Chapter 15- L.A. Part I

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Hi guys, first off I'm so sorry this is so late!!!! Life has been kind of awful lately so I haven't been able to write much. I've had this idea for a while and *hopefully* you guys will find it entertaining.These next few chapters will  be a bit shorter than usual just because I want this plot line to be spread out over multiple parts/chapters because I think it'd make for a more entertaining story.  I really appreciate votes, comments, really any form of recognition. Anyways, enjoy!!! 

"Are you nervous?" Polly asks.

"A little" You respond, as you look out the airplane window. This is the first time you've ever been to Los Angeles, and of course, you're scared shitless. You haven't seen Elvis in a month, and you have growing concern around his relationship with his co-star. Polly and Cece keep on reassuring you that it's not true and that Elvis would never betray you. But nonetheless you're still freaking out. Cece is still in Memphis, she is now living in a big house (bought by Elvis of course), with Polly. Polly wanted to come to L.A. because she also has never been, while Cece grew up there and can't stand it. You grew up in a small town near San Francisco, your parents never took you to Los Angeles, or San Francisco for that matter. They believed it'd make a bad impression on you.You often thought about your family, there were times that you missed them and thought about reaching out, but then you would remember how they hurt you. At times you'd think about contacting your siblings, maybe they'd understand? You never discussed these things with your man, you knew what he'd say; "you don't need them, I'm your family."

Eventually, you land, the airport is crowded with thousands of people of all different types of ethnicities and genders. The Californian heat is much hotter than Memphis, it took you quite a while to adjust.

"There's Joe" Polly pointed at the tall black haired man who is leaning against a pole sucking on a cigarette. You and Polly walk over, you sigh as she skips towards him. You had not only your bag, but hers as well. That minx!

"I thought Elvis was picking me up?"

"Hi to you too, Y/N" Joe says sarcastically as he takes the bags out of your hands, "EP's working a bit late. He'll be home in no time, don't worry." He continues.

The car ride is long and tiresome, you and Polly both rolled the windows as far down as possible because the air conditioning in Joe's car is broken. Eventually you all arrive at the infamous Bel-Air house. The house is mustard yellow and ginormous, Polly gasps.

"I prefer it to Graceland" she whispers as you both walk to the front door. You say nothing, your mood is sour, you're not sure if it's because of the unbearable humidity, or because Elvis wasn't here.

"When will Elvis be home?" You say, crossing your arms.

"Soon Y/N," Joe says with agitation in his voice. Polly put her hand on your shoulder, "Y/N, you heard Joe, he's working. Give him some time."

You frown, "where's my room?"

"Follow me" Joe took you up the stairs and past what looked like 10,000 bedrooms, eventually we got to the end of the hall.

"Here we are."

You give him a smile that says thank you, and close the door behind you, you lean against the door and slowly exhale and inhale. You put your bag down lightly on the bed, on Elvis' bedside table you see something that catches your eye. You walk over to it and clutch the pill bottle in your hand, in a rage, you rush to the bathroom and open the cap. You watch as the pills flushed away into the toilet. "He promised" you said a loud, tears stinging your eyes. You repeat the words multiple times between sobs. He promised you, he said he would stop, that he didn't need them anymore.

Why did he lie?

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