Chapter 3- Something Different

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The next morning you get up from your tear stained pillow, you stumble to the bathroom and look at yourself in the mirror, disgusted with the face that looks back at you. You have mascara and eyeliner smudged all over your face. Your face is all puffy and red, you jump into the shower. As the water hits you, you replay all of last night, your feelings go from love to anger in a matter of seconds. You think of the magical kiss you shared with Elvis and then you think of the moments that came after. You fixate on those moments, why did he have to say something like that? Maybe you were overreacting, no you tell yourself, don't second guess yourself. You had every right to react the way you did.

After you finish your shower you put on a black babydoll dress with glossy black pumps, and you come down the stairs slowly.

"Morning Y/N." Your mother says from the living room. You walk into the living room and see your father holding Pride and Prejudice.

You stop in your tracks, he looks furious, "did you really think we wouldn't find out?"

"Give it back!" You felt as if your head was about to explode, I mean Elvis and now this?!

"You had no right to go through my room!" You shout reaching for the book.

"This is my house isn't it?! You're my daughter aren't you?!" Your dad shouts back.

Your mother has a worried expression on her face, "now Y/D/N, how about we calm down. Let's talk about this civilly."

"No, Y/M/N, I will not. I've had enough of this intolerable behavior from this girl! You outright defied me child!" He says inching towards you. Usually you'd apologize profusely and surrender, but no this time you'll not give up that easily.

"Oh please! I defied you once. Once! The rest of those times I've been the perfect little girl, I'm sick of it, I'm sick of both of you!"

"That's one too many times, child!" He screams back.

You turn away, trying to get the door, your dad pulls your hair back and turns you around, and he slaps you across the face, you fall to the ground stunned. Your mother bursts into tears,

"Now look at what you've done!" He says in an accusatory tone. You stood up and ran out the front door desperate to get out of that situation.

He hadn't hit you like that since you were fifteen and you were caught talking to a boy outside your high school. You ran down the street, aching to go as far as you can. You knew your father would soon come looking for you, and you knew the first place he'd look would be the library, you didn't dare go that way. Instead, you head toward the river Rhine. When you get to the Rhine you sit on the short grass and bury your face in your knees, you sob quietly. You sit there for an hour sobbing and wishing you were dead.

"Y/N?" You hear a voice from behind you, you turn around and see Elvis, he approaches you and sits next to you. He holds you and doesn't say a word, he just lets you cry.

"Is this about last nigh-?" He starts.

"No." You say wiping your eyes, you didn't want to tell him what had happened, you just wanted him to hold you. You were still so angry with him, but you're tired of being angry. Once you calm down you ask him quietly, "why did you say what you said last night?"

"So you are blue bout that?" He asked.

"Among other things. Please just tell me why" You say, you were tired of these games. You were tired of everything.

'Look baby, I didn't mean it in the way you thought I did. I was just bein playful, I ain't never wanted you to take it personal."

Well, it hurt me." You say, you can feel his eyes watching you. You were too scared to turn your head and face him. You knew you'd melt, so instead you kept your eyes on the river.

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