Chapter 9- Missin My G.I

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"Don't think about it baby, we'll be with each other in 1 month, it'll fly by doll." Elvis says as he holds your face in his strong hands. You can hear the screeching fans trying to claw at the car doors.

"I'm just scared you'll forget me." You whisper quietly.

"I'll never forget you, Y/N. Don't say all that, you're gone make me upset."

You kiss his nose, "we better get to the plane."

He nods, before you get out of the car, he squeezes your arm.

"I need you to promise you're not gonna shed a tear on that plane. I don't want to see any sad eyes. Cause baby this ain't goodbye."

You nod and whisper, "I promise, Elvis, I promise I won't cry."

You get out of the car, and walk over to Polly and Cece, who are standing at the side waiting for you. They say hi solemnly, you nod at them. Polly's eyes were watering, it wasn't just Elvis that was leaving, it was the whole Memhpis Mafia. The wind's blowing in your face as your eyes follow Elvis as he gets out of the car, he's wearing his full uniform. You chuckle a little, his hat is one size too big for his head. You watch as he walks over to the plane, you lock eyes with him, as he walks up the metal steps of the airplane, he waves. The fans start yelling out, "we love you Elvis!" "Come back soon!" You can feel a lump starting to form in your throat.

You can see his eyes searching for you through the sea of girls, you lock eyes with him for a second and you mouth the words "I love you", but it is too late. He turns his back and heads into the cabin. Elvis is gone, immediately, you start to sob.

"Let's go." You tell the girls, your mascara is running and so was Polly's. The two girls nod and all three of you walk off of the runway. The sounds of fans screaming and crying start to grow distant as you walk toward Polly's car. You hear something above your head and you hit Cece and Polly, telling them to look up.

There it was, Elvis' plane. You smile up at it, tears starting to well again. It wasn't the fact that he was leaving you, it was the fact that he's going back to a life that's so foreign to you. And perhaps you don't fit into that life.

You hug your two best friends and get into the car, you ride up front with Polly. Throughout the whole car ride, none of you say a word.

Eventually Polly pulls up to your new home. You and Polly have been living in the house for the past two months, although Cece practically lives there too. You retire to your bedroom without saying a word to your friends. You stuff your face onto your soft pillow. You turn your body to the side, your eyes wander around the room. It's very plain, Elvis didn't want you to furnish it as you aren't going to be staying there for long. You look over at the chest of drawers across the room, you get off the double bed and walk over to it slowly.

A-top of the drawers there's a round frame with a picture of you and Elvis inside, you smile at it. In the photo, Elvis is whispering to you and you're laughing. He was holding you tightly, one arm around your waste, the other was holding your hand. You long for his hands, touching you and caressing you. His cheeky smile after telling a dirty joke, or his angry frown after something doesn't go his way.

You yearn for it, just to see him one more time. You take the photo to your bedside table and place it next to the lamp. You lie back down on the right side of the bed, where he once slept. You think of the late nights with him, when he'd whisper sweet things that made you tingle. Then you'd think of nights where he'd pop mysterious pills that made you frown. You lie on the bed imagining he's only in the other room, that he wasn't on his way back to Memphis. He's just talking to Joe, yes that was it. That's where he was. Slowly sleep starts to overpower you.

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