Chapter 10- Berlin

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Hey guys so before this starts. This chapter will be a bit shorter, just because I kind of want to stretch out the Berlin trip into two chapters. Anyways, enjoy!

Ring! Ring! Ring!

You're dazed and confused from your deep sleep the night before, you get out of your warm bed and stumble towards the hallway where the lime green telephone is ringing like mad.

"H-hello?" You say before yawning and rubbing your eyes.

"Hiya little one."

You smile at his voice, suddenly you aren't tired anymore. "I've just landed in Memphis,doll. Wanted to let you know."

You can hear clamoring and what sounds like the flashing of cameras going off around him, he's clearly fresh off the plane.

"How was your trip?" You ask him tentatively.

"Oh you know how it is with the fellas, just a whole lotta clownin around."

You giggle at this, "I'm going to Berlin today." you blurt out.


"Cece suggested it would be fun." You didn't mention it's also the only way you can watch his press conference.

"You better not be with no one else there. Remember Y/N, I'll know." He says seriously.

"I know Elvis, I love you."

"Shhh baby."

You both say your goodbyes and you hang up.

"Get that stupid grin off your face, you woke up the whole damn house!" You hear Polly yell from the living room.

You walk over to her, "I'm so sorry that me talking to the love of my life interrupted your sleep." you say playfully.

She groans before curling back up in her arm chair, "you're goddamn right it did."

Cece laughs so hard she rolls off the couch, "c'mon y'all I'll fix up breakfast." You say before helping Cece up.

"Careful, you're starting to sound like E." Cece says before rushing over to Polly to help comb her hair.

After you all get ready, you sit around the living room.

"When are we going?" Polly asks Cece.

"Soon, we're only going for the day and we'll leave the next mornin, so just bring one outfit for the drive home. No more than one Polly, I mean it, we're just staying for the night!"

Polly groans before walking off to her room, mumbling incoherently.

"How was Elvis?" Cece asks before sipping some black coffee.

"He sounded well, tired I think." You say smiling at your orange haired friend. 

"You think he misses you?"

You shrug your shoulders before walking to your room to pack. You take a simple lavender purple dress with lace trimming and some matching heels. You take all of your necessities and bring your suitcase to the living room, where you join Polly and Cece.

"Are we ready?" Cece asks you both, specifically Polly.

You both nod, excited to go on the road and have some fun.

You lug Cece and your own suitcase to the car, Cece opens the brown glossy trunk and you and Polly shove the big bags inside.

"Shotgun!" Polly says rushing to the front door. You roll your eyes and Cece chuckles, "what are you twelve?" you ask her.

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