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TW: Betrayal (Still don't know if it counts as tw)

"Ranboo, do you think something's up with Tommy?" Tubbo broke the silence that rang whilst the duo walked back home.

Ranboo stopped walking "Now that you mention it, yeah I guess there is" The taller continued walking, catching up to the small brunet "Like, he's been avoiding us. I tried to talk to him in the library, he left before I could reach him"

They both stop at Tubbo's house. Taking a glance at Tommy's house across the street. "Do we confront him with this? We made a promise to never leave each other's side right?" Ranboo only nodded to both of Tubbo's questions "Yeah, let's do it tomorrow"

Tommy was not happy.

Of course he wasn't, Tubbo and Ranboo just sent him a text message saying to meet up at the bench tomorrow. His old friends finally decided to talk to him again.

He was having a great day so far too.

Oh but the world wouldn't let that happen would it?

So here he was, the next day, after sulking in his room, totally ready to meet with his 'friends'.

He wore a simple white shirt with a classic dark brown sweater vest, brown trousers and brown loafers. He was in the mood for it.

Luckily he avoided Wilbur and made it to the door without the tall brunet noticing.

He reached "the bench" with an hour to spare. Tubbo and Ranboo though were nowhere to be found still. "I'll just grab a coffee then head back" The young blond spoke to his bird friend who was comfortable nestled in his curly locks.

Chat cawed tiredly and Tommy gave a light chuckle, he realized why his mum adored the bird so much.

A few more minutes passed and Tommy had gotten back to the bench with a coffee in hand. He sat there patiently waiting for the excuse the two would bring when they'd get there. He checked his watch once more and shook his head. 5 minutes late.

He would've left until two figures appeared just barely in his vision. A tall one and a short one.

"Tommy!" Tubbo had tripped towards the blond, thankfully Tommy had avoided a mess on his perfectly good outfit and stepped to the side.

"What's going on?" Straight to the point. Ranboo both admired and hated that about the young Craft.

"Well uhm- we-" Ranboo started, getting cut off by the short brunet.

"Why aren't you hanging out with us anymore?" It was impulsive, Tubbo knew that. He did desperately want an answer though so it's reasonable.

Silence. Absolute silence.

No word was exchanged between the broken trio after the question.

"Well? We want an answer Tommy. We made a promise to stick with each other till the end. What happened to that?" Tubbo was confused. Tommy was even the one who made that promise. He initiated it yet here he was, breaking it.

Tommy took a sip and finished his drink. He set the cup down and gave a bitter laugh directed at the duo he faced.

"What happened to the promise? Oh Yeah! What did happen to that promise? I don't know Tubbo, maybe, you two ignored me and chose to forget of my very existence" He spoke harshly. It was a very quick change of personality, what happened to the teen?

"You two. Beeduo. You were so tightly packed together in your other world with your other friends that you've forgotten to ask: Hey, where's Tommy?" Chat decided it wasn't a good idea to stay on the teen's head and instead perched on his shoulder.

"I don't care if you make other friends, I was happy for you! Happy that you didn't just have to always deal with me! Happy that you had someone else who'd look after you! I just didn't want our friendship to end because you didn't decide to give equal attention to me and to them" He glared at the duo, his hand in a fist. His head filled with thoughts of their betrayal.

"Yet. You two have the audacity to ask me: Why'd you leave us Tommy? Why aren't you with us anymore? It was because you two never asked me to be with you! You casted me aside when you met them. I don't have anything to be mad at with them but you two I have a lot of things to be mad about" He pointed a finger accusingly at them.

"We've invited you so many times to join us Tommy! What do you even mean we've left you?" A dark and gloomy laugh rang through the area. The bench was no more theirs. It was a landmark of the broken trio that was once prosperous and happy.

"Oh enlighten me Tubbo, when was the last time you asked me to hang out?" The blond waited patiently for the stupid excuse they'd try to make.

"Well we invited you to join us when we last sat at the bench. Y'know while you were doing your homework?" Ranboo tried. He really did. It just was a bad situation that they can't find a good answer to.

"That was weeks ago. You never invited me to the other events you had with them. You two denied the offer every time I asked if we could hang out! Our friendship was about to run dry"

Tubbo had enough "You are really that clingy aren't you?" The world felt like it stopped after the short brunet had uttered those words.

"You don't want us to have any other friends because you just want us to give you our undivided attention. You say you would be fine with that but no. We've finally found others! You are just too selfish to share us with anyone else! Because that's what you are. You're a Craft" Tubbo took a breath, then continued.

"You're selfish, you're cocky, you're dramatic, you're annoying and thinks too highly of himself. Hmm, this sounds familiar! Oh wait. You said this exact words about your family 7 years ago. When we were 10 and you had a big fight with them."

Tommy couldn't believe what he'd heard from his former best friend for years.

The teen wasn't having it, he quickly dusted himself off, threw the finished coffee into the bin and simply walked away.

He ignored the shouts of the duo. He simply walked away and never looked back once.

There were many misunderstandings that can happen in life. But this one, Tommy knew, he was never gonna get back from. This minuscule problem that ruined a long running friendship.

Misunderstandings can either mend a relationship of fully destroy it to the point of no return. That was what Tommy believed.

It's happened before, it happened now, and he didn't doubt it'll happen again.

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