Chapter 20- Old Habits Die Hard

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TW: for drug use!!

You're happy to be back in Graceland, to be honest. As nice as it was to be in California, it brought back too many bad memories. The heat brought you back to your childhood and your family and those memories were something that you would like to leave in that past, it was too much for you. You've been in Graceland for a couple of weeks, just lying around and playing with Elvis. You, Elvis and the Memphis Mafia went go karting that morning, so, at the moment you're very tired. You're at Cece's and Polly's, watching television while Polly paints her nails.

"I missed you guys. Memphis has been boring without you" Cece says, breaking the silence.

"We missed you too." You chime in, reaching for Cece's hand.

"Any new girlfriends?" Polly asks, before turning the television down.

"A lady doesn't kiss and tell" Cece says as she walks into the kitchen and takes a jug of lemonade out of the little white fridge. Going to Cece's and Polly's house was something you did whenever you felt like Graceland was becoming too much. Sometimes you need a break from Elvis and his wacky ideas, and their house is the perfect place. It's just a block away, the house is simple, a two story four bedroom house. Sometimes you have sleepovers there, whenever Elvis pisses you off.

"Want some lemonade, hon?" Cece asks casually.

You look up from the TV, Cece's red hair is in a neat bun, her bangs are perfectly curled. She always looks great.

"Yes please, Poll you want some?"

"Yeah sure."

You get up from the couch, deciding to help Cece. You pour the sweet substance into two glasses.

"Oh by the way, Y/N. I was talking to my mum on the phone. You're not gonna believe this," she starts, "but your mum's been asking her what your number is."

Your ears prick up, "what?"

Cece gives you a look of worry.

Polly chuckles lightly, "yeah she was asking what your address was and everything. No clue why."

"When did this all happen?"

"When we got back from L.A."

"AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?" You yell, you're outraged. Extremely irritated by Polly's incompetence. You bang the cups back onto the counter.

"I didn't think about it."


"Woah, woah, hey now Y/N let's just calm down" Cece says, trying to diffuse the situation.

"I need to go." You grab your purse and slam the front door abruptly, you fast walk home. Muttering to yourself, children with mothers whisper quietly, you are very much aware you look like a crazy woman. But you don't care, who gives a fuck?

Your hands are shaking as you unlock the front door, Lamar Fike greets you and you cut him off abruptly.

"Where is Elvis? Where is he?"

"Hey now honey, now let's just calm down. He's a bit busy right now-"

You go around him and burst into Elvis' study. Your heart drops at the sight. Dr. Nick is injecting Elvis' arm with something. You shriek at the sight.

"Now baby look.." He says when he realizes it's you, you run up the Graceland stairs, you can hear Elvis pleading and chasing after you. You run into your bedroom and quickly lock the door behind you. You sob at everything that's just happened in these past two hours, you can hear Elvis banging on the door, begging you to open it.

"Please baby, let's talk bout this. It's not what you think." He says in anguish.

"Just- just leave-e m-e alone" you say between sobs, you rub your eyes, mascara running down your cheeks. You sit there for hours, just crying. You didn't know what to do, about either situation. You're scared, very scared. For the first time ever, Graceland is quiet. You couldn't hear anything, not even the TV. No loud booming voices or Elvis singing by the piano, there is complete silence. You open the door handle slowly, the house is dark. The house being so quiet and dark felt wrong. You creep down the stairs slowly, no one is sprawled across the lavish couches or arm chairs. You make sure not to step on the floor boards that creek and you tiptoe into the gigantic Graceland kitchen. You would do this when you were little, whenever your parents or siblings were fighting you would creep downstairs and eat. You slowly took a piece of chocolate cake out of the fridge and put it neatly on a little plate. You took a little fork out of the drawer and took the sweet blood red cherry off of the icing and ate it whole, your little poodle, Honey prances into the kitchen. She watches you with longing eyes.

"Honey please.." You know what's about to happen, you beg her as she opens her mouth. She starts barking loudly, you can hear a raucous upstairs and you rush out of the kitchen, taking your cake with you and run out onto the patio, praying no one will see you. You sit there in the dark, looking at the black barren sky of Memphis Tennessee, contemplating on what to do. You eat the rich cake slowly and look through the window of the patio, you can see Elvis scrambling around the house, baseball bat in hand trying to find the intruder. You can't help but chuckle at his cuteness, Honey not falling far behind him. You watch as he goes through every room, eventually giving up. He picks Honey up and goes upstairs slowly. You eat the rest of your cake and head back into the kitchen, you consider washing your plate, but instead you leave it in the sink.

He can do it.

You drink a glass of milk and head back upstairs, you can see the room that Elvis is sleeping in. The door is open a crack, you can see Honey lying next to him as he cradles her in his arms. You enter quietly and lie down next to him, his eyelids flutter open.

"Baby I-."

You shush him, "I'm still mad and we will be talking about this in the morning." you scold him like a little boy, "but today has been a hard day, and I need to be held." You whisper.

"Of course, satnin" he says in a groggy voice, before you turn away he kisses you He wraps his arms around your waist and holds you close to him. 

OOh.. I wonder what's going to happen to Y/N and Elvis' relationship now... 

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