Chapter 8- New Life

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You wake up to a ruckus downstairs, you quickly put your pink silk robe on and rush downstairs. Your heart jumps out of your throat, you see Elvis, Danny and your father all screaming at each other in the floral living room. Your father sees you and scrunches his face even more

"Y/N, go back to your room. Right now!" Your dad yells, you put your hand over your mouth unable to speak.

"No, Y/N you stay right here." Elvis tells you reassuringly, "I want you to hear everything these goddamn leeches are sayin!" He says yelling at your father.

Even if you want to go back to your room, you can't. You're paralysed, you watch as Elvis pushes Danny, as he calls him scum and cusses out your father.

"You don't care 'bout her, you selfish has-been!" He tells your father, spit coming out of his mouth as he yells.

Elvis grabs your arm and takes you upstairs, "pack a bag. Right now." He tells you, still very much enraged.

"What? Elvis-"

"I'm not kiddin, Y/N. I'm gettin you out of here."

You can hear your father protesting as he walks up the stairs, Elvis slams the door before Danny or your father can enter.  You pack your faded orange suitcase and shove in all your clothes, everything you can possibly fit.

"Just take as much as you can and we can get you new stuff if you don't got enough."

You nod and take some of your stuffed animals and a photo of you and your siblings.

You zip up your bag, as you do this you can hear your father and Danny banging on the door, threatening to kick it down.

Elvis opens your window and takes your bag from you, he then jumps out. You look out the window as he waves for you to come down.

You bite your lip and climb down, the thorns from the vines prick your feet and fingers.

He picks you up before you fall and rushes you to his sleek black car.

"Drive, Red."

You can see your father rushing out to the front lawn trying to stop the car.

"Elvis, what are you doing?" You ask, your tone is filled with panic, "what's going on?" You ask again.

"Look honey, this mornin I went over there and I tried talkin nicely to your dad bout this whole ordeal. Bout what Danny's been doin to you, I tried, I really did. But he just- Well honey, he just didn't listen. And I refuse to let my girl live like this, like a goddamn slave to a man that don't even care bout his own kin!" Elvis pauses and looks at you, "so I took matters into my own hands."

"Elvis! You can't just-."

He interrupts you, "listen honey, I have a plan. You're gonna stay with me until me and your daddy come to an agreement. You know I love you, baby doll?"

You feel frustrated, you're so sick of everyone making all these decisions for you, so you just nod. This is the first time you've ever been away from your family, and although they treat you like shit, you still love them. Unfortunately.

You lean against the door and close your eyes, trying to get some rest. you open your eyes to yellow flowery wallpaper and a delicate wooden closet against the wall. You're laying on a big double bed with bed sheets that match the walls.

You sit on the side of the bed and you see Elvis sitting down reading the newspaper on an antique chair, he looks up from the newspaper and smiles, "hey there." He says softly.

You smile at him and yawn, "where am I?" You ask.

"I've checked you into this motel, till I get this shit with your daddy sorted. Okay doll?"

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