Chapter 13- Graceland

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"You ready?" Cece leans against your door frame as you fit the remaining clothes from your drawers into your bags.

"Nearly, is Polly?"

"Surprisingly, yes."

You chuckle, "okay, I'll be there in a minute." When she finally leaves you go over your bed and reach under your pillow, you feel around for the pale envelope. You sit on the bed and stare at it, unsure of what to do with it.

You had written it the previous night, knowing you're leaving the next day. You frown and zip it into the front pocket of your beige suitcase. You walk over to the mirror one last time, you smooth out your sage green polk-a-dot dress and sigh, you run your fingers through your hair trying your best to get it to cooperate. You take your bag to the hallway and put it down. Then you look at the house you've been living in for the past few months and you chuckle. You have fond memories of this simple little house, it was your first time living with people that weren't family and yet you feel like perhaps it was the only time you ever felt like you were truly a part of one.

"Taxi's here." Polly says from the front lawn, you pick up your luggage and join your two friends. The man from the car comes out and takes everyone's luggage to the trunk of the car. Before he has the chance to take yours you quickly unzip your bag and take the letter.

"What's that?" Cece questions.

"For mom."


Unlike Cece and Polly, your parents aren't coming to see you off. "Can we stop there, before we get to the airport? If we have time." You raise your head and look at Cece.

"Of course."

You all squish into the backseat of the car, Polly in the middle of course. Eventually you stop in front of your old house. Suddenly, everything becomes much more real. You remember everything, from the photographs following you around, to meeting Elvis for the first time. You knock on the door slightly and slide the letter under the freshly painted light blue door. You walk back to the car and stop, you take your last look at the house. You wipe your eyes and turn to the car. You watch the house become further and further away as you head to the airport.

"What was in the letter?" Polly whispers.

"Just telling them that I love them, where I'll be and that I'll miss them."

"Despite everything?" Cece asks.

You turn your head to her, "despite everything." You say in a soft voice. When you get to the airport, all three of you take your luggage and rush to your gate. Where Cece and Polly's parents are waiting.

You watch as they embrace and kiss them, you feel jealous. Cece and Polly have tears in their eyes, telling their parents to come visit and that they're welcome any time. You watch as Polly's mother hugs her and tells her how beautiful and how amazing she is. You observe Cece as her father tells her to come back with a nice boy. You chuckle at that. What you aren't expecting is both sets of parents coming to you and hugging you.

"Take care of Polly for us, okay dear?" Polly's mother whispers as she hugs you.

"I will, I promise." You reassure her.

When everyone says their goodbyes you all board the plane, you all wave at the families.

The plane ride was long and tiresome, but finally here you are, in Memphis. "Come on girls, we better hurry, we might miss Vernon." You tell, mostly to Polly, who is taking her sweet time.

EP had told you that his father will pick you and the girls up and drive you to Graceland. Your heart is beating harder than it ever has before, seeing Graceland. Seeing Elvis' home? You truly never thought it would get this serious, but here you are, in Memphis Tennessee, about to be a part of Elvis Presley's everyday life. And you couldn't be more thrilled.

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