Chapter 16- L.A. Part II

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You ended up locking yourself in your room all day, you sobbed your eyes out, trying to come up with the best way to bring up Elvis' betrayal. Weeks before Elvis had left he promised you he would stop with the sleeping and diet pills. You believed him. And yet? Here we are.

You hear the echo of the thick front door close, your ears prick up as you hear the Memphis Mafia clowning around, you wait for Elvis' booming voice.

"Where's my baby?" He calls out in a sing-songy voice, he is in a good mood. You hear Polly whisper shout from downstairs, "she's in the bedroom, she locked herself in there all day!" You hear her say in a worried tone.

"Aw heck" you hear Elvis say before he rushes up the stairs. He knocks on the door lightly,

"Y/N open the door, please baby?"

You say nothing, hoping he'd go away.

He knocks again, "Y/N please, doll. We can talk bout this!" He says pleadingly.

"There's nothing to talk about, Elvis. You lied to me." You croak.

He pulls the door handle, trying to wiggle it open.

"Please honey, I missed you so much, right now all I wanna do is give my girl a big kiss. Can I do that?"


You hear a frustrated grunt, his feet stamp back downstairs. You hear him muttering down the hallway, you roll your eyes. He has no right to be mad, you think to yourself. Soon enough, Polly persuades you to leave the bedroom, you do so reluctantly. You greet the gang in the den as they sip on their beers and sodas. Elvis is sitting by the piano, joking around with Red West. You wave at him lightly but he looks away. You feel embarrassed by the interaction and a bit irritated.

The whole group seems to sense the tension between the two of you.

"Hey guys," Charlie Hodge starts, "why don't we get to work on the garden outside?" The group is only five or six guys but they all agreed in unison, including Polly, who hates anything to do with getting your hands dirty. They rushed out of the french doors and into the property's green lush gardens. Elvis gets up immediately and walks over to you, although you're as angry as a lush gardens. Elvis gets up immediately and walks over to you, although you're as angry as a bull that's seeing red, you can't help but think about how beautiful he looks. His greasy black hair flopped around on his head as he moves towards you and his gleaming blue eyes made you want to run away and hide. He reaches for your hands, "honey, I missed you."

You pull away immediately, "the pills, Elvis."

He sighs, "what d'ya want me to say now Y/N? They help me sleep!"

"Elvis, we agreed you'd stop! They're no good!" You plead.

"But the Colonel-"

"No Elvis! I don't give a damn what the Colonel thinks, you drop this pills nonsense right now or else I'll drop you!"

He looks hurt, "n-now Y-Y/N."

"No buts, Elvis. It's not good for you." Your voice grows softer at his puppy dog expression. He pulls you into an embrace, "okay baby, I'll try."

"Thank you." You half believe him, you're surprised the argument didn't take longer, there has been instances where the pills argument has caused you both not to speak for days on end. Eventually one or the other folds and rushes back to the other, apologizing profusely. But this time you've made the decision that it'll be different. That if you catch him with pills at all in L.A or just in the future in general, it's over. You made that vow as you heard his heartbeat against your ear. 

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