Chapter 21- Come Back Baby, I Wanna Play House With You

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Sorry for posting late!

The next morning you wriggle out of Elvis' arms, you do it delicately as possible so he doesn't notice you. You jump into the shower, still very much irritated about yesterday, and, if you could be honest with yourself, a little bit scared. You didn't know what your mother wants from you, you didn't understand why she is trying to contact you. You're worried about Elvis, more than anything. About his drug habit... about everything. You look at your body in the mirror, unhappy with the person looking back. You're tired, you're so tired. You feel like everything has happened too fast, like too much has happened too soon. You need a break, you NEED stability, at least for a little while. You creep back to your own bedroom, changing into a simple blue outfit. You walk downstairs, feed the dogs and make breakfast. You hear Elvis' footsteps as you fry the eggs. He's leaning against the doorframe, wearing just his underwear and a white shirt.

"Mornin" he says timidly.

"Sit down, food's nearly done" you say in a monotone voice. For once, Elvis doesn't protest, instead he sits down in the dining room quietly, not saying a word until you place his food down in front of him.

"My mum is trying to get ahold of me" you say calmly as you sit down next to him.

"Oh?" He says between chews.

"What do you think I should do?" you say as you cut your egg.

"Whatever feels right to you baby."

"What would you do?"

"Shoot your damn family in the head, but that's just me baby."

You snort, "yeah. Well.."

"In all seriousness, I think you should contact them... at least your siblins... it'll be good for ya."

"Yeah.. maybe I might."

You look up at him, "Elvis this has to stop, and until it does stop.." you hesitate, "I'm moving out."

"What baby, no. No please baby I promise it'll stop, just d-don't do that" he says, panicking slightly.

"I'll still see you everyday, I'll come over for dinner and lunch and be around all the time. But I can't... Live here until you get this under control."

He nods, "how am I 'upposed to do that?"

"Jerry's going to give me honest reports on how you're going. And until you're a month sober I'll come back."

"A MONTH?!" He says loudly.

You breathe in, "yes Elvis, a month."

"Y-you know I can't survive that long without you honey."

"You can and you will. Because we've done this before" you say firmly.

"Elvis I'm serious about this, you can't keep letting those leeches inject that... that SHIT into you." You take his hand, "please listen to me."

You kiss his cheek and whisper; "I know you can do it, baby. Have faith in yourself. Do it for me."

"I love you, Y/N."

"I love you too."

You take the two plates into the kitchen, you sigh, "now I need to go apologize to Polly and Cece for my.. Outburst yesterday. Can I take the pink cadillac?" You ask with puppy dog eyes.

"Why? They live just down the street" he wines.

"I wanna take them shopping" you bat your eyelashes and kisses you on the lips, squeezing your ass.

"You may have a pink Cadillac but don't you be nobody's fool" Elvis says before biting his lip. You groan at his kisses, "I have to go."

He kisses you one last time, "I'll be back for some clothes this afternoon."

He looks down, "alright. Bye Satnin."

"Bye Elvie."

His face turns cross, as you drive away you laugh, cranking the radio up. You listen to Elvis sing 'Heartbreak Hotel' as you pull out of Graceland's driveway. God, he really is everywhere.

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