Chapter 12- Anita

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Two weeks have passed since Berlin, and he still hasn't called you. You've been wracking your brain trying to figure out whether or not you should wait for him to call you or you should call him. You sit on the couch with a magazine in your hand, too worried to focus on it. Polly groans,

"Just call him! I can't stand seeing you like this." She rolls her eyes and walks off to the kitchen.

Cece is out at her day job, she works as a sales clerk in a little cosmetics store.

"Well, what's the time over there?" You walk into the kitchen and lean against the marble counters, you watch as Polly spreads jam all over her bread.

"8pm I think." She says between chews, you roll your eyes at her.

"Don't speak when you have food in your mouth."

"Thanks MOM." She sneers.

You walk into the hallway, and begin to dial, you hesitate before dialing the last three numbers. You bit your lip and your forehead creases. Fuck it.

You dial and hold the receiver to your ear, your heart pounds at every ring.

"Hello?" You hear Steve ask through the receiver.

"Hey Steve, it's Y/N."

"Hey Y/N, how are you?"

"I'm well.. Do you think you'd be able to get Elvis on the phone?"

"Sure thing, give me a minute."

You hear him yell out EP. There's a muffled conversation as you wait patiently for Elvis.

"Doll, is that you?" You hear him whisper.

"Hi Elvis."

"I'm so happy to hear from you darlin, you've no idea."

"I've missed you." You confess, you wait for him to say it back. He says nothing.

"Elvis? Are you there?"

You hear him sigh, "yes darlin I'm there." 

"Don't you miss me?" You frown.

"Of course I do, baby. I've just been so unhappy with this new picture.. I haven't been able to concentrate on much else."

"What's wrong with it?"

"I'm singin every damn minute, I feel ridiculous." He sighs again, "the Colonel says he's gone try to negotiate and change the amount of songs I'm doin, but it doesn't seem promisin."

You can hear the unhappiness through the phone, "oh Elvis, I wish I was there to make it all better."

"I wish you were too kid, but you'll be here in a week's time."

You beam with delight, "Elvis?"

"Yes, little one."

"I've heard some stuff..about.. Well about a girl called Anita and well-"

He cuts you off, "now honey you better not be listenin to them damn tabloids! The only thing that should matter is my word. You know I'd never lie or hurt you. Right baby?"

"I-I know E, I just... well."

"I don't want to hear none of that" he picks up a harsher tone. "Accusin me of shit I ain't ever done." He mutters.

"I-I'm sorry, I just heard stuff and you hadn't called so I was getting anxious. And well I was worried you've found another broad."

"You're just tryna make me mad now aren't you? I've been too busy with the movie to even think bout other chicks, Y/N I love YOU!" His voice is bordering on aggression.

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