Chapter 18- L.A. Part IIII

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It's finally here!! Sorry for the wait.. life has been hectic, this chapter will be a bit short but only because the next one will be pretty.. crazy tehe. Hope you enjoy x

The next day, you wake up to utter bliss- Elvis' snoring and sleep talking. You listen to him silently as he mumbles random sentences like "no momma" , "no Dodger I want the last turkey leg."

You giggle and peck his cheek, you creep over to his side of the bed, a pit in your stomach begins to form. You open the bedsides' table door slowly, you sigh a sound of relief. The pills truly were gone, you suddenly realise how dumb you are being, of course he listened to you, he loves you!

You laugh as your eyes drift towards sleeping beauty. He's drooling all over the pillow case! You slap his face slightly he groans, "too early" he grumbles and rolls over. You grab the pillow from your side of the bed and begin to hit his face, he wakes up slowly.

"Gah dammi-" his eyes flutter open, as soon as he registers it's you that's ambushing him he gets up and grabs his pillow. He wacks you across the head with it, so hard in fact, that you fall off the bed and onto the hard tile floor.

"Elvis!" You call out in anguish, blood gushing from your noise. Elvis looks at you with an angry expression, "well god damn y/n you shouldn't have woken me up!" He shouts back and storms out of the bedroom, you roll your eyes. God he can be so melodramatic, you think to yourself. You curse at him under your breath as you walk towards the bathroom, you stuff toilet paper up your nose and leave your bedroom. You join everyone in the living room, through the glass doors you can see Elvis complaining to Jerry in his underwear.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning," Polly says jokingly.

"Don't even talk about it" you groan,

"I think he's having trouble adjusting to nights without the sleeping pills. He's never like that." You continue, with a worried expression.

"Oh y/n, don't be so dramatic. He's always been like this."

You laugh.

She slaps you on the back, "do you know what's on the agenda today?"

"Not a clue, knowing Elvis, probably something wacky."

"Hopefully shopping. I'm in need of some new dresses" she grins.

"You're so shallow," you tease.

Elvis hasn't spoken to you all day, he acted like a big baby for the whole morning. Everytime you even tried to sit next to him, he immediately got up and muttered to Jerry or Joe. You tried to not let Elvis' childish behavior get to you but it was hard. No matter what, you were not going to give in and apologize. After brunch you went back to the bedroom to get ready for the day, much to your surprise Elvis followed you into the room, you turned around quickly.

"What?" You say harshly.

He holds his fingers up to his temple, "well god damn it Y/'re gonna be the death of me!"

You scoff, "you're the one that's acting like a big baby over literally the smallest thing!"


He laughs.

"What the hell are you laughing about,Elvis?"

"Look Satnin, I'm sorry for pushin you and for gettin so mad.. I know I needa work on my anger."

"Mhm" you say as you make the bed. He comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist.

"C'mon baby" he whispers, "I'm sorry" he starts kissing your neck.

"Elvis..." you groan, you turn around and face him, before you get a chance to say anything he kisses you and holds you tightly.

"Not right now..." you whisper, "Polly's right outside."

"I don't care, I need my Satnin." He says with lust in his voice.

He picks you up and throws you onto the bed.  

Sorry to leave you guys on a cliffhanger but I wonder what's next (;

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