Chapter 7- The Decision

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Hey guys! So before I start, this chapter might be a bit longer than usual just because I really wanted to add as much detail as possible. Anyways, enjoy!

"Elvis I told you, I can't break up with Danny yet, give me time. My parents... they wouldn't understand." You tell him as he caresses your cheek. He furrows his brow.

"Honey, we've been doing this for weeks now. I'm sick of sneakin around, we shouldn't be a damn secret!"

"You just don't understand, my parents want what's best for me, and they believe that that person is Danny! I promise I have a way of fixing this, just give me time. We'll be together soon enough!"

"But wouldn't they just want ya to be happy, I mean darl maybe if we show them how much we love each other..." He says as he stares at the ceiling.

"Elvis..." You put your hand on his bare shoulder, his skin was sweaty and hot. It has been a month since you had first spent the night together, and you both had been spending almost every night together since.

"I know, I know." He sighs and gets out of your pale bed.

"What are you doing?"

He walks over to your drawers, he looks amazing in his boxers.

"Gettin changed." He says as he puts his pants on.

"What? I thought you were going to spend the night and leave in the morning?"

He scoffs, "changed my mind."

You roll your eyes, "Elvis, I promise, we'll be together, I just need time."

"Yeah, okay." He buttons up his tan brown shirt and looks at you with a frustrated look in his eyes.

You stand next to him, the breeze from your window is cold on your bare skin,


"Stop." He says, refusing to look at you, you try to hug him and he pushes you away.

"Put your lil nightgown on and get to bed, kid."

"I'll- I'll see you tomorrow right, at the club?"

"Yeah, whatever." He says as he climbs out the window, you shut it behind him and sigh. You pick up your nightdress off the ground and put it back on. You jump back into your bed, trying not to think about the argument you and your sweetheart just had.

"Get up." You're awoken by your father opening your curtains, "you have a big day today, your first date with Danny that isn't chaperoned." 

You groan and roll onto your stomach, "do I have to?" You say with a muffled voice.

"Yes, I really don't understand why you don't like him. He's a good, grounded, respectful boy that can give you so much. If you're not up in twenty minutes, you'll be taken out of your bed by force." He says before slamming your bedroom door behind him.

You sit up in bed, thinking about Elvis, he just didn't understand. Your parents would disown you if they find out you love him, you knew you had to do something, you just didn't know what.

You change into a drab dark blue dress with matching heels, you couldn't be bothered to put on any makeup. You didn't care about what Danny thought of you, he was irrelevant to you.

You walk downstairs to your father reading the newspaper in his black leather armchair and your mother drinking her morning coffee while reading a lifestyle magazine.

You fold your arms, "when is he coming?"

"Any minute now." Your father says from behind the paper. You sit down on the couch next to your mother.

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