Chapter 14- The Chase

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Hey guys! So I just wanna start off by saying I'm so so so sorry I haven't posted recently, I've been so busy and haven't had time to write at all. I do wanna say though, this chapter is a bit shorter than usual which I know is annoying but I promise I will be getting back to my usual posting schedule asap and they will be longer. Just wanna say that there is a smut warning, so if you don't like that feel free to skip this chapter! Thank you guys so so so  much for reading, I appreciate everyone that votes, comments , saves or even just views it!

Four weeks later.

It's been nice, being with Elvis, you've been spending time with him every single minute of the day. You two have been inseparable for the past few weeks, but unfortunately Elvis is off to do another picture in Los Angeles. You begged him to take you with him, but he simply refused, telling you that it won't be long until you join him in LA. And so here you are, helping Elvis pack his bags.

You fold his clothes and place them neatly in his suitcase, he watches you as he buttons up his shirt.

"Baby I promise, this month will go so fast, before you know it you'll be with me in LA."

You look up at him with puppy dog eyes, "but I just don't want to be away from you, we've already lost so much time.."

He walks over to you and holds up your chin, "doll I'm gone miss you so much, but you know we'll be together soon. Don't get all sad on me." He says before kissing you tenderly, his hands reach around and squeeze your ass. You squeal and giggle, he kisses you again.

"When you're in LA best believe we won't be leavin that bedroom.." He whispers into your ear, his breath is hot and makes your heartbeat fast, he kisses you one more time before pulling away from the embrace.

"I'mma head downstairs baby, see if I can get some feed."

You nod and continue packing, you have never been to LA before and although Elvis was going to be gone for such a long time, you're excited to explore and see a whole new city. You're starting to get used to Graceland, slowly, slowly. Elvis hadn't been away before, so this will be your first time staying here without him. Well, you weren't all alone, Grandma Dodger is still here and Elvis is letting Cece and Polly stay so you won't get lonely. You love Graceland, but at times it feels like an enclosure, although you yourself isn't in the public eye, you have had trouble adjusting to Elvis' lifestyle.

"Honey!" He calls out from downstairs, you close the suitcase and zip it up, "coming!"

You bring it down stairs and leave it in the hallway, you join Elvis in the kitchen, he's eating his classic peanut butter and banana sandwich. He starts to chew with his mouth open ravenously, you giggle and swat his head, he laughs lightheartedly and pulls you into an embrace. You love moments like these, moments where he is happy and carefree. You cherish it while you can,

"I love you" you tell him before burrowing yourself into his chest, he gulps down his sandwich and kisses your forehead, "I love you more, baby."

"What are we doing tonight?" You ask as you look up from his chest, he gives you a naughty look.

"I was thinkin...maybe somethin to do with that thing between your legs." He says before giggling, you can't help but turn red, you push him away and start running, "you're gonna have to catch me first!"

You start running around the house, you can hear his booming footsteps as he chases you, he starts laughing and saying "come here you". You run into the garden, you have no shoes on, just your bare feet and the grass is all wet from the rain the night before but you don't care, you run as fast as you can, watching behind you as he chases you. You watch as he nearly runs into the garden chairs and you laugh so hard you fall to the ground.

"I've got you now!" He says before jumping on top of you, both of you begin to laugh so hard tears begin to well in your eyes. Elvis' shirt is now riddled with mud but he doesn't care, he kisses you lightly on the cheek.

"C'mon girl, enough of these games. Let's go shower." He takes your hand and winks, you both walk back into the house, tracking mud everywhere. You pass by Grandma Dodger who's knitting in the living room and chuckles at both of you.

"Oh Elvis, now who's gone clean this up?"

"Don't worry Dodger" He says before pointing to you, "she will." You shake your head in disbelief, "just kiddin around."

You both walk upstairs and you follow him into the shower, you strip off your dress and let your hair down. Elvis looks at you with longing eyes, "what?" You ask him.

"Nothin, sometimes I just forget how beautiful you are, Y/N." He comes over to you and kisses your neck, and you groan. You unbutton his shirt and then you unbuckle his belt. He pulls his gray pants down along with his underwear, and pulls you into the shower. He kisses you harder as the water gets your hair wet, it isn't the only thing that's getting wet. With one hand Elvis reaches inbetween your legs and puts two fingers inside your hole, your eyes roll back into your head as he works his way inside your pussy with his fingers. He bites your cheek as you moan his name. He pulls his fingers out and whispers into your ear, "beg for it." This was new.

He repeats himself, "beg for my dick." He wraps his hand around your neck as he kisses you slowly, "please Elvis, please enter me." You say between groans. You aren't sure why but you like it, you like, no LOVE this new side of Elvis. Before he was always so gentle, but now his dominance is electrifying. He picks you up and you wrap your legs around his chest, he backs you up against the wall and places his shaft inside of your pussy. He licks your nipples as he tells you to get ready for a pounding. You giggle nervously, excited and anxious to see what he's going to do next. Suddenly he spreads you out, he rolls his hips faster and faster, you scream loudly and he groans, you kiss him as he does it. You can hear your bodies slapping together as he speeds up, he whispers in your ear and says "I love you Y/N. You're mine, don't forget that. All mine."

You groan, you can feel yourself getting close to climax, "Elvis I think I'm gonna-."

He keeps on talking, "that's alright baby, let it out don't be shy. I love it when you cum all over my dick." He says again.

With his permission you do it, you release it all and you whimper loudly, he continues to fuck you, harder than before.

"Fuck!" He says, "you're so wet for me!" He says as he keeps on going, sucking on your neck and leaving marks all over it.

"I love it when you look like this baby, so raw, so vulnerable. So perfect." He says again, you're in ecstasy, his words are like music to your ears. He keeps on thrusting, faster and faster, you wail loudly, cursing loudly. Then suddenly his seed is released inside of you, you feel his warm essence seeping through you. You roll your eyes back and kiss Elvis. He pants loudly and sets you back down, he turns the shower off and chuckles, you snicker as well. You look down at your feet and realize you're still covered in mud, so is Elvis. He walks over to you and you look up at him, "well Y/N, I guess we better take another shower."

"Yeah, maybe we should." You say before he kisses you wildly. 

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