Chapter 4- I'm Counting on You

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Your heart beats fast, "lord have mercy you scared me!"

He laughs harder, you look down and see he brought a guitar with him.

"You brought it!" You say beaming, he hugs you tightly.

"Anything for you."

He sits down on your pink rug, "wait, don't play yet." You tell him, "let me turn my light off." You walk over to the light switch and flick it off, you then turn the porcelain lamp next to your bed on.

"That way it'll be less suspicious." You explain. He smiles that special smile and you can feel yourself getting hot. You lean against the bed board across from him.

"Well, are you going to sing or what?" You ask playfully.

"Do you have the guitar?" He says with a serious look on his face.


"Exactly, don't be so impatient, not a good look." He says with a chuckle. As he strums his guitar, you watch him quietly. There was something so comforting and so familiar about the way he tuned his guitar.

"You know the film Love Me Tender?" He asks.

"I haven't seen it, but I've heard of it." You wonder where he's going with this.

"Well, my dear Y/N. I was in that cute little feature and I sang."

You look at him in awe, "don't lie!"

"I'm not lying! You ask anyone that's seen that picture, they'll tell you that Elvis Presley was in it!" He says with pride.

You smile, "okay but what does this have to do with the little tune you're going to play?"

"Well, there was a nice little ballad I sang, it's the name of that film. You may have heard of it, doll."

You watch him as he strums the first few chords, and just like that, he starts singing.

Love me tender, love me sweet

Never let me go

You have made my life complete

And I love you so...

As he sings the slow song you see a twinkle in his eyes appear. His face begins to light up brighter and brighter. You can hear the passion and adoration he has for music, just for a second, you were envious of that twinkle. It wasn't for you, it was for music.

His voice is haunting, he makes you feel things you never had felt before, you want to cry,

laugh and dance all at the same time. You sway as you listen to his angelic voice, you don't take your eyes off of him Not for a second, it was as if he had you in a trance. When he finishes singing the ballad he looks at you with gleaming eyes,


You have your hand over your mouth, unable to utter a single word. Even if you want to, nothing would come out.

You look down in a quiet voice, "that was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard." 

He moves over and sits next to you, he kisses you softly on your head, "thank you, baby." He whispers.

"Play another." You ask as you rest your head on his chest.

"Another ballad?"

"Whatever you want." You watch as he strums and tunes again.

"Now this here tune, it's from the movie King Creole. It's called New Orleans. Do you know this movie, baby?"

Before you can answer a cheeky grin spreads across his face "of course you don't, little miss wholesome."

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