking heed to Link's warning. They don't know how this budding war will end. They should at least prepare them...for the worse that has yet to come but promised nonetheless...

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