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When Link heard from Ron that his brother Charlie has arrived at Hogwarts, several things ran through his mind. And when Buckbeak decided to stay close to him whenever he went out of the castle, Link decided to study his surroundings: he noticed that the Forbidden Forest had gone quiet and that the owls in the Owlery no longer fly over the forest.

It can only mean one thing; there's a bigger predator hidden in the forest and considering all the things that lives in there, Link could only think of one animal.

A dragon...or several dragons.

He remembered how Ron's brother Charlie worked at a dragon's reserve in Romania and the fact that he's here at Hogwarts during the Triwizard Tournament, Link can put two and two together. Then Hagrid decided to ask him to visit sometime at night with his Cloak of Invisibility...

From all the signs, Hagrid's suspicious invitation cemented this. But at the same time he quickly realized that Hagrid's idea of a date with Madame Maxime meant that Beauxbatons' Champion will be forewarned. Not to mention the clumsy Karkaroff whom he noticed fleeing from the site upon noticing the dating couple. Well, whomever it was running away was clumsy and hidden by a cloaking spell but Link could guess the only other person who would be curious enough to challenge death.

However, this leaves Link with a conundrum.

As of now, Hogwarts' divided but the majority of the division sided with Cedric being the True Champion. Ron and Neville have been rather grouchy with all the badges that both validates Cedric with praises and abuses Link with name calling that Link can easily see being pinned on most Slytherin's robes and book bags. Hermione have been going around picking up the badges that has been discarded or forgotten, charming them with nasty but harmless curses; like spitting boiling hot water at anyone staring at it.

The Twins happily passed them around in her stead, making no one the wiser that it was Hermione's idea all along...

But the fact remained that the probability of Cedric knowing the danger that the First Trial will present is extremely low. So now, Link being Link, decided to brave the glares of the Badgers and seek out Cedric Diggory. The Seventh Year in question hushed their jeers as he greeted Link, "Hello, Potter. How can I help you?"

It is moments like this that makes Link wish that other could understand his sign language. But alas, life never deal him a fair card. So he gestured Cedric to follow him. The boy looked at his friends who tried to warn him against following the Lion but Cedric calmed them before following Link. From the daggers stabbing him from the back, Link knows that the Badgers are warning him against harming their Champion.

Honestly, he's trying to keep it fair!

Once they walked down an empty corridor, Link waved a privacy charm around them and waited for Cedric to walk beside him. The boy had been trying to tall Link that he has been doing his best to stop the spreading of those horrid badges, but obviously failing. When Link placed the privacy charm, he realized that Link has something to say to him.

Cedric walked next to Link and looked nervously at the stone faced Fourth Year Champion, or quietly called the Forced Champion in the more secluded and quiet corners of Hogwarts. To be absolutely honest, Cedric is both awed and terrified of Link. He has never seen anyone more composed and more private yet so amicable and friendly. It made him nervous because Link has an excellent poker face. No one really know what he's thinking.

Not to mention that even Cedric can tell that physical wise he's under prepared when standing next to Link. He's catching up but it's like a short distant runner trying to boast to triathlon long standing champion. There's no one in Hogwarts who hasn't seen Link's ridiculous morning routine, especially during the weekend.

The boy's restless.

Just watching his physical activities make one tired.

And who on the Quidditch team hasn't heard about Link's unfortunate incapability to fly a broom? Those not in Gryffindor all breathed a sigh of relief when this became known. Oliver Woods whining about the natural athlete that is Link being unable to fly has been his greatest regret and the other teams' greatest glee. They have seen how Link easily catch a Snitch during one game back in 1991, having flown too close to him.

It was his first experience with Quidditch and the game had to restart because Link's not on the team. Problem was, he kept catching the Snitch by accident due to his impeccable reflex. Due to that, Link was forbidden from attending the game until next year.

That was when he was eleven, that reflex must have gotten even better with age...

This was proven back in 1992 and that failed Dueling Club arranged by Lockhart. His reflex as well as his hand-eyes coordination once again showed their impeccable skill. One that so far no one could emulate.

So Cedric looked as Link stared at him, his nerves playing his spine like a xylophone. That was the other thing with Link. The boy doesn't have to speak to make his presence known, but at the same time he easily erase his presence that people forget he's in the room. And once those blue eyes with emerald flecks landed on you with the heavy kind of focus that Cedric has never seen from anyone else, he took their breath away and not in the dreamy sense.

People never mention this unless in the privacy of their mind and everyone who ever shared their thoughts agree; Link has a predatory gaze.

It's unsettling when he look at you without speaking.

Link finally grace him with mercy but now Cedric wish he never open his mouth, "Its dragons,"

Cedric blinked, "What?"

Link exhaled and elaborate, "Ron, my friend, told me his brother Charlie is in Hogwarts and I know Charlie worked in Romania with dragons. But that won't have proven this if not because Hagrid's idea of a romantic first date is to take his lady to see dragons,"

He quickly added before Cedric could ask, "Don't ask why I'm there. I have no idea why either,"

He then continues, "I also suspect Durmstrang's Champion know because there is someone else there besides us, under some kind of spell to turn invisible. So since I know, Beauxbatons know and Durmstrang know, you're the only out of the loop,"

Cedric really wish that Link never opened his mouth, "Bloody hell,"

Link nodded like he just agreed the weather's nice, "Yeah,"

Deciding to store this away for later perusal, Cedric asked, "Why are you telling me?"

Link stared at him with a "are seriously asking me that" look, "Fairness. This is a Tournament and though it is not my intent, I had cheated. Since everyone else also cheated, it is only right I inform you,"

Cedric breathed easier, "Oh...thank you, Potter,"



Link sighed, "Call me Link, I prefer that,"

He then waved his wand and cancel the privacy around them. Cedric realized that Link had circled around and take him back to his friends. Turning to thank the boy, he realized that Link had left without a single sound.

Honestly, there's something about Link...but at least the boy's not hostile until you step on his tail.

Cedric will do his best not to do that and considering all the things his friends have been doing that would warrant the Lion's ire, Link has extraordinary patience. And people with that kind of patience are scary when angered...

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