Chapter 11- Berlin II

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Hey guys so before I start, just wanna put a bit of a TW for drug use. If you're uncomfortable with that, just feel free to skip this chapter, there's only one bit but just letting you know. Enjoy! xx

As you walk out the door, Polly and Cece scurry along after you, "are you sure Y/N?" Cece asks with an unsure tone.

You nod, unable to respond, you don't want to think about the press conference, or about Elvis at all. You just want to get so drunk you pass out and forget everything. "Where are your friends situated?" You ask Cece, focusing on the ground.

The expression on your face is cold and hard to read, "well, they're just two streets down, but Y/N are you sure you want to-"

"Look, I don't want to think about EP. I'm not upset or anything, I just- I want to forget about him. Just for tonight, so can we please just do that?" You interrupt.

Polly furrows her brow, you've never seen her so concerned before. It makes you chuckle a little, usually it was you and Cece trying to stop Polly from doing something erratic or impulsive. For once it was you, the sensible one. You snicker at the irony.

"Okay honey, let's go." Cece whispers quietly. You mouth the words thank you. As you walk with your friends you link your arms with theirs, excited for the night ahead. Eventually you all end up on a dimly lit alley, Cece takes out a piece of paper from her handbag and reads the address.

"Yup, this is it."

You follow her gaze to a slim house tucked away between two identical plain white houses. You and Polly look at each other, you're riddled with anxiety. The idea of meeting new people that Elvis hasn't introduced to you is so foreign to you...

No. You think to yourself, for once, tonight won't be about him.

You reach the door with your girlfriends and Cece raps her knuckles against the emerald green coloured door. Immediately the door opens, a man with long blond curly hair greets you all.

"Hi there!" He says in an english accent, you all return the hi's.

"Kurt" Cece starts as she enters the narrow hallway, you and Polly following behind her, "these are my two best gals, Polly and Y/N. Polly and Y/N, this is Kurt."

He's a short man with kind eyes, he smiles at you both and shakes your hands. "Here let me introduce you all."

You all follow after him, quickly Cece pulls you and Polly aside "he's queer" she whispers. You gasp and Polly giggles. When you enter the living room, you cough and wheeze at the haze of smoke in front of you. A blonde girl sitting on the edge of an armchair starts to laugh, you turn red.

"Everyone, these are Cece's friends. Polly and Y/N." Kurt announces, pointing to you both. You wave awkwardly unsure what to do. Around the room there is a mixture of different people, a black haired woman with porcelain skin seems to be smoking a funny smelling cigarette and so were a few other people. As Cece goes around greeting people, you watch her. Fascinated, this Cece is so different to the Cece you met a couple months back. You walk over to Polly, who seems to be just as uncomfortable as you are.

"What are they smoking?" You whisper. She shrugs, "beats me."

You follow Polly as she takes a seat on the wooden floor, you sit down slowly unsure of what to do.

"I know you!" One of the girls says suddenly, she has long chestnut brown hair with daring sage green eyes.

"What?" You ask, scratching your head.

She gets up off the lap she was sitting on and walks out of the room, the whole room is silent, waiting patiently to see what she brings back. The only thing that's playing is the radio.

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