Chapter 2- Nightclub

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6 Months Later

It's been six months since you last spoke to Elvis Presley. Your folks forced you to get a job as a server at a nightclub two weeks ago. You haven't thought about or seen Elvis in a while. Right now, you're just sitting in the living room playing the piano, like you always do most Sundays. You were bored, you had next to no friends in Germany and you got this job at this nightclub in hopes you'll meet new people. All you ever do is sit at home or go to the library.

You stop playing the piano and approach your mother in the kitchen.

"Why'd you stop playing girl? It was nice." She says facing the stove.

You groan, "aren't you tired of the same old tune?"

"How could I get tired of something so beautiful?"

"I feel I'm doing nothing with my life." You say.

"Don't be dramatic, Y/N. You've got a job don't you? Be happy with what you have."

"You don't understand, I'm stuck in this rut Mama. This ongoing cycle, it's like a dull neverending routine and I'm sick of it. I'm so lonely."

"Well, maybe try to put yourself out there a little more, get some girlfriends perhaps!" Your Mama says, trying to be helpful.

You sigh and go upstairs to your room, you sit at your vanity and brush your hair. You desperately want something to happen, something different. Your whole life you've never felt anything other than boredom. You did everything your parents wanted you to do, you listened to the music they wanted you to listen to, you wore the clothes they wanted you to wear. You became the perfect daughter. You were sick of being perfect, you just wanted to be you.

As you look at yourself in the mirror you say aloud

"Tomorrow things are going to change."

The next day you feel energetic, like something big is going to happen. You curl your hair, wear a cute sage green dress and some nice shoes to match. You have work tonight for the first time since you got hired and you're eager to get started. Your mother is mopping the living room floor as you kiss her goodbye.

She looks down at her watch with confusion on her face, "what are you doing? The nightclub isn't open until 6PM, it's 4, you have two hours."

"They want me to come in early, so they can show me what to do." You say cheerfully.

She looks at you suspiciously, "well alright, but if I find out you've been going to the library again..."

"I know Mama, goodbye now." You say groaning.

You didn't have to go in early, you just wanted to get out of there. You walk out into the street and smile at everyone that walks past. You decide to walk to the township and take a quick trip to the library. As you walk in the librarian, Mindy greets you "haven't seen you in a while, Y/N!" Mindy says with a kind smile.

"I took a little bit of a break from coming here." You respond, in truth your parents found books in your room and banned you from coming.

Mindy gave you a knowing look. You walk past Mindy when suddenly she says,

"Wait! I completely forgot, a young soldier came looking for you a few weeks ago."

You look at her with a confused look, "who?!"

"His name escapes me." She says walking over to her desk, "but he told me to give you this book." She reaches into the wooden desk drawer and gives you a book, you look at the cover, Pride and Prejudice.

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