Chapter 19- L.A. The Final Part

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Just want to put a warning there is A LOT of smut in this chapter, so if you don't like that skip to the end or read the next chapter! Also, I'm open to ideas for separate fan fics so pls pls dm me if u want me to write anything. Enjoy tehe. 

He savagely kisses your neck and grinds against your body, you groan his name.

"I need you, Y/N. You got no idea."

He rips your shirt off of your chest, exposing your pale yellow lace bra. His eyes are full of lust and love. He nestles his head between your breasts and leaves kisses and love bites all over them.

"Elvis..please" you moan into his ear and he growls.

"What do you need, baby? My dick?"

Butterflies fly in your stomach and you nod and bat your long eyelashes. He bites his lip and hastily pulls his pants off, your skin heats up at the sight of his bulge. He laughs at your embarrassment. The former soldier climbs on top of you and thrusts against you. You can feel his hard cock beating against your pearl.

"You're so needy" he whispers to you.

"Please, please Elvis" you beg.

"You made a fool outta me this mornin, you know that Y/N?"

You squeal from under him, his hips roll slower, he tortures you with every thrust. The fact he isn't inside you frustrates you and you attempt to reach for his cock but he pulls your hand away with his strong grip.

"I should really punish you for that little stunt you pulled. But I think we might save that for when we get back home. Don't you think, honey?" He says with an evil grin.

"Maybe..when we're back, I'll lay you against my knee and..."

Suddenly he flips you over and SMACK! You moan loudly.


He pushes you onto the pillow and with a grunt he rips off your matching panty's.

"Condom or no condom?"

"None" you say with a grin.

"Dirty girl."

He lines himself up with you and with a grunt his dick disappears into your body. He pounds you hard, you scream as loud as you can, knowing it'll just make him harder. His hips strike you so hard you start to sweat. This side of Elvis is... thrilling. You never knew you would like being treated like this until now. You need more of this side of him. He goes at a brutal pace and says your name.

"Gah damn baby, you got no idea what you do to me" he says in his husky deep voice. He is hungry for you, "you're so wet, it's addictive.."

He wipes the sweat off of his forehead and he slows his pace to a more sensual way. You hold back your moans as he hits your g-spot.

"E-E-Elvis I-I'm g-gonna.." Before you can utter the next word a pool of wetness splatters onto your man's length, "o-oh f-fuck."

"Baby t-that's so f-fuckin hot.."

He pulls out suddenly, "open your m-mouth."

You open it immediately and with a tremble he cums into your mouth. You swallow it obediently and he gives you an approving look.

Later On

You and Elvis lie in bed, the day was nice, you went out with the gang and they showed you around L.A. and the various sights. You're sad to know you're leaving tomorrow, but excited to go back home. You miss Graceland. You look over at The King, and he's fully engrossed in his book that is about God knows what. His blue eyes look back at you.

"Baby... I wasn't too much.. Was I?" He has a guilty expression on his face, his hand reaches for yours and you hold it.

"What do you mean, Elvie?" You say with a cheeky grin.

"Don't call me that shit.. But what I mean is when we were..earlier. Was me bein like that.. Too much for ya?"

"No, no of course not! I loved it, actually."

He sighs a sigh of relief, "okay good because you know... I'd never do nothin to make you uncomfortable, doll."

"I know E, I love you."

"I love you too baby"

You reach over for a cuddle and he embraces you, "if you ever call me Elvie again I'll kill you, and I mean that." He says before smacking your ass. You giggle at the notion and plant kisses all over his perfect nose.

"You're such a sweetheart, Mr. Presley."

"Only for my best girl."

He bites your cheek and pulls you under the covers and you both fall asleep in each other's arms. If perfection is real this would definitely be it.

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