Chapter 17- L.A. Part III

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You wake up to Elvis' strong arm wrapped around your waist, you smile to yourself as you listen to him softly snore into the satin pillowcase. His mouth is slightly open as he sleeps, he looks so peaceful, so beautiful. It's hard to believe that this is your life now, that everything is so... perfect. You kiss the tip of his nose and he scrunches it up.

"Sorry", you frown as his eyes flutter, "I didn't mean to wake you."

He strokes the side of your face, "that's alright baby."

The day was nice, he showed you off to the crew on set and he even introduced you to his co-star! The Los Angeles heat was too much for you to handle, so you left the set early and now you're sitting at the side of the pool drinking martinis with Polly.

"How was it?"


Polly faces you, she takes off her heart shaped glasses and raises an eyebrow, "how was... she?"

You sigh, you knew that at some point this would be brought up, you were hoping to avoid it as much as you can.

"His co-star was nice, she was shy and really tall. But kind."

"Was she beautiful?"


Polly cackled at that, she jumped into the pool head first, her blonde curls losing its shape.

"Come join me, Y/N!" Your friend calls out from the water. You shout your protests back, telling her you didn't want to ruin your hair. Polly rolled her eyes and got out of the pool, you knew what was going to happen next. You pleaded with her, but it was too late. She pushed you off the lounge chair and before you knew it you're drenched in the pool. With a splash Polly joined you, you spat out the water in your mouth and splashed her.


"Lighten up! C'mon now."

You both start fighting in the water like teenages, you felt four sets of eyes peering at you. You turn your head and Elvis has his skimpy white shorts on and his hands on his hips, Jerry Schillings is standing next to him, flashing bedroom eyes at Polly.

"Jerry what d'ya think? Should we join em in their little game?"

"Most definitely, E.P." 

All of a sudden Elvis dives into the pool and grabs your ankles, he goes under you and suddenly you are on his shoulders.

"Elvis Aaron Presley you put me down right now."

He laughs deviously, "if you say so honey" he leans backwards and you go flying off his shoulders and into Polly's chest. You run at Elvis, the swimming pool is turning into a battlefield, girls against boys! It was always like that with Elvis, there would always be some game he wanted to play with you, whether it was go-karts or wrestling. You began to realize Elvis is really just a ten year old boy wrapped up in a 23 year old's body. At times you were worried that one day he would wake up and get bored of you, sick of your body, sick of your voice. You try to savor every single moment you have with him, as if it was your last. After the game in the pool you all sit down for burgers, you sit right next to Elvis, he has his arm around you, so everyone knows you're his. He turns to you, with a full mouth of bread and patty and starts to chew aggressively, he then leans in for a kiss and you put your hand over his face and turn it away. Everyone at the table laughs at Elvis' childish demeanor and you do too. Elvis pinches you and motions you to look at Jerry and Polly, who are just across the table. You watch as Polly giggles and snickers over an anecdote Jerry is telling her.

"I didn't ask you to bring Polly for no reason" Elvis says in a whisper.

You gasp, "Elvis maybe you should give up your job as an actor and become a matchmaker."

He laughs, "how can I be a matchmaker if I don't even got a girl of my own" he winks.

You suck your teeth and pull his ear, Lamar Fike overhears the conversation, "ooo Elvis looks like you're in the doghouse tonight."

Everyone bursts out laughing, "c'mon now, we all know Y/N can't stay mad at me very long now can she?" He says nibbling your cheek.

You shoe him away, "do us all a favor Presley, be quiet."

Everyone ooo's at my daringness, he laughs at you. "I know you love me, little girl."


The night wore on, you, Polly and the guys stayed up all night playing poker and blackjack. Elvis, as per usual, won almost every round. At 3AM you and the Rock n Roll singer went to bed, as you're getting changed into your pajamas Elvis comes up behind you and squeezes your tummy, you squeal loudly. He holds you tightly and kisses your head 1,000 times.

"I love you, Y/N."

"I love you too."


Your heart stops, he only ever called his mum that, how have you earned this? How?

A tear rolls down your cheek, "no one else can compare to you, Satnin."

You sob, you turn your body to face him and kiss him deeply, he begins to sing softly,

"Hold me close, hold me tight, make me thrill with delight."

You're in bliss, in utter bliss. You're his Satntin.

"Let me know where I stand, from the start. I want you, I need you, I love you."

You sing along with him as you sway, "do you mean it Elvis?"

"What, baby?"


He cups your soft face with his hands, "you're the only woman that's ever came close to the love I got for my momma bless her soul. You're deservin of that title, Satnin."

You bury your face in his brown chest, you sob again, and he strokes your hair, continuing to sing. 

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