Chapter 5- Wishing It Was Him

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You worked every night for that week, and without fail Elvis was there. Watching you while you worked. He never approached you or said a word to anyone, he just sat there, refusing to take his eyes off of you. He'd watch you like a lost puppy, the only time he would look away was when Danny would speak to you.

You turn up to work today like you do everyday, life has been weird since you found out Elvis' true intentions. You felt like you were just going through the motions, like there was a missing part of you, all because he had hurt you. You walk into the empty nightclub and clean the tables, preparing for drunken soldiers and middle aged men.

"Hey." Polly says, with a soft look on her face.

"Hi." You say while you sweep.

"So how are you and Danny?"

You had completely forgotten about the fact that you and Danny were going steady, he was sweet to you. He just wasn't Elvis.

"Oh right, Danny." You chuckle to yourself, "yeah it's fine. Just fine."

"I'm glad, he does seem like a bit of a bore, though." She says giggling mischievously. You laugh with her.

"So last night, what did you and Danny get up to after work?" Polly asks you curiously.

You hesitate wondering if you should lie, "to be honest, nothing. We walked around town and then I went home." You say, honestly.

"Okay, now tell me what really happened."

You laugh, "no really! That was it... He wanted that, but it just didn't feel right."

"Well why didn't it?" Your friend asks, putting her hands on her hips.

Your smile turns into a frown, you knew the answer of course, it was because of the black haired soldier.

"I'm just not ready yet." You lie.

"Well careful honey, you better be ready soon or he might lose interest."

You scoff at her and she laughs at you.

At 8.00PM Elvis and Danny both arrive at the same time, both one after the other. Elvis catches your eye, he watches you while he sits down with two of his buddies. Your eyes locked, for just two seconds it was you and him. No one else. You break your gaze when Danny touches your soldier.

"Evening Y/N!" He says smiling, showing his crooked teeth.

"Hey Danny." You respond, Danny then kisses you passionately, you look over to see if Elvis is looking. He is, with an annoyed look on that beautiful face of his.

"Do you want anything to drink?" You ask as you forcefully pull away from his lips,

"Well yeah, a beer would be nice."

You nod and walk off, as you walk away he pinches your butt. The pinch causes you to squeal a little, you feel embarrassed as Danny and his friends burst out laughing. You can feel your face turning red as they laugh at your mortification. 

When you come back with his beer Danny insists that you sit with him and his friends for a little while. As you go to grab a chair he laughs at you, "oh no darling, sit here." He says pointing to his knee.

You look at him with confusion, and he gives you a scary look. You do as he says and you sit on his skinny knee, you feel uncomfortable and exposed. You want to run into Elvis' arms right then and there, you just want this embarrassment to be over. You look over to the boy that you long for and you can see him watching Danny with angry eyes.

You suddenly feel a hot breath against your ear, "tonight you're going to be mine." Danny whispers with a horrifying edge.

You jump up from his lap, rushing to the bathrooms, you start to hyperventilate. You didn't want to lose your virginity to someone like that. Someone so rough and menacing. You feel the tears from your eyes fall down your face, just calm down okay? You tell yourself, you don't know that it will happen.

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