Down or up?

917 34 15

TW: Swearing

When one falls, the only way to go is down or up.

Depending on the situation, most people go up till they reach the top and never look back.

When you can't go up, you just have to fall and you keep falling until you reach the bottom then, and only then will it all end.

Tommy was feeling like he can't go up. Dragging himself back down while he was in the damned house surrounded by broken memories and lost childhood.
Yet he tries, he tries to climb up. To concur with the problem and laugh at it because he beat it. He pushes these thoughts away for now, right now, he was Tommyinnit. Right now, he was an annoying yet kind teen with a sort of normal life.

"-ommy? Tommy? Hello! Earth to Tommy?" He snapped out of his thoughts and looked to where the voice was "Huh? Sorry, what?" He questioned, gripping his bag tight in hopes that he would remember what his short brunette friend just said. "I asked if you could come over to my house for a sleepover, We can do the science project at my house while we're at it."

"Sure, Ranboob you comin' too innit?" Tommy grinned like an idiot, knowing the nickname he had just said would piss off his tall, enderman-like friend.

"Tommy! I told you not to call me that! And yes, I'm coming, Can't leave you two alone with very dangerous science stuff. That's just irresponsible." Ranboo spoke with full determination to not wreck Tubbo's house. "Fuck you! I can call you whatever I want dickhead!" The mischievous blonde then continued to insult and swear at the poor heterochromatic boy. That was all that happened on his way to school, the usual playful banter between Tommy and Ranboo with Tubbo butting into the conversation from time to time, mostly talking about bombs and nukes for some reason.

While navigating the chaotic halls filled to the brim with different students, Tommy was ecstatic to see Mr. Awe, or as his students call him "Sam" unless they were around other teachers and parents. Sam was Tommy's father figure in his eyes and Sam felt like Tommy was his kid, they made that a fact when they talked to each other every day after classes had ended. "Mornin' sam! How is my favorite teacher ever? Just kidding, I don't have a favorite teacher" Tommy dropped his bag on his usual spot in front of the class by Sam's desk and then sat down, after all, he had a few minutes to kill before class was gonna start so why not socialize with his father figure?

"Hey Tommy, nice to see you in a good mood today, I'd also like to talk to you after class" Tommy appreciated the fact Sam was always looking out for him but the last part the green-haired male said made Tommy slightly scared.. just a bit! Cause he's a big man!
"You're not in trouble, I just wanna talk about something" It seemed Sam noticed the tension between him and Tommy, trying to ease it with assurance. The blonde only smiled and then nodded in response, with that, the bell rang and class now started.

True to his word, Tommy stayed behind, the rest of the students already knew that Tommy and Sam were gonna have a chat like usual so they paid no mind, Tubbo and Ranboo who also apparently was there with him to his delight waved but not before Tubbo reminded Tommy about the History exam later in the day.

"See ya bossman! History exam later after lunch by the way! Don't forget it!" He then proceeded to salute, grabbing ranboo by the arm and leaving for their next class. The two now were finally alone, the tension in the air that someone could cut through with a knife and the worried glances Tommy gave to Sam "I wanted to talk to you about your writing skills, it's amazing, I've never seen someone as talented as you are.

As the head of the literary circle-"

"The literary circle?! What.." Tommy muttered in disbelief, The literary circle was a club for literature yet can only join if you were handpicked by the teachers, it was a big deal seeing as they only take the best of the best. The ones who were gifted in their creativeness, not even Tommy's brothers who were skilled in literature were able to get in the circle so being told that whatever the "talk" was had to do with the circle, he'd be nervous.

"Yes, the literary circle." Sam watched Tommy stare into space with amusement, it was like all the other club members when they first joined. "The literary circle asks you if you want to join, of course, you can say no if you don't want to just keep quiet that you were picked for the circle"

Tommy didn't know what to do.
He was panicking, well- internally, Sam shouldn't see him struggle to figure out if he wanted in or not.

The literary circle is a good opportunity to finally find an escape from the shit life he has at home, he can write freely without anyone pulling him down.

Say, Tommy was still falling and he chose to go up. "I accept to join the literary circle." He watched Sam's eyes spark to joy then without a thought, hugged the blonde as tight as he can manage. Surprised by the gesture, Tommy hugged back.

The two said Goodbye's and Tommy rushed to his next class, even though he was late, he had a reason to be late.

He was falling, falling, and breaking slowly as time passed.

He was given a choice while falling, and he chose up.

He hoped that he will keep going up, never looking down or slipping one bit.

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